This is my weblog. I don't update it as frequently as my gemlog, wh
       you can easily find if you look.
 (TXT) Roophloch 2023
 (TXT) Gopher/Gemini/WWW Comparison Table
 (TXT) No ROOPHLOCH For Me This Year
 (TXT) Gemini Quickstart
 (TXT) Working (or not) remotely: ROOPHLOCH 2020 entry
 (TXT) Installing Wallabag on Fedora 31
 (TXT) Protein Pancakes
 (TXT) KOReader reconsidered
 (TXT) Weeknight Soup
 (TXT) Fedora 31 Upgrade
 (TXT) In praise of my e-reader
 (TXT) Burst Mode: ROOPHLOCH 2019 entry
 (TXT) Minor Germinal update: link syntax
 (TXT) Brutaldon Pondering and Some Germinal Updates
 (TXT) Gemini Text Wrapping
 (TXT) Germinal, a Gemini server
 (TXT) Re: Project Gemini
 (TXT) Guacamole
 (TXT) Keeping a Private Journal in org-mode
 (TXT) Userstyle for
 (TXT) Gopher and the Lynx Web
 (TXT) Generating a Gopher site with Hugo
 (TXT) More thoughts on a federated replacement for Facebook
 (TXT) Creamy Grits
 (TXT) Some thoughts on Social Networking and Usenet
 (TXT) Brutaldon
 (TXT) Set Up Prosody
 (TXT) Firefox Focus Update
 (TXT) Coffee
 (TXT) Maybe Don't Reduce Swappiness
 (TXT) Improve Your Social Media Experience with these Four Weird Tricks!
 (TXT) The Six Genders
 (TXT) Defend the Archive mini-review
 (TXT) Firefox Focus Fixes Browsing on Android
 (TXT) A thought on a benefit of social networking
 (TXT) Conscience as a Service
 (TXT) A Slightly Esoteric Argument for No Platform
 (TXT) Designing an open Facebook alternative (outline)
 (TXT) "What a Difference a Shade Makes", by Saab Lofton
                        Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Fedora/40 x86_64