Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 Bongusta update, January 2021 ============================= The New year is here, time for some updates in bongusta list. I did the usual stuff: deleted everything that didn't have a single post in 2020 (except for xmanmonk - I will never delete him as long as the phlog exists, sorry everyone else, but this is my exception in the rule, I like the phlog), removed all broken links and added several new phlogs. The good news is that there are more additions than removals, so the count increased from 75 to 76 aggregated phlogs. Will we reach eighty anytime soon? And maybe a hundred? -----> It's up to you! <----- There may be many other phlogs I do not know about. If you do, please let me know on my mail: logout128@gmail.com There are some criteria that new phlogs need to meet though: 1. They have to exist for at least a month and be active, which means the author is still posting on them. Many, many phlogs in the past had just some kind of introduction, two or three posts after that, and then vanished into oblivion. I'd like to skip these and add quality content. 2. They need to have phlog as such. I'd like to keep aggregating just phlogs, not all of gopherholes. There are more and more incomers who don't distinguish phlog posts from other content of their gopher sites and find it to be a bit messy. If the phlog as a separate menu item, with post dates and names, it's even better, but as Bongusta is quite flexible, I can cope with various phlogging systems. But I can't quite guess which change on gopher is phlog and which isn't if author him/her-self doesn't say so. Well and that's it. .