[HN Gopher] Survey Study on AI Agent Architectures (2024)
       Survey Study on AI Agent Architectures (2024)
       Author : jslampe
       Score  : 50 points
       Date   : 2024-04-22 15:47 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (arxiv.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (arxiv.org)
       | rck wrote:
       | Not mentioned in the paper, but I have been experimenting with
       | behavior trees for LLM agents, and have had a lot of success:
       | https://richardkelley.io/dendron/tutorial_intro/
         | muratsu wrote:
         | This looks very interesting, thanks for sharing.
         | billmalarky wrote:
         | Hi Richard I just reached out to you on LI. I'd love to get a
         | chance to chat with you about your experience with this. Thank
         | you for sharing this is fascinating.
         | gnat wrote:
         | That's a very well-written tutorial! I wish more software came
         | with something so friendly and informative. Thanks.
         | temporarely wrote:
         | How is a behavior tree different from a decision tree? Is there
         | a subtle difference I am missing?
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_tree
           | sdesol wrote:
           | This talks about the distinction
           | https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/51693/difference.
           | ..
             | temporarely wrote:
             | thanks.
           | rck wrote:
           | The other reply linked to a good explanation. I would only
           | add that I also wrote a paper on Dendron, and Figure 17 shows
           | how to transform a decision tree node into a behavior tree,
           | so that you can implement any decision tree as a behavior
           | tree:
           | https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.07439
             | temporarely wrote:
             | Thanks! Noted the cite to this paper (below) as well in
             | your paper in case others are interested:
             |  _Behavior Trees in Robotics and AI: An Introduction_ ,
             | Michele Colledanchise, Petter Ogren, 2017
             | http://arxiv.org/abs/1709.00084
             |  _1.1 A Short History and Motivation of BTs
             | BTs were developed in the computer game industry, as a tool
             | to increase modularity in the control structures of Non-
             | Player Characters (NPCs) . In this billion-dollar industry,
             | modularity is a key property that enables reuse of code,
             | incremental design of functionality, and efficient testing.
             | In games, the control structures of NPCs were often
             | formulated in terms of Finite State Machines (FSMs).
             | However, just as Petri Nets provide an alternative to FSMs
             | that supports design of concurrent systems, BTs provide an
             | alternative view of FSMs that supports design of modular
             | systems. Following the development in the industry, BTs
             | have now also started to receive attention in academia.
             | At Carnegie Mellon University, BTs have been used
             | extensively to do robotic manipulation. The fact that
             | modularity is the key reason for using BTs is clear from
             | the following quote from [2]: "The main advantage is that
             | individual behaviors can easily be reused in the context of
             | another higher-level behavior, without needing to specify
             | how they relate to subsequent behaviors".
             | BTs have also been used to enable non-experts to do robot
             | programming of pick and place operations, due to their
             | "modular, adaptable representation of a robotic task" and
             | allowed "end-users to visually create programs with the
             | same amount of complexity and power as traditionally-
             | written programs" [56]. Furthermore, BTs have been proposed
             | as a key component in brain surgery robotics due to their
             | "flex- ibility, reusability, and simple syntax"._
       | abrichr wrote:
       | Not mentioned: learning from demonstration. This is the approach
       | we are taking at https://github.com/OpenAdaptAI/OpenAdapt.
       | sgt101 wrote:
       | I'll just draw folks attention to the long running AAMAS
       | conference series.
       | Of course, it's quite academic in nature, but it may be that some
       | useful approaches could be picked up from this resource for LLM
       | driven approaches.
       | https://aamas2023.soton.ac.uk/
         | jrussino wrote:
         | In addition, here are a few other conferences that may be of
         | interest to people in this thread:
         | - AAAI: https://aaai.org/conference/aaai/
         | - ICAPS: https://icaps24.icaps-conference.org/
         | - IJCAI: https://www.ijcai.org/
       | 2genders28501 wrote:
       | Are you lonely? Do u want an AI girlfriend?
       | https://discord.gg/elyza HmgfRIzviKPDqRZRr
       | 2genders37515 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/elyza
       | zvAUbNxLzAjpghFhb
       | SEXMCNIGGA38087 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/elyza -- FOLLOW
       | THE HOMIE https://twitter.com/hashimthearab lTSkqmHfDoBuAbGFM
       | 2genders18584 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/candyai
       | JpYPtXtXteuEGyQoW
       | 2genders42041 wrote:
       | Are you lonely? Do u want an AI girlfriend?
       | https://discord.gg/elyza -- FOLLOW THE HOMIE
       | https://twitter.com/hashimthearab OoybHTYjKEeDvjICw
       | 2genders30123 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/candyai
       | OImcfmLGYzxoFhWTa
       | 2genders44146 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/candyai
       | TvWAqIxiAUOktvTMb
       | 2genders2513 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/candyai
       | ZieQofMjdHFYawgLO
       | 2genders3548 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/elyza
       | vZOhfQCMFCAjZiiXh
       | 2genders13032 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/elyza
       | qxtsqVWsDajdZZCSJ
       | 2genders38930 wrote:
       | hi are u lonely want ai gf?? https://discord.gg/elyza
       | fWUIOLKwIsdvuOCqY
       (page generated 2024-04-22 23:00 UTC)