Saturday, September 3rd, 2016 More vacation computing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be only two short memos as vacation is not only about leisure computing, there are plenty other things to do. (1) I decided to finally dive into vi editor. I use UNIX-like operating systems for almost twenty years and I still have problems when any work in vi is needed. That's a shame and I have to do something about it. After two evenings in the plain nvi editor of NetBSD I already remember some of the shortcuts and use vi to edit Perl scripts. (2) Just yesterday, when navigating through the vast corners of gopherspace, I noticed, that Jirka entered our text-only exquisiteness and created his own gopherhole at SDF [1]. This is, of course, great news! What some call retro, obsolete or at least alternative, he's living every day and his blog is for me great source of inspiration. I hope that on gopher his texts will be as good as on WWW. Jirka, welcome! [1] gopher:// .