Many IRC networks support Tor for connecting, including **Ircnow**. You can check **Ircnow's** Tor servers from the following table:\\ ### IRC Servers (by alphabetical hostname order) || border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable" ||# IPv4 Server ||# IPv6 Server ||# Tor Server ||# Plain-text port ||# encrypted port || ||# Associate Servers ||# ||# ||# ||# || || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## bsdnetoezbtsbrzlnrgxn7iv6qokouuyr4dkd7f2xt6fmmacvi2kjjad.onion##ENDCODEBLOCK## || 6667 || 6697 || || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## 6sntav3syf2yls5a.onion##ENDCODEBLOCK## || 6667 || 6697 || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## 4ufrikyorlatp5ekgz6tlre22v6b5jxqbiid6cp7nuhemklukiohidqd.onion##ENDCODEBLOCK## || 6667 || 6697 || || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## || ##STARTCODEBLOCK## ircnowww2n24aluccfzydqelohej55yrgfkpnp6jc6geijmqht6w77yd.onion##ENDCODEBLOCK## || 6667 || 6697 || **The OFTC Network**\\ For another example, the OFTC network supports Tor directly as well and no registration is needed, for OFTC just use one of the following addresses:\\ * *oftcnet6xg6roj6d7id4y4cu6dchysacqj2ldgea73qzdagufflqxrid.onion:6697 \\ **SASL may be needed**\\ For some networks you may need to configure SASL for access via Tor. For information on how to do that on _irssi_ check this out for the liberachat network:\\ `/SERVER ADD -ssl -ssl_verify -ssl_capath /etc/ssl/certs -network liberachat -port 6697`\\ `/NETWORK ADD -sasl_mechanism plain -sasl_username [username] -sasl_password [password] liberachat`\\ Restart Irssi, connect to the network and look for SASL authentication succeeded message. \\ \\ **Connecting to a shell through Tor**\\ If one is looking for anonymity but doesn't mind revealing the shell being used, the user can connect to a shell (eg. freeirc shell) via Tor and use IRC directly from there:\\ # Install Whonix Gateway and Whonix Workstation to Virtualbox virtualization software: ## Download Virtualbox for your architecture/distribution and install it ## Download the Whonix Workstation and Gateway from and follow their guide to install the system to Virtualbox # Use Whonix Workstation to connect through Whonix Gateway (which is Tor-routed) to the shell\\ Now you connect to the shell via Tor. ## Boot the Whonix Gateway and Workstation from Virtualbox, (the Workstation uses the Gateway to connect via Tor). ## Login to the Workstation ## Type `ssh [user]@[server]` and press enter ## Enter the password and you are logged in to your shell server from the Tor network **To connect from the most used IRC clients**\\ _irssi_\\ `/connect [server] [port]`\\ _hexchat_\\ `/server [server] [port]`