       Rating DVDs with Python
       februar 08th, 2020
       Rating DVDs with python
       Recently,  my  kids were  talking  about  buying  some DVDs  of  their
       favourite movies. My son was still missing part IV to VI of Star Wars,
       and considered  a boxed edition with  all movies. Buying new  stuff is
       evil, so  I pointed  my browser  to our  local craigslist  (finn.no in
       Norway). A while later, I'd found  what I consider the perfect deal: A
       huge  box with  almost 200  DVDs, including  ALL movies  that my  kids
       wanted to buy. And all that for  almost nothing (we speak the price of
       two(!)  Star Wars boxed editions for all 198 DVDs). Most of the movies
       in the  collection are Limited  Editions or Directors Cuts or whatever
       you call all these fancy boxes. Hard to say no to this!
       So, how do you handle so many movies? Where to start?
       I jotted down a  list of all movie titles in  emacs. To prioritize and
       skip the  worst movies  (time is  precious), I like  to refer  to IMDB
       ratings.  Everything below  6.5 is  a no-go.  But how  was I  going to
       retrieve all those ratings? Searching for all movies on imdb.com would
       take hours.
       Python to  the rescue. There  is a neat  module called imdbpy  that is
       able to retrieve information about movies  from IMDB. There is lots of
       information available, but I was only interested in the rating. But, I
       found out,  that the canonical title  was nice to have.  After all, my
       list was  just the result of  me punching in  all titles as best  as I
       could. To make things a little bit  worse, some of the DVDs had German
       titles,  some Norwegian  titles.   IMDB tends  to do  an  OK job  with
       converting these titles to the original, but not always.
       So here is a small snippet of my list:
       Charlie's Angels
       Corps Bride
       Da Vinci-Koden
       Danes With Wolves
       Das Boot
       The script itself consist of only some  lines of python. Most of it is
       error-handling, in  case IMDB was  not able  to retrieve the  movie or
       missing information.  Here is the code. It's not pretty. You have been
       from sys import stdin
       from imdb import IMDb
       def main():
           lines = stdin.readlines()
           for i in range(len(lines)):
               lines[i] = lines[i].replace('\n','')
           ia = IMDb()
           for movie_name in lines:
               movies = ia.search_movie(movie_name)
               # No hit? Use the original name and continue
               if len(movies) == 0:
                   print("|", movie_name, "| ? |")
               # Usually, the first match is what we're looking for:
               movie = movies[0] 
               if movie:
                   ia.update(movie, ['vote details'])
                   dem = movie.get('demographics')
                   if dem:
                       print("|", movie['canonical title'], "|",
                       movie.get('demographics')['imdb users']['rating'], "|")
                       # No rating - seems like some movies have bad data
                       print("|", movie_name, "| ? |")
                   print("|", movie_name, "| ? |")
       if __name__ == '__main__':
       Now,  to convert  my  list  into an  org-mode-table,  I  just did  the
       cat ~/Sync/org-files/movies.org | python3 movie-org.py > rated-movies.org
       Now it was just the matter of  opening the resulting file in emacs and
       pressing TAB to align all colums nicely. Resulting in:
       | Superman Returns                                       | 6.0 |
       | As It Is in Heaven                                     | 7.5 |
       | Terminator 2: Judgment Day                             | 8.5 |
       | Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector             | 6.6 |
       | Borgias, The                                           | 7.9 |
       | Cell, The                                              | 6.3 |
       | Dark Knight, The                                       | 9.0 |
       | Day After Tomorrow, The                                | 6.4 |
       So here we go! A list of movies with ratings.
       That  said, I'm  not very  fond of  watching movies.   I guess  that's
       because  I'm sitting  in front  of a  screen all  day at  work.  Also,
       watching movies is way to passive  for me. Playing with my computer is
       not. Before I  met my wife, I  had hardly watched any  movies at home,
       except some rentals that I watched  together with friends.  In fact, I
       watched my first DVD together with my wife in my late 20s.
       Anyway, this script was a nice little project!
       Oh, one more thing: I wrote a little script that exposes parts of the
       Internet Movie Database on Gopher. I call it the Gopher Movie Database.
       Here you go:
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