The world as we know it today is called the Fifth World. What came before is described in the Fourth World (and covered by a separate game, Earthdawn). Shadowrun exists in the Sixth World, everything after The Awakening. For the timeline covering the period before the Shadowrun storyline please see this article Shadowrun Prehistory Timeline This Shadowrun timeline covers in-universe events from circa 1989 (when the game was first published) to the in-game current day. - 1980-1989 1980 December 8 - John Lennon is shot and killed. - After Dunkelzahn's death in 2057, anyone born on this date is bequeathed a wish from his will ("this century should mourn for the losses of that century") by the Draco Foundation. 1984 - The ichiwa-kai is formed as a result of an internal struggle for succession within the yamaguchi-gumi. 1986 - Chief Justice Warren E. Burger considers stepping down from the Supreme Court of the United States to lead a campaign marking the 1987 bicentennial anniversary of the country's Constitution but decides to remain. 1987 - Liam O'Connor is born. - USA Vice-President George H. W. Bush is among those indicted for the Iran–Contra affair and is unable to run for the 1988 presidential election (won by Michael Dukakis) [1] References Conspiracy Theories p. 126