Title: ReMatrix Date: 20190502 Tags: computers ======================================== I'm delighted to see some solidarity[0] with my dot-matrix post. I loved seeing the Brother EP-20 posted by cdmnky[2] and wonder what the hardware is underneath. Looks like a cool little device. It seems like the electric typewriter had a short life, but maybe it was something I just missed. My family had an electric typewriter (one of the big full sized ones) very shortly before moving to a word processor (also a short life span) then on to general purpose computers. Playing with the dot-matrix printer has been pretty fun, actually. I've almost kind of skipped over getting things configured to print typical day to day stuff and just dove into how to program it to do things using the main supported encoding, which happens to be ESC/P 2. I can set basic options like the font and quality and have moved on to how to encode custom fonts and graphics. I found the full 500+ page documentation[1] available from Epson. It's like having another computer or micro-controller to play with and program. ...Because I needed another project to spend time on. :/ [0] gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/tfurrows/phlog/2019/ak6_reMatrix.tx [1] https://files.support.epson.com/pdf/general/escp2ref.pdf [2] gopher://seedy.xyz:70/1/phlog/2019/05-01/