[HN Gopher] AzerothCore: Self-Hosted World of Warcraft 3.3.5a Se...
       AzerothCore: Self-Hosted World of Warcraft 3.3.5a Server
       Author : hugodutka
       Score  : 118 points
       Date   : 2024-04-10 11:39 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | sshagent wrote:
       | I've hosted this software server (with and without mods) for
       | friends and family a few times. Its pretty solid and the mods
       | help bring additional fun or to fill in the gaps of low
       | population. If you love WotLK, i'd recommend it.
         | skerit wrote:
         | It looks very interesting. What's the default content like?
         | Looking at the SQL in the repository, doesn't seem like there's
         | _that_ much quests provided?
           | sebstefan wrote:
           | Normally everything is there, the game's quests have been
           | datamined a long time ago
           | The question is more what's bugged and what's not
             | mikedelago wrote:
             | For what it's worth, most of the quests work fine. There's
             | a _few_ that have issues, but the vast majority work just
             | like they did in 2010.
             | The largest issue I can think of that actually impacts
             | overall gameplay is the thread system [0]. It definitely
             | works, but currently threat at times isn't given or reduced
             | in the correct amounts. The most common way this manifests
             | is Growl from Hunter pets not properly taking aggression
             | away
             | [0] - https://github.com/azerothcore/azerothcore-
             | wotlk/issues/5985
           | nik736 wrote:
           | I am not sure about AzerothCore, but back then with Antrix
           | and Ascent the Database was always provided separately, while
           | the emulator only offered the schema.
           | mikedelago wrote:
           | The repo represents a "BlizzLike" server in its' entirety.
           | The 640MB of SQL actually does contain all of the quests for
           | WoW 3.3.5a.
           | A sibling commenter quipped about which quests are bugged and
           | which aren't, but the reality of it is that the vast majority
           | of quests work perfectly fine, including the quests that are
           | heavily scripted (such as the Battle for the Undercity)
           | sshagent wrote:
           | Its blizz like. Last time i played was only some of the weird
           | raid quests that we're a little iffy. But you could easily
           | load this up and not notice it wasn't blizzard hosted (except
           | on one about!)
       | vsnf wrote:
       | > MaNGOS
       | I feel like MaNGOS never really got good enough, and instead all
       | the solutions in use branched off it. At least, MaNGOS certainly
       | had a reputation for being janky and inaccurate 15 years ago
       | Valkryst wrote:
       | I'm glad to see that the community is still going strong. I spent
       | a lot of time working on private servers in the past, primarily
       | on TrinityCore with a few modifications to add support for Lua
       | and misc. features.
       | Hopefully this project continues and adds support/tools for
       | easier content creation and better documentation/customization
       | than we've seen in the past.
       | sebstefan wrote:
       | How does it compare to CMangos?
       | https://github.com/cmangos/mangos-wotlk
         | mikedelago wrote:
         | I'm not too familiar with CMaNGOS, but my understanding is that
         | the original MaNGOS is the ancestor of AzerothCore (as well as
         | most other C++ WoW emulators).
         | The primary differences that come to mind between CMaNGOS and
         | AC are AC's larger and more active community, AC's module
         | system, and CMaNGOS has a relatively good bot (as in, non-human
         | players) system [0].
         | As an aside, AC does have a playerbots module [1], but my
         | understanding is that it doesn't have the same polish as
         | CMaNGOS's. It's also distributed as a patch to the upstream AC
         | repo instead of a standard AC module, so that can be a pain for
         | some as well.
         | [0] - https://github.com/celguar/mangosbot-bots [1] -
         | https://github.com/liyunfan1223/mod-playerbots
       | ramesh31 wrote:
       | I remember those glory days of Nostalrius before Classic was
       | released so fondly. It was the first time I'd gotten that
       | community feeling in a game again since the early 2000s. The
       | state of multiplayer gaming in general is so toxic and horrid
       | today that I don't bother. But they really had something right in
       | that Vanilla WoW/Everquest/FFXI era. No dungeon finders, no
       | flying mounts, no instanced PVP. Just people figuring things out
       | together and being forced to cooperate.
         | jwells89 wrote:
         | I think that an underrated element in the success of early WoW
         | is how it's not all that complicated or technical and generally
         | didn't take itself that seriously (if even if some players
         | did).
         | Modern MMOs are almost the exact opposite, especially in raids
         | where insanely complex encounter design has become the norm.
         | That's great for the handful of people who enjoy that but not
         | so great for the wider playerbase. Old WoW worked because it
         | was playable for an absurdly wide audience -- back in TBC I
         | regularly ran into everybody from teenagers to age 70+ retirees
         | and other demographics that sit solidly outside the usual gamer
         | crowd.
           | netbioserror wrote:
           | The tradeoff has been in time investment. It takes very
           | little time to get the gear and materials needed to start
           | working on Mythic Dragonflight raids, while Heroic and Normal
           | can get started even faster and are actually quite easy by
           | comparison. Meanwhile in Classic, the skill ceiling is low
           | but the time investment is through the roof. My first time in
           | Classic was SoD and just leveling to 25 was damned
           | exhausting. I can't imagine going to 60, and I can't imagine
           | the materials and money I'd need to seriously consider
           | raiding.
             | jwells89 wrote:
             | The thing about Classic is that it doesn't work well if one
             | is trying to race to cap and raid readiness. Leveling and
             | gearing up is as much "the real game" as endgame raiding
             | is. As such, it works a lot better when played at a relaxed
             | pace with less of a focus on the destination, as the
             | majority of players did back in 2004-2010.
               | bombcar wrote:
               | That's the biggest difference - I played classic and
               | there were entire guilds (including mine) who never even
               | bothered thinking of trying to do an actual raid. We had
               | a few raiders but they were independently contracting
               | with bigger guilds as subs.
               | And we were totally fine with it.
       | mikedelago wrote:
       | Hey, I'm on the contributor team for AzerothCore, mainly focusing
       | on maintaining the docker images and linux build CI! Cool to see
       | it here.
       | AzerothCore's "killer feature" is that it has a module system,
       | where the game server can use C++ code to hook onto events. It's
       | pretty slick and works quite nicely.
       | One of the things I've been interested in working on is setting
       | up dynamic linking for the modules so it's easier to just
       | download the compiled module and run it with the server instead
       | of compiling the server with the module. The biggest problem I've
       | run into with my implementation for that is the .so for each
       | module ends up being on the scale of hundreds of megabytes, which
       | seems incorrect.
         | Sakos wrote:
         | Man, this project looks great.
         | https://www.azerothcore.org/catalogue.html#/details/64692616...
         | This especially sounds amazing and I know what I'll be doing
         | this weekend.
         | How difficult is it to start contributing to AC?
           | mikedelago wrote:
           | It can depend - some things, like content related issues may
           | require triaging which can take some time to do.
           | Testing PR's and confirming that the behavior is correct is
           | actually one of the best things people can do to help -
           | that's something we're always short on.
           | For most of the code, as long as you can justify the change,
           | it makes sense, and it's in line with the style standard,
           | it'll probably not be an issue
         | lairv wrote:
         | I can't wrap my head on own hard it is to make such a project,
         | what's your view from the inside, is it a massive thing ? In
         | term of complexity, lines of codes, people involved, etc.
         | Rexxar wrote:
         | Do you know if it would be possible to create a new client and
         | create something completely different than wow or is it
         | fundamentally tied to wow gameplay ?
           | bschmidt1 wrote:
           | Why so you can change the timeline and seize the crown from
           | Thrall when he invited you to join him in Durotar and you
           | declined? Because you have my axe if you do - the Horde
           | should have stuck to its wild roots!
       | dylanzhangdev wrote:
       | I have downloaded and played with this on my computer many times
       | and am very grateful to the great open source community for such
       | a great product. There will be a period of time every year or two
       | that I really want to play, and then I will get bored after
       | playing for a while (the most likely reason is the lack of
       | interaction with friends in the single-player mode). This is my
       | reason. They support writing some scripts in Lua, which is
       | interesting.
       | wkat4242 wrote:
       | Nice! So this is WotLK? I'll try it out. I left WoW around
       | Cata/Pandaria. Especially the panda thing I found stupid. It was
       | so childish Kung Fu Panda style.
       | Would be nice to go back and visit some of the forbidden areas
       | like gamemaster island and the hidden area under ironforge
         | bombcar wrote:
         | I didn't mind the pandas as much as the continued ... wotlking
         | of the world.
         | It was all better when there wasn't as much of an overarching
         | story that they really felt they had to force you into.
         | And dailies. Fuck dailies. I already have a job.
           | polski-g wrote:
           | We call them wizard chores.
             | bombcar wrote:
             | I understand every single step in the progression to them,
             | and I still hate it. Literally drove me away from the game,
             | barely ever to return.
       | jwells89 wrote:
       | While the most common uses of cores like this is to spin up
       | "blizzlike" servers or "funservers" that use the original content
       | but with boosted XP, loot, etc multipliers, to me what makes them
       | interesting is when combined with client modding, the possibility
       | of custom content -- new zones, quests, loot, races, classes, and
       | with some ingenuity even new systems.
       | They're good foundations to build on. One would be hard-pressed
       | to find an MMO client+server that's as polished and complete.
       | The legal risks involved make it too risky for anybody within
       | Blizzard's reach to do anything but private tinkering with,
       | unfortunately. It makes me wish for legislation that makes non-
       | commercial game modding and reverse engineering strictly legal.
         | xandrius wrote:
         | I agree but I do think copyright should apply here, so it
         | should be open but in 20+ years, since the company is still
         | active and making quite a bit of money off it.
         | JohnMakin wrote:
         | There are very vibrant, massive population private servers for-
         | profit out there that have been around forever and seem to be
         | doing just fine - see the Warmane project.
         | w-ll wrote:
         | I learned so much C# eary modding
         | https://github.com/runuo/runuo an open Ultima Online server.
       | mise_en_place wrote:
       | I wonder if you can use the WoTLK Classic client to connect to
       | this. IIRC there was a project to proxy WoW Classic client
       | connections to server emulators like these.
         | jwells89 wrote:
         | It might prove more challenging than one might expect, because
         | the Classic clients are actually modern WoW clients patched to
         | behave like the originals. Blizzard apparently evaluated using
         | the original clients, but found that differences in server
         | architecture and lack of security patches made that
         | impractical.
       | SpaceManNabs wrote:
       | I thought this was illegal? I tried using a private server Summer
       | 2012 and it was shutdown by the end of the summer.
       | doctorpangloss wrote:
       | The light path is authoring AzerothCore.
       | The dark path is fundraising from that audience of male 30-45
       | year olds with massive disposable incomes to make your own game.
       | prerok wrote:
       | Sorry if this is a stupid question but I cannot really understand
       | how it works. I get that this is a server and you can connect to
       | it with a client... but what client can connect to it and speaks
       | the same protocol?
       | You still need to have the WoW client installed, right?
         | kemayo wrote:
         | Yeah, specifically you need to find a copy of the WoW client
         | waaaaay back at version 3.3.5a and then tweak it slightly so
         | that it connects to your custom server instead.
         | https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/client-setup
           | prerok wrote:
           | Got it. Thank you!
       | spxneo wrote:
       | is there something of AzerothCore calibre but not C based
       | languages? something like Python or Javascript that can perform
       | like it.
         | TylerE wrote:
         | That's literally impossible as they (especially python) is a
         | fundamentally much less performant language. It's like
         | expecting a clapped out rental car to beat an F1 car in a race.
         | This is a multithreaded server supporting dozens to hundreds of
         | players simultaneously. All the game logic runs server side
         | (else the players cheat).
           | whartung wrote:
           | But why is this so performance bound, particularly for just a
           | couple of users?
           | I mean, sure, if you're hosting 1000 of your closest friends,
           | I can see the potential issues. But for you, and a small
           | party, it shouldn't be that awful.
           | Large groups, close together, are the largest load factor on
           | a server like this because of the explosion of interrelated
           | event broadcasting. "Oops, Lulzmage just cast Blizzard on a
           | pack of 10 toons in the midst of a two 40 man raids attacking
           | Orgrimmar." WoW has never handled them well, and it's
           | fundamentally why they rarely do "world events" anymore, even
           | with the modern sharding tech.
           | But a hundred folks across Kalimdor killing boars one on one,
           | eh, not that big a deal.
             | jwells89 wrote:
             | All this is true, but naturally the projects that _can_
             | scale are going to be getting the majority of dev attention
             | since those can be used for large scale private server
             | projects like Nostralius. There's not nearly as strong of a
             | "market" for servers intended for small friend groups.
             | TylerE wrote:
             | Even on a tiny instance, that efficiency could be the
             | difference between needing a $5/month server and a
             | $50/month server. (or being able to run it on something
             | like a Rasp Pi vs a server-grade computer)
           | spxneo wrote:
           | I see theres no way to avoid it then.
           | is there some sort of performance benchmark showing number of
           | online players per server compared to other similar solutions
           | (paid and unpaid)
       | _chimmy_chonga_ wrote:
       | I've played around with ACore a good bit, mostly using their
       | docker container builds. Which are amazing and I wish a lot of
       | the other emulators would follow suite.
       | One issue I did run into was with calling the WoW admin apis,
       | which are soap. The documentation seems to suggest they just
       | "work" after changing your server's configuration but I, for all
       | my effort, could never get it too while using the container
       | version
       | w1nk wrote:
       | These projects are awesome to see, there are similar efforts for
       | everquest. Is anyone aware of anyone trying to create different
       | clients/renderers for these MMOs? A VR client for any of these
       | worlds would instantly be amazing.
         | rolltrunhert wrote:
         | For everquest, there's been some projects over the years. I
         | dont know if any is very active at the moment.
         | One is https://github.com/daeken/OpenEQ
         | For more info, see the EQEmulator / ProjectEQ discord channel
         | #project-open-eq
       | Brainspackle wrote:
       | so who wants to join the wow server I setup this weekend? ;)
       | nerevarthelame wrote:
       | I can't wrap my head the enormity of reverse engineering a WoW
       | (or any MMORPG) server. It just seems like there are so many
       | possible types of inputs to the actual server, with so much of
       | the logic happening in Blizzard's black box, that it wouldn't be
       | possible to come up with a decent server emulator. Impressive
       | work.
         | bombcar wrote:
         | Surprisingly large amounts were offloaded to clients especially
         | early on - iirc early pvp was a madhouse because "accurate
         | correct line of sight" and other things you should never trust
         | the client on were only done server side in instances.
         | Zetaphor wrote:
         | As someone who has reverse engineered an online games protocol
         | (Anyland, admittedly much less complex in scope), I can provide
         | a little insight. I started from a known point that would be
         | easy to replicate and observe, and then just built out from
         | there. Once you've got a foothold you can start to build up an
         | understanding of how the various components interact, and with
         | each new discovery you increase gain new insight into other as
         | yet unmapped systems.
         | This is still incredible work on their part that would require
         | an incredibly deep understanding of the game mechanics in order
         | to reproduce their artifacts by observation
       | gotbeans wrote:
       | Dmca in 3... 2...
       | bschmidt1 wrote:
       | NFT people: Now's your chance to prove your concepts.
       (page generated 2024-04-12 23:00 UTC)