(SND) h: cannot create [1]: Permission denied
 (SND) h: cannot create [2]: Permission denied
 (SND) h: cannot create [3]: Permission denied
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 (SND) h: cannot create [7]: Permission denied
       Re: Emacs everything
       juli 25th, 2020
       Kensanata posted  about his use  of emacs "for everything".  I thought
       this was a  great idea, so here is  a summary of what I  use emacs for
       and how.  First of  all, I use evil mode. As a former  vim user, I was
       never  able to  get my  head around  emacs navigation,  and evil  mode
       solved this problem for me.  For some modes, however, I've deactivated
       evil  mode  to be  able  to  access  the original  keyboard  shortcuts
       (e.g. for EMMS, mu4e, elfeed, etc. See below).
       For email  I use mu4e. Mu4e  comes with a command  line utility called
       "mu" which is used for indexing and searching mails. Fetching mails is
       not  part  of mu,  it  just  expects a  maildir  directory.  So I  use
       offlineimap to fetch mails from my fastmail account. The configuration
       is a bit more complicated, so refer to [1] for details.
       For reading news, I use elfeed [2]. The configuration is quite simple,
       I just set up a list over feeds I want to follow, including some tags:
       (setq elfeed-feeds
         '(("http://nullprogram.com/feed/" blog emacs)
           ("http://endlessparentheses.com/atom.xml" blog emacs)
       (global-set-key (kbd "C-x w") 'elfeed)
       (add-to-list 'evil-emacs-state-modes 'elfeed-search-mode)
       (add-to-list 'evil-emacs-state-modes 'elfeed-show-mode)
       Occasionally, I  use elpher for  this, but I'm  a bit biased,  so most
       gopher and gemini browsing is done with ncgopher [3], a client I wrote
       in Rust.
       The past  years I had  some (read: a  lot) of trouble  with repetitive
       strain injury.  Ace mode lets  me navigate quickly within  the visible
       text. I've set up two simple shortcuts for ace:
       (autoload 'ace-jump-mode "ace-jump-mode"
        "Emacs quick move minor mode" t)
       (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c SPC") 'ace-jump-line-mode)
       (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC") 'ace-jump-mode)
       At work, I do a lot of remote editing. Tramp provides an easy solution
       for this, and lets me edit my files in my local emacs instance. I also
       like the  combination with eshell, which  lets me open a  shell on the
       remote server.
       (require 'tramp)
       (eval-after-load 'tramp '(setenv "SHELL" "/bin/bash"))
       (setq tramp-default-user "jans")
       Whenever I  want to look  up something in external  documentation, for
       like  pyhton, php,  rust or  whatever, I  use zeal.  zeal-at-point [4]
       provides an  easy way to find  the documentation for a  function under
       the cursor:
       (autoload 'zeal-at-point "zeal-at-point"
        "Search the word at point with Zeal." t nil)
       (global-set-key "\C-cd" 'zeal-at-point)
       (global-set-key "\C-ce" 'zeal-at-point-with-docset)
       Sometimes I'd like to  open a file from my shell  in emacs. A collegue
       showed me a simple alias to do this:
       alias e='emacsclient --no-wait'
       This lets me open  a file in emacs with `e  FILENAME` from the command
       Org mode,  for me,  is the  killer feature of  emacs. Without  it, I'd
       probably switch  back to vim. I  can easily take notes,  create todos,
       meeting summaries, journal entries or make phone call notes by hitting
       C-c c, and return to what I  was doing before. I also keep a wiki-like
       collection  of notes  in org-mode.  My home  page is  also written  in
       org-mode. These files  are converted to markdown  with ox-hugo, which,
       again, calls zola [5], a static site generator written in Rust.
       My complete org-mode configuration is too long to post here, but refer
       to [1] for the full configuration.
       Kensanata's post  made me  reconsider emms  for playing  music. Before
       that, I used mostly cmus [6] to play music, but I switched to MPD [7],
       which provides several clients. EMMS is one of them, and I have to say
       that  I like  it quite  a lot  so far.  It's easy  to browse  my music
       collection and select albums to play.
       (require 'emms)
       (require 'emms-setup)
       (require 'emms-player-mpd)
       (require 'emms-librefm-scrobbler)
       (require 'emms-info-libtag)
       (require 'emms-lyrics)
       (require 'emms-volume)
       (setq emms-info-functions '(emms-info-libtag))
       (emms-lyrics 1)
       (setq emms-volume-change-function 'emms-volume-mpd-change)
       (setq emms-seek-seconds 5)
       (setq emms-player-list '(emms-player-mpd))
       (setq emms-info-functions '(emms-info-mpd))
       (setq emms-player-mpd-server-name "localhost")
       (setq emms-player-mpd-server-port "6600")
       (global-set-key (kbd "s-m p") 'emms)
       (global-set-key (kbd "s-m b") 'emms-smart-browse)
       (global-set-key (kbd "s-m r") 'emms-player-mpd-update-all-reset-cache)
       (global-set-key (kbd "C-c +") 'emms-volume-mode-plus)
       (global-set-key (kbd "C-c -") 'emms-volume-mode-minus)
       (define-key mode-specific-map (kbd "e s") 'emms-smart-browse)
       (add-to-list 'evil-emacs-state-modes 'emms-browser-mode)
       (add-to-list 'evil-emacs-state-modes 'emms-playlist-mode)
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