# Connecting with Textual [Textual](https://www.codeux.com/textual/) is proprietary software. To protect your [freedom](/freedom), you should consider using an open source [[IRC client](/bouncer). [Textual](https://www.codeux.com/textual/) is proprietary software. To protect your [freedom](/freedom), you should consider using an open source [[IRC client](/bouncer). # From the menu, select `Server` → `Add Server...`\\ Attach:textual-menu.png # Fill in the details:\\ Attach:textual-addserver.png # For `Connection Name`, fill in the name of the network you want to connect to. # For `Server Address`, fill in the bouncer server address (it should look like `example.ircnow.org`). # For `Port`, fill in 31337. Check `Connect Securely`. # For `Server Password`, type username/network:password. For example, if your username is `john`, the network you want to connect to is `ircnow`, and your password is `abcde12345`, then fill in `john/ircnow:abcde12345`. # Check `Connect when Textual opens` # Check `Perform reconnect on disconnect` # Check `Perform reconnect when waking from sleep` # If you get a message saying ZNC is not yet connected, type `/quote znc connect`