# Become a Pioneer! ## Free 4-Week Sysadmin Course Be an independent pioneer on the Internet and run your own servers: **FREE** OpenBSD sysadmin course with **FREE** VPS for four weeks. %25width=50pct rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/oregontrail.png ## [Claim Your VPS Homestead Today!](/vps/vps) ## [What You'll Learn](/minutemin/bootcamp) You'll learn how to set up your own: # Virtual Private Network (VPN) to browse the web anonymously # Mail server # Webserver and web apps # Chat network on IRC (including bots) # File sharing server # Firewall # Custom subdomains (domain registration price not included) ## How to Apply # Create a [free shell account](/shell/shell) and finish the unix101 tutorial. # Join us over on IRC on one of our [servers](/ircnow/servers) on #shell To qualify, you must provide one of four verification methods: # Get a referral from a friend who is trusted by IRCNow staff # Provide a photo ID # Show us your personal social media/website/blog # Provide us with work portfolio/resume ## Upgrade At the end of the four free weeks course, you can: # [Purchase the VPS](vps/vps) at $5USD/month. Proceeds go towards [[supporting a free network](/ircnow/goals) # [Purchase the VPS](vps/vps) at $5USD/month. Proceeds go towards [[supporting a free network](/ircnow/goals) # [Volunteer as staff](/ircnow/minutemin) to keep the VPS free of charge