Sunday, November 2nd, 2019 Desktop, laptop, tablet, phone (Re: Jirka) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't usually phost replies to Mastodon toots, but this time I have to. Jirka made there a short survey, about what kind of device people use as their main computer. It came out (or at least that are the numbers right now) that just one person out of twenty five considers a tablet to be their main computer, and the rest is divided roughly fifty-fifty between desktop and laptop hardware. Nobody considers smartphone to be their main computer. This was a bit surprise and not just for Jirka. The world around us is full of the "post-PC era" bullshit and when you ask people, they are still knee-deep in the past (I hope people understand irony, when they see it). Why so? Well, I have to add two points to the debate: 1. I spend more time on my smartphone than on any of my laptop or desktop computers. Simply the family doesn't allow me to sit behind my desk for long enough time period to actually do anything useful, so I don't do it most days. But still even though I do many tasks on my smartphone while commuting or during day, I don't consider it to be myvmain computer or even computer at all. It's simply a phone, I can do my email on it as a bonus, browse the web or even Gopher, listen to music, but it's galaxy away from the environment I need to create anything, being it code or meaningful text. 2. When I use laptop for something useful, it's always in the docking station, with proper mechanical keyboard, mouse and 24" LCD. If I ever used tablet for the same kind of work, it would be again this way. And if I had to do it on my phone, it would be exactly like that. So would it then be desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile? .