Title: COVID Status Date: 20200404 Tags: me ======================================== Well everyone is talking about their COVID-19 situation and I've been lacking motivation to write about anything, so I guess I can go with the crowd. I've been working from home for a few weeks. It's OK. I'm not particularly social but I do work in a support role and prefer direct interaction with people over email and tickets. Interacting with people at work is an easy way to be social for me so I do miss that. Of course, there are certain people at work that I really like and I miss seeing them. Two problems with working from home for me. One is that I have a standing desk at work. I have a problematic back and standing has been an amazing improvement in my life. At home, since I spend way less time here than at work, I don't have such a setup. I have one piece of furniture, a DVD cabinet, that is at about the right height to stand at but it's tiny. I can just about cram a monitor and keyboard onto it. I have been using that for about half the work day and sitting on my couch for the rest of the time. Not great. I need to be standing more. The second problem is that after work, I usually tend to sit on the couch with my laptop catching up on the world via the internet or working on 8080 assembly or OpenBSD ports. But since I tend to be on the couch working for at least part of the day, I have zero interest to then switch to my personal computer and continue that situation. I have been sort of switching over to my summer hobby, which is working on old cars. The weather hasn't been great for it yet, thought. Still a little chilly and rainy, but getting there. I wanted to finish my 8080 assembler before Summer, but since I don't feel like spending my evenings on my computer anymore, I don't think that's going to happen. Hopefully I can remember where I left off when I pick up retro-computing again in the Fall. Overall, I'm more than fine with isolation. I don't usually see people outside of work. I don't get lonely and I don't get bored. I can entertain myself and I have plenty to do. What sucks, though, is that I tend to get motivated to do something specific and if I can't because of weather or the work situation or, at this time, the pandemic, then that gets frustrating. I have people in my life that I am especially worried about in this situation and that's a source of stress but I'm not one of them.