       On fixing stuff
       januar 31st, 2020
       No doubt,  I like to  fix stuff. Nothing is  more satisfying
       than giving your good old stuff a new life.
       Also, shopping ain't fun anymore. When I was younger, I went
       to a store when I  needed something, maybe another store, if
       the first did not have  what I wanted.  Call me sentimental,
       but shopping is  not like this anymore. Now  I'd spend hours
       comparing products, reading reviews, and then trying to find
       the   cheapest  available   offer  for   the  said   product
       online. Where  is the  fun in  that?  So  some years  ago, I
       stopped  buying  stuff.  At  least new  things.  If  I  want
       something, I can find most of it second-hand. Or decide that
       I don't need  it at all. That's 100% of  my money saved and,
       more  important to  me, this  has less  of an  environmental
       impact. This  is why repairability  is so important!  I wish
       that  the   right  to   repair  was   applied  to   all  our
       belongings.  Customers   unite,  don't   buy  non-repairable
       Recently, my daughters tablet broke,  that is, the micro USB
       contact  is   so  worn  out,   that  it  is   impossible  to
       charge.  Problem  is,  that  the  screen  is  glued  to  the
       case. I've tried  to lift the screen after  watching lots of
       videos on youtube. Still no success, but I'm not giving up.
       My  son's  Playstation  Dualshock controller  had  the  same
       problem with a worn out USB contact. I ordered a replacement
       part for a dollar or two. Half an hour later, the controller
       was as new. 50 bucks saved. Cool.
       A  while  ago,  I  bought a  refurbished  ThinkPad  x250.  A
       DuckDuckGo-search  later, I  had found  the complete  repair
       manual online. Bingo!
       When buying  second-hand, things are sometimes  broken. This
       usually makes the  item a lot cheaper. Plus, I  can start to
       fix it. Double the fun.
       We bought some chairs for our dining room. They are about 90
       years old,  and one of the  eight chairs was broken.  What a
       nice  little woodworking  project.  Almost all  tools in  my
       little  woodworking  shop  were  bought  used  in  the  past
       decade. Many  of them  are 100  to 150  years old.  And they
       still do their job. Plus, no need for going to the gym.
       After my two children were born,  they got lots of toys. And
       even  more clothes  which  got worn  out  only weeks  later.
       Children break  things. All  the time.  Fixing  their stuff,
       not only makes makes me a proud dad, but my children seem to
       take extra care of things  now. Maybe it's just because they
       don't want to ask me to fix this or that for the third time,
       and   wait  until   I'm   slowly  but   steady  process   my
       fix-me-yesterday  queue.  But  maybe it's  because  the  are
       becoming  older.  Nevertheless,  this   also  allows  me  to
       practice  sewing,  knitting, leather  working,  woodworking,
       soldering, gluing (all the time!) and other crafts.
       So, go and fix your stuff. And learn a whole lot!
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