These files represent the Project Gutenberg collection distributed
       on the 1997 Walnut Creek CD-ROM.
       This menu organizes the over 750 titles by underlying/original
       file name. Please report broken links to
 (TXT) Complete Works (Vol I) [Riley, James Whitcomb] 250492 10-20-96
 (TXT) Stories from Everybody's Magazine, 1910 [Collection] 733517 10-23-96
 (TXT) Complete Works (Vol X) [Riley, James Whitcomb] 254163 10-20-96
 (TXT) The Square Root of 10, to 1 million digits [Math] 1036894 07-24-96
 (TXT) Verses 1889-1896 [Kipling, Rudyard] 328561 08-27-96
 (TXT) 1st Book of Adam and Eve [Platt, Rutherford] 186950 07-24-96
 (TXT) One Basket [Ferber, Edna] 290148 07-24-96
 (TXT) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol 1) [Gibbon, Edward] 1656383 12-04-96
 (TXT) The History of the Thirty Years' War [Schiller, Friedrich] 864515 07-24-96
 (TXT) Martin Luther King Jr. Day Anthology [History] 817486 08-27-96
 (TXT) Trinity Atomic Bomb by the National Atomic Museum [History] 39180 08-27-96
 (TXT) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea [Verne, Jules] 593683 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Tale of Two Cities [Dickens, Charles] 787707 08-27-96
 (TXT) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol 2) [Gibbon, Edward] 1830904 12-04-96
 (TXT) To-morrow [Conrad, Joseph] 70310 07-24-96
 (TXT) Memoirs of Popular Delusions (Vol 2) [Mackay, Charles] 600355 11-13-96
 (TXT) The Square Root of Two, 100,000 digits [Math] 1166473 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Square Root of Two, 100,000 digits [Math] 5262079 08-27-96
 (TXT) From Twice Told Tales [Hawthorne, Nathaniel] 508748 07-24-96
 (TXT) Trinity Atomic Bomb by White Sands Missle Range [History] 38550 08-27-96
 (TXT) The 32nd Mersenne Prime, Mersenne Prediction [Math] 247391 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Thirty-Nine Steps [Buchan, John] 231961 07-24-96
 (TXT) Three Men in a Boat [Jerome, Jerome K.] 381922 08-27-96
 (TXT) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol 3) [Gibbon, Edward] 1570266 12-04-96
 (TXT) Three Elephant Power Etc. [Paterson, Banjo] 201035 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Square Root of 3, to 1 million digits [Math] 1036889 07-24-96
 (TXT) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol 4) [Gibbon, Edward] 1687011 12-04-96
 (TXT) 50 Bab Ballads [Gilbert, William S.] 176179 12-27-96
 (TXT) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol 5) [Gibbon, Edward] 1581694 12-04-96
 (TXT) The Square Root of 5, to 1 million digits [Math] 1036890 07-24-96
 (TXT) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol 6) [Gibbon, Edward] 1446625 12-04-96
 (TXT) The Square Root of 6, to 1 million digits [Math] 1036890 07-24-96
 (TXT) House of the Seven Gables [Hawthorne, Nathaniel] 637842 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Square Root of 7, to 1 million digits [Math] 1036897 07-24-96
 (TXT) Around the World in 80 Days [Verne, Jules] 385824 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Square Root of 8, to 1 million digits [Math] 1036937 07-24-96
 (TXT) Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine [Gould, George; Pyle, Walter] 2383600 12-11-96
 (TXT) The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki [History] 153683 10-14-96
 (TXT) A Child's History of England [Dickens, Charles] 950862 11-30-96
 (TXT) Acres of Diamonds [Conwell, Russell H.] 257484 08-27-96
 (TXT) Adam Bede [Eliot, George] 1194820 07-24-96
 (TXT) Fables [Aesop] 241064 08-27-96
 (TXT) Fables [Aesop] 77284 08-27-96
 (TXT) Amy Foster [Conrad, Joseph] 80751 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Age of Innocence [Wharton, Edith] 606493 07-24-96
 (TXT) Agnes Grey [Bronte, Anne] 394410 12-25-96
 (TXT) The Poems of Adam Lindsay [Lindsay, Adam] 369184 08-27-96
 (TXT) Aladdin and the Magic Lamp [Anonymous] 39543 08-27-96
 (TXT) Remember the Alamo [Barr, Amelia] 476565 08-27-96
 (TXT) Alexander's Bridge [Cather, Willa] 173157 08-27-96
 (TXT) Alice in Wonderland [Carroll, Lewis] 163189 08-27-96
 (TXT) Allan Quatermain [Haggard, H. Rider] 599129 12-06-96
 (TXT) Adventures and Letters [Davis, Richard Harding] 685080 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Altar of the Dead [James, Henry] 92323 09-11-96
 (TXT) The Ambassadors [James, Henry] 940735 07-24-96
 (TXT) Amendments to the Constitution of the United States 20586 05-21-95
 (TXT) The American [James, Henry] 770917 08-27-96
 (TXT) American Notes [Dickens, Charles] 615073 10-04-96
 (TXT) Under the Andes [Stout, Rex] 517804 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle [Ingram, James] 569618 10-04-96
 (TXT) The Aeneid (in English) [Virgil] 631552 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Aeneid (in Latin) [Virgil] 469632 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Annapolis Convention, 1786 7520 05-21-95
 (TXT) Anne of Green Gables [Montgomery, Lucy Maud] 586960 08-27-96
 (TXT) Anne's House of Dreams [Montgomery, Lucy Maud] 460265 07-24-96
 (TXT) Ann Veronica [Wells, H. G.] 577364 07-24-96
 (TXT) Autocrat of Breakfast Table [Holmes, Oliver Wendell] 526930 12-12-96
 (TXT) Deutercanonical Books of the Bible/Apocrypha [Religious] 863519 08-27-96
 (TXT) Appreciations [Davis, Richard Harding] 90346 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Personal Record [Conrad, Joseph] 270170 10-16-96
 (TXT) The Arabian Nights [Lang, Andrew] 619272 08-27-96
 (TXT) Aeropagitica [Milton, John] 115005 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Art of Writing [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 136566 07-24-96
 (TXT) America As Seen by Oriental Diplomat [Tingfang] 351600 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Aspern Papers [James, Henry] 223084 08-27-96
 (TXT) At the Earth's Core [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 286215 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Augsburg Confession (in Latin and German) [History] 174015 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Augsburg Confession [History] 98014 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Autobiography of a Quack [Mitchell, S. Weir] 168643 10-23-96
 (TXT) Anne of Avonlea [Montgomery, Lucy Maud] 512528 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Awakening & Other Short Stories [Chopin, Kate] 381038 08-27-96
 (TXT) Where There's A Will [Rinehart, Mary Roberts] 372169 08-27-96
 (TXT) Biographical Study of A. W. Kinglake [Tcikwell, Rev. W.] 191294 07-24-96
 (TXT) Across The Plains [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 361833 07-24-96
 (TXT) Arizona Nights [White, Stewart Edward] 380731 12-19-96
 (TXT) Arizona Sketches [Munk, Joseph A.] 224211 12-25-96
 (TXT) Bab: A Sub-Deb [Rinehart, Mary Roberts] 466483 08-27-96
 (TXT) Before Adam [London, Jack] 227813 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Red Badge of Courage [Crane, Stephen] 276043 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Red Badge of Courage [Crane, Stephen] 280786 07-24-96
 (TXT) British Airships, Past/Present/Future [Whale, George] 265410 01-01-97
 (TXT) Battle of the Books et al [Swift, Jonathan] 236025 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Battle of Life [Dickens, Charles] 185488 10-04-96
 (TXT) Black Beauty [Sewll, Anna] 322124 08-27-96
 (TXT) Beauty and The Beast, Etc. [Taylow, Bayard] 507437 08-27-96
 (TXT) Ballads of a Cheechako [Service, Robert W.] 114916 08-27-96
 (TXT) Beyond the City [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 231829 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Brother of Daphne [Yates, Dornford] 435260 12-11-96
 (TXT) Burning Daylight [London, Jack] 654945 12-11-96
 (TXT) Beasts and Super-Beasts [Munro, H. H.] 382008 08-27-96
 (TXT) The $30,000 Bequest [Twain, Mark] 548361 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Berne Universal Copyright Convention, 1988 [History] 63397 08-27-96
 (TXT) Autobiography [Franklin, Benjamin] 395591 08-27-96
 (TXT) My Bondage and My Freedom [Douglass, Frederick] 797878 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Burial of the Guns [Nelson, Thomas] 309069 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Brief History of the Internet [Hart, Michael S.] 107941 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Bible, The New Testament, King James Version [Religious] 4959549 08-27-96
 (TXT) In The Bishop's Carriage [Michelson, Mirriam] 307563 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Bill of Rights, 1791 3386 05-21-95
 (TXT) The United States' Bill of Rights [History] 11240 08-27-96
 (TXT) Barlaam and Ioasaph [Damascus, St. John of] 479408 12-11-96
 (TXT) The Blue Lagoon: A Romance [Stacpoole, H. de Vere] 371747 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Blue Fairy Book, A large collection [Collection] 757134 07-24-96
 (TXT) Blix [Norris, Frank] 308507 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Collection of Stories [Potter, Beatrix] 150921 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Breitmann Ballads [Leland, Charles G.] 328835 07-24-96
 (TXT) Bride of Lammermoor [Scott, Sir Walter] 752362 07-24-96
 (TXT) Biog Notes on the Pseudonymous Bells [Bronte, Charlotte] 37444 01-04-97
 (TXT) Buttered Side Down [Ferber, Edna] 267964 08-27-96
 (TXT) Brann The Iconoclast (Vol 1) [Brann, William Cowper] 594465 07-24-96
 (TXT) Brann The Iconoclast (Vol 10) [Brann, William Cowper] 591176 07-24-96
 (TXT) Brann The Iconoclast (Vol 12) [Brann, William Cowper] 597079 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Bucolics/Ecloges (in English) [Virgil] 59246 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Bucolics/Ecloges (in Latin) [Virgil] 50201 08-27-96
 (TXT) Bunner Sisters [Wharton, Edith] 187541 08-27-96
 (TXT) Worldly Ways and Byways [Gregory, Eliot] 392773 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Call of the Wild [London, Jack] 193516 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Christmas Carol [Dickens, Charles] 172146 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Cash Boy [Alger, Horatio Jr.] 170512 08-27-96
 (TXT) Selected Orations (in Latin) [Cicero] 103371 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Conquest of Canaan [Tarkington, Booth] 489065 07-24-96
 (TXT) Data From the 1990 Census, US Census Bureau [Reference] 48863 08-27-96
 (TXT) Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes [Stevenson, Rovert Louis] 207093 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Charlotte Town Resolves, 1775 8446 05-21-95
 (TXT) Child Christopher [Morris, William] 271148 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Child's Garden of Verses [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 62205 08-27-96
 (TXT) Chita: A Memory of Last Island [Hearn, Lafcadio] 171045 12-05-96
 (TXT) The Chinese Boy and Girl [Headland, Isaac Taylor] 180322 07-24-96
 (TXT) Children of the Night [Robinson, Edwin Arlington] 81805 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Certain Hour [Cabell, James Branch] 345377 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Night Before Christmas [Moore, Clement Clarke] 5197 07-24-96
 (TXT) Charlotte Temple [Rowson, Susanna] 228735 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Circular Staircase [Rinehart, Mary Roberts] 404728 07-24-96
 (TXT) Civil Disobedience [Thoreau, Henry David] 61768 08-27-96
 (TXT) Life/Adventures/Calamity Jane [Burk, Marthy Cannary] 22431 07-24-96
 (TXT) Previous Constitution of Japan (1889) [History] 32385 07-24-96
 (TXT) Court Life in China [Headland, Isaac Taylor] 424575 07-24-96
 (TXT) Inaugural Address, Bill Clinton [History] 19505 08-27-96
 (TXT) Clotelle; or The Colored Heroine [Brown, William Wells] 274068 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Count's Millions [Gaboriau, Emile] 676435 08-27-96
 (TXT) Codex Junius 11, Biblical Anglo-Saxon Translations [Religious] 228012 07-24-96
 (TXT) Common Sense [Paine, Thomas] 137327 08-27-96
 (TXT) "Confessio Amantis" (circa 1475 AD) [Gower, John] 1142973 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Articles of Confederation 21414 05-21-95
 (TXT) Confidence [James, Henry] 442196 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Constitution of The United States of America 8287 05-21-95
 (TXT) The United States' Constitution [History] 36641 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Coral Island [Ballantyne, R. M.] 559854 09-13-96
 (TXT) The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald (Iceland) [Anonymous] 115460 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Castle of Otranto [Walpole, Horace] 225731 10-23-96
 (TXT) David Copperfield [Dickens, Charles] 1998495 12-30-96
 (TXT) Creatures That Once Were Men [Gorky, Maxim] 159424 10-10-96
 (TXT) Cranford [Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn] 409972 07-24-96
 (TXT) Far From the Madding Crowd [Hardy, Thomas] 808073 08-27-96
 (TXT) Far From the Madding Crowd [Hardy, Thomas] 793811 08-27-96
 (TXT) Criminal Sociology [Ferri, Enrico] 492521 07-24-96
 (TXT) Catalan's Constant (Ramanujan's Formula) [Math] 324992 10-12-96
 (TXT) Catriona [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 554883 07-24-96
 (TXT) Cast Upon the Breakers [Alger, Horatio Jr.] 315197 07-24-96
 (TXT) Culprit Fay and Other Poems [Drake, Joseph Rodman] 76898 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Old Curiosity Shop [Dickens, Charles] 1250786 11-30-96
 (TXT) Daisy Miller [James, Henry] 136471 08-27-96
 (TXT) Reason Discourse [Descartes, Rene] 141533 08-27-96
 (TXT) Dreams & Dust [Marquis, Don] 116800 07-24-96
 (TXT) Declaration And Resolves, First Continental Congress, 1775 19236 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Declaration of Independence, 1776 10121 05-21-95
 (TXT) In Darkest England and The Way Out [Booth, General] 744695 07-24-96
 (TXT) Desert Gold [Grey, Zane] 608636 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Picture of Dorian Gray [Wilde, Oscar] 452002 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Duchesse de Langeais [Balzac, Honore de] 325645 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Death of the Lion [James, Henry] 93200 09-11-96
 (TXT) Daddy-Long-Legs [Webster, Jean] 231926 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Island of Doctor Moreau [Wells, H. G.] 259213 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Story of Doctor Dolittle [Lofting, Hugh] 156063 07-24-96
 (TXT) Dome of Many-Coloured Glass [Lowell, Amy] 88726 08-27-96
 (TXT) Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz [Baum, L. Frank] 246520 07-24-96
 (TXT) Dracula [Stoker, Bram] 861678 08-27-96
 (TXT) Dream Days [Grahame, Kenneth] 230619 08-27-96
 (TXT) Dear Enemy [Webster, Jean] 407346 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Mystery of Edwin Drood [Dickens, Charles] 562073 07-24-96
 (TXT) Driven From Home [Alger, Horatio Jr.] 309554 07-24-96
 (TXT) Danny's Own Story [Marquis, Don] 424204 07-24-96
 (TXT) Collected Articles of a Slave [Douglass, Frederick] 57457 08-27-96
 (TXT) Narrative of the Life of [Douglass, Frederick] 245233 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Damnation of Theron Ware [Frederic, Harold] 698500 08-27-96
 (TXT) In the Days When the World Was Wide [Lawson, Henry] 170672 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Dynamite [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 437632 09-13-96
 (TXT) MPG Motion Picture of Rotating Earth (from space) [Reference] 197031 03-08-95
 (TXT) MPG Motion Picture of Rotating Earth (from space) [Reference] 10567 05-01-95
 (TXT) Essays [Bacon, Francis] 319680 07-24-96
 (TXT) At the Earth's Core [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 286114 08-27-96
 (TXT) Edinburgh Picturesque Notes [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 137582 08-27-96
 (TXT) Renascence and Other Poems [Millay, Edna St. Vincent] 48711 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Number "e" (Natural Log to 100,000 places) [Math] 116578 08-27-96
 (TXT) Number e "Natural Log" 1 million places [Math] 1037461 08-27-96
 (TXT) Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers Brisbane [Reference] 460592 12-08-96
 (TXT) Emma McChesney & Co. [Ferber, Edna] 258086 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Emancipation Proclamation, 1862 5900 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Emerald City of Oz [Baum, L. Frank] 315986 07-24-96
 (TXT) Emma [Austen, Jane] 915322 08-27-96
 (TXT) Enoch Soames [Beerbohm, Max] 74720 01-02-97
 (TXT) The Enchanted Island of Yew [Baum, L. Frank] 223081 07-24-96
 (TXT) Eothen [Kinglake, A. W.] 516145 08-27-96
 (TXT) Essays of Travel [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 407657 07-24-96
 (TXT) Emile Zola [Howells, William Dean] 34414 12-17-96
 (TXT) A List of Factorial Math Constants [Math] 260804 08-27-96
 (TXT) Falk [Conrad, Joseph] 185792 07-24-96
 (TXT) Fantastic Fables [Bierce, Ambrose] 181522 08-27-96
 (TXT) Fables [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 88837 08-27-96
 (TXT) Inaugural Address, Franklin Roosevelt [History] 22360 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Federalist Papers [History] 1205850 08-27-96
 (TXT) Flower Fables [Alcott, Louisa May] 203744 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Figure in the Carpet [James, Henry] 95468 09-13-96
 (TXT) The Fibonacci Number Series [Math] 161882 08-27-96
 (TXT) Flatland [Abbott, Edwin A.] 218565 08-27-96
 (TXT) Flatland [ Abbott, Edwin A.] 207774 08-27-96
 (TXT) Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 341224 10-26-96
 (TXT) The Flirt [Tarkington, Booth] 431037 08-27-96
 (TXT) Fanny Herself [Ferber, Edna] 591575 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Footnote to History [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 378218 07-24-96
 (TXT) Little Lord Fauntleroy [Burnett, Frances Hodgson] 334783 07-24-96
 (TXT) Phantasmagoria and Other Poems [Carroll, Lewis] 80144 09-18-96
 (TXT) The Forged Coupon [Tolstoy, Leo] 341046 08-27-96
 (TXT) At the Foot of the Rainbow [Porter, Gene Stratton] 346303 07-24-96
 (TXT) Frankenstein [Shelley, Mary] 439071 08-27-96
 (TXT) Frivolous Cupid [Hope, Anthony] 186062 07-24-96
 (TXT) Father Damien [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 42222 08-27-96
 (TXT) Freckles [Porter, Gene Stratton] 468435 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Fortune Hunter [Phillips, David Graham] 188802 07-24-96
 (TXT) Flame and Shadow [Teasdale, Sara] 55790 07-24-96
 (TXT) Familiar Studies of Men & Books [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 561962 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Fall of Troy [Smyrnaeus, Quintus] 473752 11-30-96
 (TXT) The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu [Rohmer, Sax] 435267 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Fundamental Orders of 1639 12377 05-21-95
 (TXT) Frances Waldeaux [Davis, Rebecca Harding] 215673 08-27-96
 (TXT) Go Ahead Boys and Racing Motorboat [Kay, Ross] 279133 07-24-96
 (TXT) Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners [Bunyan, John] 317918 01-11-97
 (TXT) Commentaries in Latin (Books I thru IV) [Caesar, Julius] 161875 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Secret Garden [Burnett, Frances Hodgson] 455153 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Great Big Treasury [Potter, Beatrix] 175749 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Georgics (in English) [Virgil] 136169 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Georgics (in Latin) [Virgil] 111974 08-27-96
 (TXT) The German Surrender Documents - WWI, 1945 44118 05-21-95
 (TXT) Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln [History] 10105 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Gettysburg Address, 1863 1960 05-21-95
 (TXT) Quest of the Golden Girl [Gallienne, Richard le] 303799 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Great God Pan [Machen, Arthur] 131669 07-24-96
 (TXT) Heroes (Greek Fairy Tales) [Kingsley, Charles] 272338 10-05-96
 (TXT) Ginx's Baby, A Satire [Jenkins?, Edward] 187614 07-24-96
 (TXT) Glaucus/The Wonders of the Shore [Kingsley, Chas] 275169 10-23-96
 (TXT) The Golden Age [Grahame, Kenneth] 222730 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Golden Threshold [Naidu, Sarojini] 58836 12-02-96
 (TXT) Gods of Mars [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 472797 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Golden Mean or Ratio (1+sqrt(5))/2 [Math] 1036113 12-11-96
 (TXT) Greenmantle [Buchan, John] 547232 07-24-96
 (TXT) General Booth, Other Poems [Lindsay, Vachel] 82911 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Golden Road [Montgomery, Lucy Maud] 438412 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Treaty of Greenville, 1795 24651 05-21-95
 (TXT) Grettir the Strong, Icelandic Saga [Anonymous] 401631 08-27-96
 (TXT) Gulliver of Mars [Arnold, Edwin L.] 407539 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Treatise on Good Works [Luther, Martin] 234179 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Haunted Bookshop [Morley, Christopher] 365988 08-27-96
 (TXT) Hans Brinker/Silver Skates/etc [Dodge, Mary Mapes] 495937 01-01-97
 (TXT) Henry Clay's Remarks in House and Senate [History] 28694 12-08-96
 (TXT) Heart of Darkness [Conrad, Joseph] 228590 07-24-96
 (TXT) Heart of Darkness [Conrad, Joseph] 226562 08-27-96
 (TXT) The University of Hard Knocks [Parlette, Ralph] 221644 07-24-96
 (TXT) Helen of Troy [Teasdale, Sara] 79098 07-24-96
 (TXT) Heretics [Chesterton, G. K.] 136912 10-05-96
 (TXT) Hell Fer Sartain & Other Stories [Fox, John Jr.] 78222 07-24-96
 (TXT) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [Twain, Mark] 591223 08-27-96
 (TXT) The High History of the Holy Graal [Anonymous] 867765 12-11-96
 (TXT) The Haunted Hotel [Collins, Wilkie] 371047 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Song of Hiawatha [Longfellow, Henry] 210177 08-27-96
 (TXT) Hermione's Group of Thinkers [Marquis, Don] 191637 01-07-97
 (TXT) The Holy War [Bunyan, John] 565512 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Story of Mankind [Loon, Hendrik van] 770053 01-02-97
 (TXT) House of Mirth [Wharton, Edith] 756182 08-27-96
 (TXT) Heimskringla (Norwegian Kings) [Sturlson, Snorri] 1750375 07-24-96
 (TXT) Haunted Man/Ghost's Bargain [Dickens, Charles] 200883 09-13-96
 (TXT) Collection of Hesiod, Homer and Homerica [Homer] 536935 08-27-96
 (TXT) Herland [Gilman, Charlotte P.] 324374 08-27-96
 (TXT) Of Human Bondage [Maugham, W. Somerset] 1450272 08-27-96
 (TXT) Warfare of Science/Theology [White, Andrew Dickson] 2005357 07-24-96
 (TXT) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [Stevenson, Robert Lewis] 154994 08-27-96
 (TXT) Idylls of the King [Tennyson, Alfred Lord] 476838 07-24-96
 (TXT) Anne of the Island [Montgomery, Lucy Maud] 451223 08-27-96
 (TXT) Industrial Biography [Smiles, Samuel] 738364 07-24-96
 (TXT) Introduction to Browning [Croson, Hiram] 670169 08-27-96
 (TXT) Old Indian Days [Eastman, Charles] 290536 08-27-96
 (TXT) Indian Boyhood [Eastman, Charles] 321730 08-27-96
 (TXT) Indian Heroes & Great Chieftains [Eastman, Charles] 237338 08-27-96
 (TXT) Old Indian Legends [Zitkala-Sa] 113608 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Soul of the Indian [Eastman, Charles] 111616 08-27-96
 (TXT) In Flanders Fields [McCrae, John] 176622 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Innocence of Father Brown [Chesterton, G. K.] 467120 08-27-96
 (TXT) An International Episode [James, Henry] 168762 08-27-96
 (TXT) Indian Why Stories [Linderman, Frank B.] 173674 07-24-96
 (TXT) About The Iroquois Constitution 6339 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Constitution of The Iroquois Nations 73496 05-21-95
 (TXT) Island Nights' Entertainments [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 271083 08-27-96
 (TXT) Ivanhoe [Scott, Walter] 1159165 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Japanese Surrender Documents - WWII, 1945 27862 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Hackers' Dictionary of Computer Jargon [Reference] 1140873 08-27-96
 (TXT) John Jacob Astor [Hubbard, Elbert] 48616 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Dream of John Ball, etc. [Morris, William] 177716 08-27-96
 (TXT) John Barleycorn [London, Jack] 374854 08-27-96
 (TXT) John C. Calhoun's Remarks in the Senate [History] 31392 12-24-96
 (TXT) The Constitution of Japan (1946-7) [History] 43631 07-24-96
 (TXT) Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address 10898 05-21-95
 (TXT) Inaugural Address, John F. Kennedy [History] 16519 08-27-96
 (TXT) Henry James, Jr. [Howells, William Dean] 33193 12-17-96
 (TXT) Main Street, Other Poems [Kilmer, Joyce] 51188 08-27-96
 (TXT) Engineer, An Autobiography [Nasmyth, James] 871780 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Jungle Book [Kipling, Rudyard] 292059 08-27-96
 (TXT) Joe The Hotel Boy [Alger, Horatio Jr.] 257122 07-24-96
 (TXT) James Otis The Pre-Revolutionist [Ridpath, J.C.] 277707 12-03-96
 (TXT) A Journal of the Plague Year [Defoe, Daniel] 540509 08-27-96
 (TXT) Jerusalem Delivered [Tasso, Torquato] 735469 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Cruise of the Jasper B. [Marquis, Don] 357300 11-14-96
 (TXT) Jude the Obscure [Hardy, Thomas] 830788 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Jungle [Sinclair, Upton] 839350 08-27-96
 (TXT) Just David [Porter, Eleanor H.] 345913 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Knight of the Cumberland [Fox, John Jr.] 128811 08-27-96
 (TXT) Kidnapped [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 444576 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Kidnapped Santa Claus [Baum, L. Frank] 32175 07-24-96
 (TXT) Stories To Tell To Children [Bryant, Sara Cone] 299259 07-24-96
 (TXT) How To Tell Children Stories [Bryant, Sara Cone] 320165 07-24-96
 (TXT) The King's Jackal [Davis, Richard Harding] 176439 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Bible, Both Testaments, King James Version [Religious] 4441851 08-27-96
 (TXT) Knights of the Art [Steedman, Amy] 264618 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Kreutzer Sonata, et al [Tolstoy, Leo] 374128 10-17-96
 (TXT) Kansas Women in Literature [Barker, Nettie Garmer] 53947 08-27-96
 (TXT) Laddie [Porter, Gene Stratton] 850955 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Lady, or the Tiger? [Stockton, Frank] 26080 07-24-96
 (TXT) A. V. Laider [Beerbohm, Max] 56842 01-02-97
 (TXT) The Little Lame Prince [Mulock, Miss] 266645 07-24-96
 (TXT) Lay Morals [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 483199 08-27-96
 (BIN) Vida de Lazarillo (in Spanish) [Anonymous] PS 181507 08-27-96
 (BIN) Vida de Lazarillo (in Spanish) [Anonymous] PS2 170506 08-27-96
 (BIN) Vida de Lazarillo (in Spanish) [Anonymous]PS2 170506 08-27-96
 (TXT) Vida de Lazarillo (in Spanish) [Anonymous] 121312 08-27-96
 (TXT) Jean of the Lazy A [Bower, B. M.] 415630 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniac [Field, Eugene] 230028 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Lost Continent [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 226089 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Lucasta Poems [Lovelace, Richard] 415071 11-09-96
 (TXT) Lord Arthur Savile's Crime etc [Wilde, Oscar] 234595 01-05-97
 (TXT) Susan Lenox, Rise/Fall [Phillips, David Graham] 1748114 07-24-96
 (TXT) Manon Lescaut [Prevost, Abbe] 362068 07-24-96
 (TXT) Les Miserables [Hugo, Victor] 3334517 08-27-96
 (TXT) Life/Adventures of Santa Claus [Baum, L. Frank] 179234 07-24-96
 (TXT) Through the Looking Glass [Carroll, Lewis] 183626 08-27-96
 (TXT) Patrick Henry's Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death [History] 15273 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Girl of the Limberlost [Porter, Gene Stratton] 679133 08-27-96
 (TXT) Inaugural Address, Abraham Lincoln (1st term) [History] 29849 08-27-96
 (TXT) Inaugural Address, Abrahan Lincoln (2nd term) [History] 12356 08-27-96
 (TXT) Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, 1865 4564 05-21-95
 (TXT) Literary Blunders [Wheatley, Henry B.] 251393 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Lute of Jade (Chinese Poetry) [Cranmer-Byng, L.] 128840 07-24-96
 (TXT) Looking Backward, 2000 to 1887 [Bellamy, Edward] 458905 07-24-96
 (TXT) Lady's Life in Rocky Mountains [Bird, Isabella L.] 431557 12-21-96
 (TXT) Life on the Mississippi [Twain, Mark] 840124 08-27-96
 (TXT) Almayer's Folly [Conrad, Joseph] 372491 12-17-96
 (TXT) The Land of Little Rain [Austin, Mary] 212110 08-27-96
 (TXT) LOC Workshop on Etexts, US Library of Congress [Reference] 437907 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Lost Continent [Hyne, C. J. Cutcliffe] 544480 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Lost World [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 443662 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Lost Prince [Burnett, Francis Hodgson] 563912 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Little Princess [Burnett, Frances Hodgson] 384197 08-27-96
 (TXT) Love Songs [Teasdale, Sara] 47666 07-24-96
 (TXT) Letters [Borrow, George] 749694 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Light Princess [MacDonald, George] 94755 11-30-96
 (TXT) An Open Letter on Translating [Luther, Martin] 48201 08-27-96
 (TXT) Lavengro [Borrow, George] 1266467 07-24-96
 (TXT) Little Women [Alcott, Louisa May] 1042366 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Treaty of the European Union [History] 397306 10-14-96
 (TXT) The Gift of the Magi [Henry, O.] 21926 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Magna Carta 29832 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Magic of Oz [Baum, L. Frank] 229496 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Communist Manifesto [Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich] 83543 08-27-96
 (TXT) From Mosses From An Old Manse [Hawthorne, Nathaniel] 440121 07-24-96
 (TXT) Mansfield Park [Austen, Jane] 917737 08-27-96
 (TXT) Maria or the Wrongs of Woman [Wollstonecraft, Mary] 279348 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Market-Place [Frederic, Harold] 704095 08-27-96
 (TXT) Margaret Ogilvy [Barrie, J. M.] 178379 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Planet Mars & Its Inhabitants [Urides, Eros] 143012 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Mayflower Compact [History] 10516 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Mayflower Compact 2012 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Mayor of Casterbridge [Hardy, Thomas] 682068 08-27-96
 (TXT) McTeague [Norris, Frank] 668007 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Mad King [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 544074 08-27-96
 (TXT) Middlemarch [Eliot, George] 1843562 08-27-96
 (TXT) Memories and Portraits [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 314293 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Second Story of Meno (A Socratic Dialogue) [Socrates] 43396 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Magic Egg and Other Stories [Stockton, Frank] 447272 07-24-96
 (TXT) Maggie, Girl of the Steets [Crane, Stephen] 134991 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Story of To-day [Howth, Margret] 338953 07-24-96
 (TXT) Master Humphrey's Clock [Dickens, Charles] 273819 07-24-96
 (TXT) Four Poems [Milton, John] 77964 07-24-96
 (TXT) Miscellaneous Mathematical Constants Etc [Math] 474824 07-24-96
 (TXT) Thuvia, Maid of Mars [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 285149 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Miracle Mongers, An Expose' [Houdini, Harry] 246160 07-24-96
 (TXT) Main Street [Lewis, Sinclair] 988397 07-24-96
 (TXT) Moby Dick [Melville, Herman] 1190305 05-20-96
 (TXT) Men of Invention and Industry [Smiles, Samuel] 697133 12-17-96
 (TXT) Moll Flanders [Defore, Daniel] 741833 10-13-96
 (TXT) The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 6528 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Monster Men [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 339188 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Monster Men [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 339188 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Monster Men [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 339188 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Monster Men [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 339188 08-27-96
 (TXT) From the Earth to the Moon [Verne, Jules] 570232 08-27-96
 (TXT) Moon and Sixpence [Maugham, W. Somerset] 427509 08-27-96
 (TXT) Moral Emblems [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 34179 01-04-97
 (TXT) Moran of the Lady Letty [Norris, Frank] 266259 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Book of Mormon [Religious] 1588927 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Moon Pool [Merritt, A.] 587000 12-31-96
 (TXT) Merry Men [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 461077 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Moravians in Georgia [Fries, Adelaide L.] 379331 07-24-96
 (TXT) Miss Billie's Decision [Porter, Eleanor H.] 429889 08-27-96
 (TXT) Miss Billie Married [Porter, Eleanor H.] 465175 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Master Key [Baum, L. Frank] 213007 07-24-96
 (TXT) Mr. Standfast [Buchan, John] 709965 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Moonstone [Collins, Wilkie] 1112557 08-27-96
 (TXT) My Antonia [Cather, Willa] 462199 08-27-96
 (TXT) Northanger Abbey [Austen, Jane] 461562 08-27-96
 (TXT) NAFTA, Treaty, Annexes, Tariffs [History] 810955 08-27-96
 (TXT) NAFTA, Treaty, Annexes, Tariffs [History] 790709 08-27-96
 (TXT) NAFTA, Treaty, Annexes, Tariffs [History] 787992 08-27-96
 (TXT) Return of the Native [Hardy, Thomas] 817688 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Unbearable Bassington [Munro, H. H.] 300452 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Underdogs [Azuela, Mariano] 230969 07-24-96
 (TXT) Moon Endureth [Buchan, John] 388551 11-15-96
 (TXT) The Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793 2651 05-21-95
 (TXT) Chinese Nightingale, et al [Lindsay, Vachel] 109192 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Story of Burnt Njal <Njal's Saga> Icelandic [Anonymous] 706636 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Northwest Ordinance, 1787 17944 05-21-95
 (TXT) Notes From The Underground [Dostoyevsky, Fyodor] 256825 07-24-96
 (TXT) Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War-Some Perspectives [History] 55067 10-14-96
 (TXT) An Inland Voyage [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 218805 07-24-96
 (TXT) At the Back of the North Wind [MacDonald, George] 490829 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Oakdale Affair [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 251137 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Octopus [Norris, Frank] 1160029 08-27-96
 (TXT) Oedipus Trilogy [Sophocles] 235567 08-27-96
 (TXT) Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of England [Collection] 379477 09-18-96
 (TXT) A Heap O' Livin' [Guest, Edgar A.] 170699 08-27-96
 (TXT) Oliver Twist [Dickens, Charles] 923333 12-16-96
 (TXT) One Divided by Pi, To A Million Digits [Math] 1031081 12-11-96
 (TXT) Out Of Time's Abyss [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 216159 07-24-96
 (TXT) O Pioneers! [Cather, Willa] 328820 08-27-96
 (TXT) Orlando Furioso [Ariosto, Ludovico] 1764197 07-24-96
 (TXT) Life and Letters of Robert Browning [Orr, Mrs.] 702456 11-30-96
 (TXT) Orthodoxy [Chesterton, G. K.] 374489 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Outlaw of Torn [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 378128 08-27-96
 (TXT) Our Nig [Wilson, Harriet E.] 158462 07-24-96
 (TXT) An Outcast of the Islands [Conrad, Joseph] 641098 07-24-96
 (TXT) An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge [Bierce, Ambrose] 32830 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Marvelous Land of Oz [Baum, L. Frank] 260296 08-27-96
 (TXT) Ozma of Oz [Baum, L. Frank] 230963 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Princess Aline [Davis, Richard Harding] 154082 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Paris Peace Treaty, 1783 13843 05-21-95
 (TXT) Pathology of Lying, Etc. [Healy, William and Mary] 546252 07-24-96
 (TXT) Poems of William Blake [Blake, William] 50602 07-24-96
 (TXT) A Pair of Blue Eyes [Hardy, Thomas] 766413 08-27-96
 (TXT) Psychological Counter-Current [Howells, William Dean] 52130 12-17-96
 (TXT) The Princess of Cleves [de Lafayette, Madame] 348472 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Purcell Papers (Vol 1) [le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan] 224781 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Purcell Papers (Vol 2) [le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan] 224370 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Purcell Papers (Vol 3) [le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan] 235033 07-24-96
 (TXT) Pharsalia (Civil War) [Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus] 497678 07-24-96
 (TXT) Pellucidar [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 333527 07-24-96
 (TXT) Persuasion [Austen, Jane] 486826 08-27-96
 (TXT) James Pethel [Beerbohm, Max] 54119 01-02-97
 (TXT) Poems [Harper, Frances E. W.] 83744 12-02-96
 (TXT) The Country of the Pointed Firs [Jewett, Sarah Orne] 245381 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia Volume 1 of 28 [Reference] 8913645 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia Volume 1 of 28 [Reference] 8441343 08-27-96
 (TXT) Phantastes, A Faerie Romance, [MacDonald, George] 406466 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Phantom of the Opera [Leroux, Gaston] 495345 08-27-96
 (TXT) Phil, the Fiddler [Alger, Horatio Jr.] 247536 11-30-96
 (TXT) The Philobiblon [Bury, Richard de] 155946 07-24-96
 (TXT) Pictures From Italy [Dickens, Charles] 431756 09-18-96
 (TXT) Pi (circumference/diameter) million places [Math] 1424515 08-27-96
 (TXT) Puck of Pook's Hill [Kipling, Rudyard] 334666 07-24-96
 (TXT) Paradise Lost [Milton, John] 465925 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot [Lang, Andrew] 99260 12-07-96
 (TXT) The Pilgrim's Progress [Bunyan, John] 339358 08-27-96
 (TXT) Plutarch's Lives [Clough,, Arthur H.] 4315118 11-30-96
 (TXT) Paradise Lost [Milton, John] 493522 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Princess of Mars [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 382318 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Philosophy of Misery [Proudhon, P. J.] 885471 07-24-96
 (TXT) Ponkapog Papers [Aldrich, Thomas Bailey] 189570 07-24-96
 (TXT) Adventures of Pinocchio [Collodi/Lorenzini, Carlo] 232278 07-24-96
 (TXT) Penrod [Tarkington, Booth] 361490 07-24-96
 (TXT) People Out Of Time [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 223707 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Poison Belt [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 178830 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Captain of the Polestar [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 484875 08-27-96
 (TXT) Poor and Proud [Optic, Oliver] 273543 07-24-96
 (TXT) Memoirs of Popular Delusions V1 [MacKay, Charles] 582230 07-24-96
 (TXT) What is Property? [Proudhon, P. J.] 947109 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Princess and Curdie [MacDonald, George] 317128 11-07-96
 (TXT) Paul Prescott's Charge [Alger, Horatio Jr.] 352022 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Princess and the Goblin [MacDonald, George] 292535 11-07-96
 (TXT) Price/Cost Indexes from 1875 to 1989 (Est to 2010) [Reference] 799532 08-27-96
 (TXT) The First 100,000 Prime Numbers [Math] 834135 08-27-96
 (TXT) Project Trinity, Official U.S. Government Report [History] 82072 07-24-96
 (TXT) Prince Otto [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 370686 08-27-96
 (TXT) Propertius, Sexti Properti Carmina (in Latin) [Anonymous] 41919 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Parasite [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 108440 08-27-96
 (TXT) Prester John [Buchan, John] 420711 07-24-96
 (TXT) The Psychology of Revolution [le Bon, Gustave] 512351 07-24-96
 (TXT) Pageant of Summer [Jefferies, Richard] 51411 07-24-96
 (TXT) Paul The Peddler [Alger, Horatio Jr.] 249373 11-30-96
 (TXT) Pudd'n'head Wilson [Twain, Mark] 313356 08-27-96
 (TXT) Pudd'n'head Wilson [Twain, Mark] 313356 08-27-96
 (TXT) Pudd'n'head Wilson [Twain, Mark] 313356 08-27-96
 (TXT) Pudd'n'head Wilson [Twain, Mark] 313356 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Pickwick Papers [Dickens, Charles] 1798565 07-24-96
 (TXT) Raffles, Further Adventures [Hornung, E.W.] 313378 11-11-96
 (TXT) Robinson Crusoe (Part 2) [Defoe, Daniel] 558716 07-24-96
 (TXT) Robinson Crusoe [Defoe, Daniel] 653492 07-25-96
 (TXT) A Book of Remarkable Criminals [Irving, H. B.] 557364 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Road to Oz [Baum, L. Frank] 235316 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Red Fairy Book, A large older kids collection [Collection] 677515 07-25-96
 (TXT) Rhymes of a Red Cross Man [Service, Robert W.] 149327 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Republic [Plato] 707277 08-27-96
 (TXT) Declaration And Resolves, First Continental Congress, 1777 11902 05-21-95
 (TXT) Rezanov [Atherton, Gertrude] 392641 07-25-96
 (TXT) Records of a Family of Engineers [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 389995 08-27-96
 (TXT) Proposed Roads to Freedom [Russell, Bertrand] 341191 10-17-96
 (TXT) Paradise Regained [Milton, John] 103324 08-27-96
 (TXT) Ballad of Reading Gaol [Wilde, Oscar] 56350 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Return of Sherlock Holmes [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 638285 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Return of Sherlock Holmes [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 642289 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Redheaded Outfield [Grey, Zane] 319080 07-25-96
 (TXT) Roderick Hudson [James, Henry] 765615 08-27-96
 (TXT) Declaration of The Rights of Man And of The Citizen, 1789 6337 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner [Coleridge, Samuel Taylor] 32174 08-27-96
 (TXT) Rivers to the Sea [Teasdale, Sara] 78302 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Reporter Who Made Himself King [David, Richard Harding] 107489 07-25-96
 (TXT) Rio Grande's Last Race, Etc. [Paterson, Banjo] 145449 08-27-96
 (TXT) Ballads [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 96617 07-25-96
 (TXT) Robert Louis Stevenson, A Memorial A. H. Japp [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 381027 07-25-96
 (TXT) Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson Vol 1 [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 576111 07-25-96
 (TXT) Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson Vol 2 [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 629627 07-25-96
 (TXT) New Poems [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 125985 07-25-96
 (TXT) Robert Louis Stevenson [Raeigh, Walter] 73052 08-27-96
 (TXT) Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, et al [Browne, Thomas] 365871 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Roadmender [Fairless, Michael] 152355 11-07-96
 (TXT) The Errand Boy [Alger, Horatio Jr.] 317962 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Round-Up [Miller, Mills; Murray, John] 381866 01-01-97
 (TXT) Roget's Thesaurus [Reference] 1579290 08-27-96
 (TXT) Rhymes of a Rolling Stone [Service, Rovert] 138329 08-27-96
 (TXT) Round The Red Lamp [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 396611 07-25-96
 (TXT) Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia [Johnson, Samuel] 227593 09-18-96
 (TXT) The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam [Fitzgerald, Edward] 81445 08-27-96
 (TXT) Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom, the Crafts [Craft, William and Ellen] 154865 07-25-96
 (TXT) Poems of Rupert Brooke [Brooke, Rupert] 148320 08-27-96
 (TXT) Rewards and Fairies [Kipling, Rudyard] 420109 07-25-96
 (TXT) Biography of George Sand [Doumic, Rene] 407638 08-27-96
 (TXT) Essays and Lectures [Wilde, Oscar] 307288 01-05-97
 (TXT) Sara Crewe [Burnett, Frances Hodgson] 103225 08-27-96
 (TXT) Tom Sawyer Abroad [Twain, Mark] 188609 08-27-96
 (TXT) Tom Sawyer Detective [Twain, Mark] 134562 08-27-96
 (TXT) Adventures of Tom Sawyer [Twain, Mark] 411771 08-27-96
 (TXT) Sylvie and Bruno [Carroll, Lewis] 386082 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Song of the Cardinal [Porter, Gene Strattpm] 152984 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Scarlet Pimpernel [Orczy, Baroness Emmuska] 507081 08-27-96
 (TXT) Sister Carrie [Dreiser, Theodore] 915369 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Scarlet Car [David, Richard Harding] 134882 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Scarlet Letter [Hawthorne, Nathaniel] 526445 08-27-96
 (TXT) Poems [Seeger, Alan] 224125 07-25-96
 (TXT) Sense and Sensibility [Austen, Jane] 683779 08-27-96
 (TXT) Life of Robert Browning [Sharp, William] 427785 11-30-96
 (TXT) The Shadow Line [Conrad, Joseph] 229791 07-25-96
 (TXT) Rise of Silas Lapham [Howells, William Dean] 727868 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Silverado Squatters [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 191415 07-25-96
 (TXT) Myths and Legends of the Sioux [McLaughlin, Marie] 252499 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Sisters' Tragedy [Aldrich, Thomas Bailey] 59514 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 4 of 16 [Johnson, Samuel] 555252 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Poems of Sidney Lanier [Lanier, Sidney] 346597 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow [Irving, Washington] 80538 08-27-96
 (TXT) Somebody's Little Girl [Young, Martha] 63894 11-07-96
 (TXT) Silas Marner [Eliot, George] 412615 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Smalcald Articles [Luther, Martin] 88970 08-27-96
 (TXT) Hunting of the Snark [Carroll, Lewis] 40662 08-27-96
 (TXT) From The Snow Image [Hawthorne, Nathaniel] 209620 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Man From Snowy River [Paterson, Banjo] 145458 08-27-96
 (TXT) Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm [Wiggin, Kate Douglas] 431489 07-25-96
 (TXT) Soldiers of Fortune [Davis, Richard Harding] 449511 07-25-96
 (TXT) Song of the Lark [Cather, Willa] 892212 08-27-96
 (TXT) Sons and Lovers [Lawrence, D. H.] 924116 10-12-96
 (TXT) The Song of Roland [Anonymous] 199547 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Souls of Black Folk [Bois, W. E. B. Du] 421942 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Spell of the Yukon [Service, Robert] 84961 08-27-96
 (TXT) She Stands Accused [MacClure, Victor] 427150 07-25-96
 (TXT) In the South Seas [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 602584 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Secret Sharer [Conrad, Joseph] 102084 08-27-96
 (TXT) She Stoops to Conquer [Goldsmith, Oliver] 143783 08-27-96
 (TXT) Good Stories for Holidays [Olcott, Frances J.] 530017 08-27-96
 (TXT) St Ives [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 588184 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Story of a Pioneer [Shaw, Anna Howard] 511035 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Stark Munro Letters [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 436490 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Fifth String [Sousa, John Philip] 141077 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Goodness of St. Rocque et al [Dunbar, Alice] 163338 10-16-96
 (TXT) Songs of Travel [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 55874 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Star-Spangled Banner [Carpenter, John] 37768 12-02-96
 (TXT) Steep Trails [Muir, John] 493880 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Study In Scarlet [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 264561 08-27-96
 (TXT) Summer [Wharton, Edith] 340551 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Art of War, English w/o footnotes [Tzu, Sun] 77848 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Art of War, English and footnotes [Tzu, Sun] 337348 08-27-96
 (TXT) Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest [Dobie, J. Frank] 349120 08-27-96
 (TXT) Selected Writings (Vol 1) [Maupassant, Guy De] 511103 07-25-96
 (TXT) Tao/Dao Te/h King/Ching [Tzu, Lao] 71282 08-27-96
 (TXT) Return of Tarzan [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 517271 08-27-96
 (TXT) Beasts of Tarzan [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 372556 08-27-96
 (TXT) Son of Tarzan [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 546172 08-27-96
 (TXT) Tarzan, Jewels of Opar [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 393449 08-27-96
 (TXT) Jungle Tales of Tarzan [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 437289 08-27-96
 (TXT) Tarzan of the Apes [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 503575 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Bible in Spain [Borrow, George] 1277168 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Book of Tea [Okakura, Kakuzo] 118784 01-03-97
 (TXT) The Birds' Christmas Carol [Wiggin, Kate Douglas] 79501 12-02-96
 (TXT) The Bobbsey Twins at School [Hope, Laura Lee] 213337 12-06-96
 (TXT) Bobbsey Twins in the Country [Hope, Laura Lee] 239490 11-12-96
 (TXT) The Compleat Angler [Walton, Izaak] 360484 10-13-96
 (TXT) The Chimes [Dickens, Charles] 182627 09-18-96
 (TXT) The Contrast [Tyler, Royall] 134911 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Conflict [Phillips, David Graham] 564415 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Cost [Phillips, David Graham] 456650 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Cricket on the Hearth [Dickens, Charles] 193527 11-30-96
 (TXT) The Crossing [Churchill, Winston] 1171011 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Crowd, Study of Popular Mind [le Bon, Gustave] 350225 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Door in the Wall, et. al. [Wells, H.G.] 254635 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Dawn of A To-morrow [Burnett, Frances Hodgson] 115502 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Grain of Dust [Phillips, David Graham] 581429 07-25-96
 (TXT) Tess of the d'Urbervilles [Hardy, Thomas] 868047 08-27-96
 (TXT) End of the Tether [Conrad, Joseph] 310215 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Gaming Table [Steinmetz, Andrew] 518817 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Gaming Table, Volume #2 [Steinmetz, Andrew] 509907 07-25-96
 (TXT) The First Thanksgiving Proclamation - June 20, 1676 3012 05-21-95
 (TXT) The Harvester [Porter, Gene Stratton] 828234 08-27-96
 (TXT) Thomas Hart Benton's Remarks to the Senate [History] 28943 12-24-96
 (TXT) The House Behind The Cedars [Chesnutt, Charles W.] 410541 07-25-96
 (TXT) 95 Theses, (in English and Latin) [Luther, Martin] 41204 08-27-96
 (TXT) The American [James, Henry] 767893 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Europeans [James, Henry] 354018 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Hymns and Small Cathechism [Luther, Martin] 170263 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Time Machine [Wells, H. G.] 197557 08-27-96
 (TXT) Thomas Jefferson [Ellis, Edward S.] 274787 12-13-96
 (TXT) The King of the Golden River [Ruskin, John] 67501 11-07-96
 (TXT) Tales and Fantasies [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 295090 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Land That Time Forgot [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 216701 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Mansion [van Dyke, Henry] 61724 11-30-96
 (TXT) The Man of Letters as a Man of Business [Howells, William Dean] 82951 12-17-96
 (TXT) Thoughts on Man, His Nature, etc [Godwin, William] 691477 12-08-96
 (TXT) The Monk [Lewis, Matthew] 821449 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Mountains [White, Stewart Edward] 319728 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Mucker [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 709344 08-27-96
 (TXT) Tom Swift/Land of Wonders [Appleton, Victor] 257814 07-25-96
 (TXT) Tono Bungay [Wells, H. G.] 788319 12-17-96
 (TXT) Tales of Terror & Mystery [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 432411 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Touchstone [Wharton, Edith] 166864 08-27-96
 (TXT) Plays [Stevenson, Robert Louis; Henley, William E.] 367846 12-17-96
 (TXT) The Price She Paid [Phillips, David Graham] 582144 07-25-96
 (TXT) A Tramp Abroad [Twain, Mark] 886855 08-27-96
 (TXT) Letter of The President of The Federal Convention, 1787 3535 05-21-95
 (TXT) Treasure Island [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 388518 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Reef [Wharton, Edith] 560213 08-27-96
 (TXT) Trees and Other Poems [Kilmer, Joyce] 46860 08-27-96
 (TXT) Tracks of a Rolling Stone [Coke, Henry J.] 625179 07-25-96
 (TXT) Troilus and Crisyde [Chaucer, Geoffrey] 369189 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Troll Garden, et al [Cather, Willa] 496244 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Romany Rye [Borrow, George] 931326 07-25-96
 (TXT) Baron Trigault's Vengeance [Gaboriau, Emile] 698475 07-25-96
 (TXT) Tales of Shakespeare [Lamb, Charles and Mary] 582036 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Shuttle [Burnett, Frances Hodgson] 1234396 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Story of the Treasure Seekers [Nesbit, E.] 293342 01-03-97
 (TXT) Turn of the Screw [James, Henry] 246078 08-27-96
 (TXT) Twilight Stories [Collection] 222874 07-25-96
 (TXT) Tales From Two Hemispheres [Boysen, Hjalmar, Hjorth] 339590 08-27-96
 (TXT) The White People [Burnett, Frances Hodgson] 126289 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Warden [Trollope, Anthony] 417529 07-25-96
 (TXT) Underwoods [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 84285 07-25-96
 (TXT) The 1990 US Census, US Census Bureau [Reference] 2057894 08-27-96
 (TXT) The 1990 US Census [Reference] 362186 08-27-96
 (TXT) United States Congressional Address Book, 1995 [Reference] 42098 08-27-96
 (TXT) United States Congressional Address Book, 1995 [Reference] 47164 08-27-96
 (TXT) United States Congressional Address Book, 1995 [Reference] 55496 08-27-96
 (TXT) The United States Copyright Act of 1976 [Reference] 210074 08-27-96
 (IMG) Radar Map of the United States (1st Graphic File) [Reference] 207383 10-15-94
 (TXT) Radar Map of the United States (1st Graphic File) [Reference] 10739 02-02-95
 (TXT) Uncle Tom's Cabin [Stowe, Harriet Beecher] 1044674 08-27-96
 (TXT) Vailima Letters [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 470273 07-25-96
 (TXT) Van Bibber's Life [Davis, Richard Harding] 82250 08-27-96
 (TXT) Varieties of Religious Experience [James, William] 1109658 07-25-96
 (TXT) Vanity Fair [Thackeray, William] 2070282 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Violet Fairy Book [Collection] 547209 09-11-96
 (TXT) The Virginia Declaration of Rights 5856 05-21-95
 (TXT) Virginibus Puerisque [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 296309 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Voyage Out [Woolf, Virginia] 796377 08-27-96
 (TXT) Vailima Prayers & Sabbath Morn [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 32586 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Vital Message [Doyle, Arthur Conan] 181934 07-25-96
 (TXT) Walden [Thoreau, Henry David] 663119 08-27-96
 (TXT) The War of the Worlds [Wells, H. G.] 363974 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Ways of Men [Gregory, Eliot] 398433 08-27-96
 (TXT) Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (1st 100 pages) [Reference] 1516131 01-09-97
 (TXT) Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (2nd 100 pages) [Reference] 1543689 01-09-97
 (IMG) LandSat Picture of Washington, DC, USA [Reference] 422000 12-20-96
 (TXT) LandSat Picture of Washington, DC, USA [Reference] 13012 12-29-96
 (TXT) Weir of Hermiston [Stevenson, Robert Louis] 262730 08-27-96
 (TXT) Declaration of Independence [History] 18219 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Early Short Fiction (part 1) [Wharton, Edith] 256205 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Early Short Fiction (part 2) [Wharton, Edith] 270456 08-27-96
 (TXT) Religious and Moral Poems [Wheatley, Phillis] 98670 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Wisdom of Father Brown [Chesterton, G. K.] 426829 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz [Baum, L. Frank] 229442 08-27-96
 (TXT) What Is Man? [Twain, Mark] 557131 08-27-96
 (TXT) Warlord of Mars [Burroughs, Edgar Rice] 330494 09-08-96
 (TXT) Winesburg, Ohio [Anderson, Sherwood] 420352 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Woodlanders [Hardy, Thomas] 790044 07-25-96
 (TXT) The 1990 CIA World Factbook [Reference] 1925720 08-27-96
 (TXT) The 1990 CIA World Factbook, (CIA Factbook #0) [Reference] 2473401 08-27-96
 (TXT) The 1990 CIA World Factbook [Reference] 2147715 08-27-96
 (TXT) The 1991 CIA World Factbook [Reference] 2229233 08-27-96
 (TXT) The World Factbook, US CIA, 1992 Edition [Reference] 2423749 08-27-96
 (TXT) The 1993 CIA World Factbook, (CIA Factbook #3) [Reference] 2638067 08-27-96
 (TXT) The 1994 CIA World Factbook (CIA Factbook #4) [Reference] 2872323 08-27-96
 (TXT) The 1995 CIA World Factbook [Reference] 2988578 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Great War Syndicate [Stockton, Frank] 221307 07-25-96
 (TXT) When the Sleeper Wakes [Wells, H.G.] 496006 01-05-97
 (TXT) Wuthering Heights [Bronte, Emily] 675254 12-25-96
 (TXT) Wild Wales [Borrow, George] 1301582 09-18-96
 (TXT) The Well At The World's End [Morris, Willaim] 1186538 08-27-96
 (TXT) The Woman in White [Collins, Wilkie] 1399225 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Wind in the Willows [Grahame, Kenneth] 344583 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Connecticut Yankee [Twain, Mark] 669035 08-27-96
 (TXT) A Young Girl's Diary, and Letter of Sigmund Freud [Freud, Sigmund] 488734 01-02-97
 (TXT) Young Adventure [Benet, Stephen Vincent] 95220 08-27-96
 (TXT) Youth [Conrad, Joseph] 84301 07-25-96
 (TXT) The Prisoner of Zenda [Hope, Anthony] 308591 08-27-96
 (TXT) Zincali, Gypsies of Spain [Borrow, George] 598020 07-25-96
 (DIR) Trinity Atomic Bomb Test Site Photographs  [History]
 (DIR) Illustrations for Alice in Wonderland/GIF  [Tenniel, John]
 (DIR) Handbook of American Daguerrotype [Humphrey,  Samuel]
 (DIR) Motion Pictures of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing  [Reference]
 (DIR) History and Practice of the Art of Photography  [Reference]