2022-05-28 - ledit configuration file I shared my text editor ledit a while ago[1]. ledit is a somewhat special vi-like text editor that is specifically designed to help with editing documents in multiple languages where the keyboard layout is switched often. I still don't have very much time to work on it, but I finally finished a major feature during the last few days - support for a simple configuration file. Before, the only configuration option was to edit a few .h files and recompile. Now, there's a nice configuration file that can be edited to change the theme and key bindings. It's still far away from a stable version 1.0 (my personal todo file is currently 164 lines long, and that's in addition to all the FIXMEs and TODOs in the code itself), but I'm getting closer! The code repository can be viewed/cloned here: gopher://lumidify.org/1/git/ledit gopher://4kcetb7mo7hj6grozzybxtotsub5bempzo4lirzc3437amof2c2impyd.onion/1/git/ledit git://lumidify.org/ledit.git git://4kcetb7mo7hj6grozzybxtotsub5bempzo4lirzc3437amof2c2impyd.onion/ledit.git The documentation can be viewed here (or directly in the manpages): gopher://lumidify.org/0/doc/ledit/ledit-current.txt gopher://4kcetb7mo7hj6grozzybxtotsub5bempzo4lirzc3437amof2c2impyd.onion/0/doc/ledit/ledit-current.txt gopher://lumidify.org/0/doc/ledit/leditrc-current.txt gopher://4kcetb7mo7hj6grozzybxtotsub5bempzo4lirzc3437amof2c2impyd.onion/0/doc/ledit/leditrc-current.txt [1]: gopher://lumidify.org/0/phlog/2021-12-27-ledit.txt