######################################### ## ~/.cwmrc for cwm 6.6 - minimal version # default font fontname "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" # default commands command terminal urxvt command lock slock command firefox firefox command xterm xterm command xboard xboard command calibre calibre command chromium "apulse chromium" command scummvm scummvm command gimp gimp command mcomix mcomix command dosbox dosbox # personal groups autogroup 1 Firefox autogroup 1 Chromium autogroup 2 MPlayer autogroup 2 Gimp autogroup 2 calibre sticky no # i'll use my personal set of keybinds/mousebinds so remove all unbind-key all unbind-mouse all # general kbd bind-key 4-Return urxvt bind-key 4S-Return "urxvt -ls -bg #8d0801 -e sh -c su -l root" bind-key 4S-r restart bind-key 4S-x lock bind-key 4S-q quit bind-key Print "scrot '/home/f6k/b/scrot-%s.png' -e 'sh /home/f6k/s/scripts/ocat.sh Screenshot $n saved'" # ignores ignore rofi # my own menu bind-key XF86Tools menu-cmd bind-key 4S-p "rofi -sort -show run -theme bar" # special bind-key XF86Explorer "/home/f6k/s/scripts/toggle-tp-touchpad.sh" # interact with windows bind-key 4S-l window-move-right-big bind-key 4S-j window-move-down-big bind-key 4S-h window-move-left-big bind-key 4S-k window-move-up-big bind-key 4C-j window-resize-down bind-key 4C-l window-resize-right bind-key 4C-h window-resize-left bind-key 4C-k window-resize-up bind-key 4-j window-cycle bind-key 4-k window-rcycle bind-key 4S-c window-close bind-mouse 4-1 window-move bind-mouse 4-3 window-resize bind-key 4-g window-group bind-key 4-m window-maximize bind-key 4-r window-raise bind-key 4-l window-lower bind-key 4-h window-hide bind-key XF86Search menu-window-hidden # interact with groups bind-key 4-a group-toggle-all bind-key 4S-ampersand group-only-1 bind-key 4-ampersand group-toggle-1 bind-key 4S-eacute group-only-2 bind-key 4-eacute group-toggle-2 bind-key 4S-quotedbl group-only-3 bind-key 4-quotedbl group-toggle-3