Except where otherwise noted, the posts are marked with
       CC0 1.0 Universal and are dedicated to the public domain.
       If you have any comments or if you just want to say hi,
       write to me at bandali@kelar.org - I'd love to hear from you.
 (TXT) readme.txt
 (TXT) (2024-05-20) PulseAudio with changing machine-id
 (TXT) (2024-03-14) tmdconv
 (TXT) (2024-02-24) Re: The state of gopher
 (TXT) (2024-01-01) New Year 2024
 (TXT) (2023-12-23) Second gopherversary
 (TXT) (2023-09-29) (On being) mortal
 (TXT) (2023-08-30) Re: Christina's five questions for August 2023
 (TXT) (2023-07-21) Criteria for evaluating email providers
 (TXT) (2023-07-16) Re: Christina's five questions for July 2023
 (TXT) (2023-07-12) ~~Site moved from kelar.org to gnu.ca~~
 (TXT) (2023-02-20) Jami migrates to Debian Testing (bookworm)
 (TXT) (2023-01-05) Back to work
 (TXT) (2023-01-02) Re: Christina's five questions for January 2023
 (TXT) (2023-01-01) New Year 2023
 (TXT) (2022-12-23) First gopherversary
 (TXT) (2022-12-16) Re-categorizing blongings (logs) and articles
 (TXT) (2022-09-03) Blongings
 (TXT) (2022-03-25) Usable file names
 (TXT) (2022-01-01) New Year 2022
 (TXT) (2021-12-23) Hello (gopherspace)
 (TXT) (2020-12-18) My internship with the FSF tech team and beyond
 (TXT) (2020-05-29) Internship with the FSF tech team
       This phlog is also a blog, and is accessible on the
       web from https://kelar.org/~bandali/blog/blog.html
 (DIR) Back to bandali's gopherhole