Wesnoth is a open source fantasy, turn-based strategy game. This guide follows installation and configuration of game server (wesnothd) ## Installation This will install wesnoth itself and other wesnoth-related deamons such as wesnothd. $ doas pkg_add wesnoth Afterwards, enable and start wesnoth deamon and set required flags: $ doas rcctl enable wesnothd $ doas rcctl set wesnothd flags -d -c /etc/wesnothd.conf $ doas rcctl start wesnothd If you want to host your server on some port besides default (15000), change the second line to: $ doas rcctl set wesnothd flags -d -p 12345 -c /etc/wesnothd.conf ## Configuration Generally, wesnothd should work without any configuration. \\ However, you might change these following options on /etc/wesnothd.conf \\ For more options please see wesnothd(6) manual page. \\ Generally, wesnothd config looks like this: [tag] key="value" [/tag] ### Global this is the main tag. these options might be on interest for you. remove or change ones you don't want. [global] connections_allowed="8" passwd="WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong" versions_accepted="1.16" [/global] `connections_allowed` sets maximum number of clients (players) connected to server. \\ `passwd` is password for doing admin opertions, such as kicking somebody. and `versions_accepted` is used for limiting client versions you are going to allow on this server. ## Redirect and proxy Redirect tag is used for redirecting users of one server to another. it takes following arguments: [redirect] host="server.wesnoth.org" port="1500" version="1.16" [/redirect] You could also setup a relay wesnothd, which is acts as middle man between your server and other server. \\ It takes same arugments as `[redirect]` but with `[proxy]` tag instead.