# Log Cabin Hosting ![][1] A man's /home is his castle * host up to 2GB of data, upload via sftp * free of charge, with free software * real time support from IRCNow over live chat To get started with code hosting, connect to and /join #ircnow. Then, request file hosting and we will create your account and help you with the setup. Create your own free website with no ads. We support PHP7. IRCNow wants to bring back the expressiveness of a web that anyone can create, not just professionals. You get sftp access to upload any files, and we support PHP. SFTP * [rsync][2][?][2] * [sshfs][3][?][3] | [PuTTY PSFTP][4] | || Coda (web development software) CRAX Commander ExpanDrive Fugu (software) Interarchy Lftp PuTTY Rclone Transmit (file transfer tool) UploadFTP WebDrive WinSCP SCP RSync Acrosync [1]: https://wiki.ircnow.org/uploads/Marketing/abecabin.jpg [2]: File.Rsync?action=edit [3]: File.Ssh?action=edit [4]: PSFTP.Connect