# Download and Open Thunderbird # From the menu, select `Tools` → `Account Settings`:\\ Attach:thunderbird01.png # At the bottom left-corner, click on `Account Actions` → `Add Mail Account`:\\ Attach:thunderbird02.png # Fill in your name, email address, and password. Then, click on `Configure manually...`.\\ For IMAP, `Server` is `imap.ircnow.org`, `Port` is 143, `SSL` is `STARTTLS`, `Authentication` is `Normal password`, `Username` is your username.\\ For SMTP, `Server` is `mail.ircnow.org`, `Port` is 587, `SSL` is `STARTTLS`, `Authentication` is `Normal password`, `Username` is your username.\\ Attach:thunderbird05.png # You can customize your new account. Once done, switch to the Inbox tab at the top-left corner.\\ Attach:thunderbird06.png # Configuration is complete!\\ Attach:thunderbird07.png We encourage you to [configure PGP](/thunderbird/pgp) for security.