i'm a happy slackware linux user since 2o12.  it's stable, simple,
       very well documented, and with a great community.  something to
       consider when using this distribution for the first time is
       that it needs some implication at start.  slackware comes with
       a very basic system configuration because the devteam takes for
       granted that you *will* customize it the way you want. 
       therefore you'll learn a lot about gnu/linux and your system.
       you'll find more informations about this distribution at:
        - http://www.slackware.com
        - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/slackware
       if you need help, please visit:
        - http://www.slackbook.org
        - https://docs.slackware.com/
        - https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/
        - the newsgroup alt.os.linux.slackware
        - ##slackware on irc.freenode.net
       here are some slackware mirrors of interests:
        - /pub/linux/ditributions/slackware/ on ftp.lip6.fr
        - /pub/slackware/ on ftp.osuosl.org
        - /slackware on ftp.slackware.uk
       and if you're using slackpkg(8), don't forget to check
       /etc/slackpkg/mirrors for local servers.
       and finally some third-party slackbuilds and packages:
        - http://www.slackware.com/~alien/slackbuilds/
        - http://slackbuilds.org/
 (TXT) aolsfaq.txt
       alt.os.linux.slackware FAQ:
       file created to help new and not-so-new slackware linux users
       with various aspects of installing, running, and maintaining a
       slackware linux system.  it is based primarily on traffic in the
       alt.os.linux.slackware newsgroup.
 (DIR) dotfiles
       configuration files repository:
       in this directory are some of my configuration files that lives
       in my $HOME folder.  if you have any questions about some of
       them, please feel free to contact me by mail (see root's README).
 (TXT) slackbook.txt
       slackware linux essentials:
       plain text version of the revisited slackware book project, the
       official documentation for slackware linux.  for sources and
       other formats please check the port 80 of slackbook.org
 (DIR) slackbuilds
       slackbuilds repository:
       i maintain various SlackBuilds packages.  most of them are taken
       from SBo and modified for my personal use.  very few have been
       done by myself.  in any case, it is strongly recommended that
       you read the scripts and modify them accordingly to your needs. 
       moreover, note that no binary is provided nor program sources;
       only the package scripts and their associated files are shared.