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        Other people sayings that I could want reading again, because they express an
        awesome natural language ingenuity.
        ┊ You have the lawful good approach, which is something like quickcheck, and
        ┊ the chaotic good approach, which is something like AFL. The lawful evil
        ┊ approach is a chaos monkey, and the chaotic evil approach is “just throw
        ┊ your shit on the internet and see what DDoSers come up with“
        ┊ When I was born, the fairy who blesses (?) people with an undying
        ┊ attraction for discussion of documentation formats had severe diarrhea so
        ┊ she didn't attend my birth, for which I am grateful to her because fae
        ┊ diarrhea is something else.
        ┊ When brain implants become feasible, I’ll make a module that prevents me
        ┊ from writing until I’m fully awake.
        ┊ Have you suggested turning the computer off? Usually the advice for
        ┊ computer problems is to turn it off and then on again, so this might
        ┊ through them off a bit.
 (HTM)  {Roy Fielding}:
        ┊ Some architectural styles are often portrayed as “silver bullet”
        ┊ solutions for all forms of software. However, a good designer should select
        ┊ a style that matches the needs of a particular problem being solved.
 (HTM)  {Roy Fielding}:
        ┊ REST is designed to be efficient for large-grain hypermedia data transfer,
        ┊ optimizing for the common case of the Web, but resulting in an interface
        ┊ that is not optimal for other forms of architectural interaction.
        ┊ we don't happen to have any utils for that, do we? wait. we have.
        ┊ building pyramids is easy too if you just delegate the work to your army of
        ┊ slaves
        ┊ nothing is designed anymore everything is just historical accidents and
        ┊ hype
        plan9 kernel iseve() checking user permissions:
        ┊ Originally the stand-alone file server kernel ran as adm, so whoever you
        ┊ run the cpu/terminal kernel as became eve.
        khm, about plan9 venti:
        ┊ it's from the Caesar; vidi venti vuduavi: literally, "I saw venti, I was
        ┊ deprived [of my data]"
 (HTM)  {Leslie Lamport}:
        ┊ A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't
        ┊ even know existed can render your own computer unusable.
        ┊ These days the analogy is still fairly valid, only everyone has a cheap
        ┊ mainframe in the form of a laptop, every single thing has a crippled potato
        ┊ computer in it, and there isn't any way to own the meta-computer that
        ┊ arises from all of it. We've given that to amazon and google
        Alan Perlis:
        ┊ When someone says, "I want a programming language in which I need only say
        ┊ what I wish done", give him a lollipop.
        Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill in *The Art of Electronics*:
        ┊ Don't anthropomorphize computers... they don't like it.
 (HTM)  {ZipCPU}:
        ┊ If you want a design to work across the boundaries of multiple engineering
        ┊ teams, then you really need to get the engineers responsible for each
        ┊ portion of the design together into the same room and lock them in there
        ┊ until it works.
        ┊ In the end, we do not need software/hardware that do not fail. We need
        ┊ software/hardware that fail in the right moment: during initial tests, not
        ┊ after it is deployed... Which is even harder than not-to-fail if you ask
        ┊ me.
 (HTM)  {@Reducible}:
        ┊ If your mind is not blown yet, you have not been paying attention.
 (HTM)  {John Carmack}:
        ┊ Low-level programming is good for the programmer's soul.
 (HTM)  {Bob Widlar}:
        ┊ Every idiot can count to one.
        ┊ If you wanna make something sweet you better add some salt into it too.
        WeirdFaceMan about FPGAs:
        ┊ Simulation is salvation. Without it you're half-wit.
        Eric Bogatin:
        ┊ Do not consider that things to work *thanks* to how we design them,
        ┊ consider them to work *in spite* of how we design them.
        ┊ The definition of a submarine is not a ship that can go underwater, but a
        ┊ ship that can go back up.
 (HTM)  {Thomas Pornin}:
        ┊ I have long been of the opinion that a good software project must be
        ┊ written at least three times: once to understand the problem, once to
        ┊ understand the solution, and once to actually write it properly.
 (HTM)  {Poster in the NASA / Jet Propulsion Lab cafeteria}:
        ┊ Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling
        ┊ down the highway.