## Vim Cheat Sheet ## How to enter console mode ESC - Escape on you're keyboard so you can use console ## How to triger Console : / ## Enter INSERT MODE i ## Exit the document :q ## Exit the document without saving :q! ## Navigate UP/DOWN j - for up k - for down ## Navigate Right/Left l - for left h - for right ## Exit and Save :wq ## Undo u - undo :u - undo :undo - undo ## Search and Replace ALL for single change u just type "%25s/keyword/newkeyword/ without G %25s/keyword/whatuwanttoreplace/g - Replaces anything whith whatuwanttoreplace that is known as keyword ## How to save and quit ESC; :wq - Write and quit or a.k.a Save and quit ## How to search /keywoard ## Show number lines ESC, :set number ## Delete a line dd ## Jump to first line gg ## Jump to last/bottom line SHIFT+G G ## Exit INSERT mode ESC ## Enable Syntax :syntax on ## Disable Syntax :syntax off ## Go to specific line /20 - Sents you to line 20 This commands most of them apply to "vi" to but for full experience please install vim: pkg_add vim