[HN Gopher] Archive (2024-04-11) - Page 1
 (DIR) Show HN: I made a new sensor out of 3D printer filament for my PhD
       486 points by 00702 (96 comments)
 (DIR) Using ClickHouse to scale an events engine
       116 points by wyndham (47 comments)
 (DIR) Quantum Algorithms for Lattice Problems
       80 points by trotro (27 comments)
 (DIR) The simple beauty of XOR floating point compression
       111 points by cwinter (31 comments)
 (DIR) Vortex: OpenCL compatible RISC-V GPGPU
       96 points by hasheddan (26 comments)
 (DIR) Stanley Kubrick did it his way
       81 points by prismatic (47 comments)
 (DIR) Stacking triangles for fun and profit
       146 points by olooney (53 comments)
 (DIR) First languages of North America traced back to two groups from ...
       82 points by bikenaga (35 comments)
 (DIR) Boy photographer seeks danger as others flee (1968)
       79 points by senorqa (6 comments)
 (DIR) Etleap (YC W13) is hiring an account executive in San Francisco
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) I discovered a critical exploit in ZeroMQ with mostly pure luck
       115 points by fangpenlin (34 comments)
 (DIR) U.S. imposes first-ever national drinking water limits on PFAS
       255 points by geox (237 comments)
 (DIR) Mental health in software engineering
       193 points by cmpit (248 comments)
 (DIR) The UX of UUIDs
       92 points by jlaneve (106 comments)
 (DIR) MySQL-Manage Memory Usage Efficiently
       9 points by sjtly16 (4 comments)
 (DIR) Apple alerts users in 92 nations to mercenary spyware attacks
       343 points by alwillis (215 comments)
 (DIR) Roll-to-roll fabricated perovskite solar cells under ambient roo...
       129 points by gnabgib (85 comments)
 (DIR) ESA satellites to test razor-sharp formation flying
       132 points by rbanffy (47 comments)
 (DIR) McCarthy's Ambiguous Operator (2005)
       13 points by Tomte (6 comments)
 (DIR) Textual Healing: iOS Text Editing Minutiae
       35 points by interpol_p (4 comments)
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