Welcome to GOPHER!  Gopher is a slim, powerful, and
       fast way to present information in a hierarchial catalog online.
       Gopher actually predates the Web -- although most web browsers
       make excellent gopher browsers too.
       Good places to start are the "Gopher Manifesto" and
       "A Brief Introduction to Gopher" areas!
       Here you will find a list of major gopher servers.
 (DIR) Floodgap Systems
 (DIR) Dark Side of the Net
 (DIR) SDF Public Access Unix System
       Gopher Standars & Specs
 (TXT) Gopher+ Extensions
 (TXT) The Gopher Protocol (RFC1436)
 (TXT) URL Links
       Using Gopher
 (TXT) A Brief Introduction to Gopherspace
 (TXT) Using a web browser to access gopher
 (TXT) Gopher Manifesto
                            Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on n/a/n x86_64