General Information: server hostname : ipv4 address : ipv6 address : 2a01:4f9:c012:9e37::1 operating system : Debian 12 (bookworm) architecture : x86_64 server software : geomyidae, git, stagit-gopher system uptime : up 11 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 23 minutes load average : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 This server build is fully automated. Terraform sets up the infrastructure on Hertzner, configures networking and security, and applies a basic cloud-init script. The cloud-init script, in turn, pulls Ansible scripts during VPS boot. These Ansible scripts harden the VPS, install and set up Git with Git-Daemon, build Geomyidae from source, create a systemd service for managing Geomyidae, and finally build, install, and configure Stagit-Gopher to use the default Git location and output to the Gopher root directory. All that's left to do is rsync files to the Gopher root, and the server is ready to go. It takes approximately 10 minutes to set up and fully run the server from scratch. The code for this setup can be found on my Git repositories.