## About katolaz.net This Gopherhole is under construction. I will put here more stuff with time. At the moment you can find here a few links to some gopher-related stuff I have written, including: __gosher__ `gosher`, a shell script I wrote, based on `netcat`, which supports both gophermaps and gopherfiles (.gph). The script can be found at: gopher://katolaz.net/1/software/ or via HTTP at: http://git.katolaz.net/gosher __cgit-70__ `cgit_70` is a fork of cgit that provides a gopher interface to git repos. You can find more information about ``cgit-70` at: gopher://git.katolaz.net:7070/ You can even try out cgit-70 at: gopher://git.katolaz.net:7070/1/cgit-70.cgi or clone the repo at: http://git.katolaz.net/cgit-70 __goval__ `goval` is a rudimentary validator for gophermenus in a shell script. You can find it at: gopher://katolaz.net/1/software/