# Minutemin Bootcamp %25width=300px rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/minutemin.png Welcome to IRCNow! ## Before you apply # Sign up for a [liberty shell](/shell/shell) # [Unix101](/unix101/unix101): Learn the Command Line # [Unix201](/unix201/unix201): Understand Network Civics # [Unix301](/unix301/unix301): Learn the Unix Work Ethic # [Unix401](/unix401/unix401): Shell Script # [Perl101](/perl/101): Perl Scripting # [Unix601](/unix601/unix601): Program in C ## Required for Training ### Get Familiar with IRCNow Culture # Read up on our [goals for IRC](/Ircnow/Goals) # Read up on [IRCNow's roadmap](/Ircnow/Roadmap) # Learn about our commitment to [user freedom](/Freedom/Freedom) # Read and understand the [IRCNow Constitution](/Ircnow/Constitution) # Read the [Code of Honor](Minutemin/Code), the [Server Creed](/Minutemin/Creed), and the [[Call of Duty](/Minutemin/Duty). # Read the [Code of Honor](Minutemin/Code), the [Server Creed](/Minutemin/Creed), and the [[Call of Duty](/Minutemin/Duty). ### Learning Basic Utilities # Give yourself root powers using [doas](/openbsd/doas) # Patch your system using [syspatch](/openbsd/syspatch) # Read about basic [TCP/IP networking](/tcpip/overview) # Read about [IPv4 networking](/IPv4/overview) # Read about [IPv6 networking](/IPv6/overview) ### Setting up IRC # Setup [Ngircd](/ngircd/install), your IRC server # Configure [hopm](/hopm/install), an open proxy monitor that detects and bans spammers ### Network Troubleshooting # Troubleshoot networking applications with [netcat](/openbsd/netcat) # Troubleshoot basic networking connectivity with [ping](/openbsd/ping) # Troubleshoot DNS servers and records with [dig](/openbsd/dig) ### Setting up SSL # Configure your webserver, [openhttpd](/openhttpd/configure) # Get an SSL certificate to go with your web server with [acme-client](/acme-client/configure) ### Customizing your Web Server # Set up and configure [PHP](/openbsd/php) # Install [PMWiki](/openbsd/pmwiki), your own private wiki ### Installing a Bouncer # Set up [znc](/znc/chroot), a bouncer we will provide for users # Configure [relayd](/openbsd/relayd) as a reverse proxy for your znc web panel # Set up [oidentd](/oidentd/install), which is needed to prevent abuse for the bouncer ### Configuring DNS # Learn about [DNS fundamentals](/openbsd/Dns) # Learn how to configure a [[openbsd/vhost]] # Troubleshoot DNS issues with [[openbsd/host]] and [[openbsd/dig]] # Configure your local caching nameserver using [[openbsd/unbound]] # Configure your authoritative nameserver, [nsd](/nsd/configure). ## Configuring Networking # Configure [new IPv6 addresses](/openbsd/staticnet) # Test basic connectivity with [ping](/openbsd/ping) ### Setting up a Mail Server # Configure [OpenSMTPd](/openbsd/opensmtpd), our mail server # Configure [SPF](openbsd/spf), [DKIM](/openbsd/dkimproxy), and [[DMARC](/Openbsd/dmarc) # Configure [SPF](openbsd/spf), [DKIM](/openbsd/dkimproxy), and [[DMARC](/Openbsd/dmarc) # Send an email message to your personal email address such as Gmail or Outlook. Also practice sending a message from your personal email to your mail server. # Double check to ensure you do not have an [open mail relay](/opensmtpd/openrelay) # Install and configure [Dovecot](/Openbsd/Dovecot), our IMAP server. Connect your email client to the server ## Congratulations# Join the Team! # Read up on [team procedure](/Openbsd/Team). # and [[Openbsd/Stable]] server protocol. # and [[Openbsd/Testing]] server protocol. Please continue with [ongoing training](/openbsd/ongoing).