June 05, 2024 0 May 23, 2024 Greetings from Samara. May 04, 2024 I've been a computer nerd since I was a kid in the 90s and I'm only just now discovering gopher! This is one of the first gopher hole I've explored. Thank you! January 27, 2024 Hallo from your Tor site. Gopher over Tor is fun. Thank you for supporting. January 26, 2024 Greetings from USA January 18, 2024 New Gopher Browser For ALL Versions of Modern Windows here: http://shibboleths.org/roman/ January 05, 2024 thedaemon says hello. Nice detailed gopherhole you have here! Bookmarked already. :) September 25, 2023 asd August 30, 2023 Why I leave the onion adress, if I look into the phlog? August 29, 2023 Greetings from Germany by Orbot App and Overbite App August 03, 2023 Digging around from Québec, I'm too young to really properly remember Gopher but I have always appreciated a smaller web! I think I might look into hosting a hole from home. June 18, 2023 Greetings from Scotland. April 20, 2023 So thankful for Golpher & and this hole. Modern web is a bummer!! February 21, 2023 Hello from the magnetic plains of triapul.cz! January 17, 2023 nice gopher hole. greetings from Lehre highway stop, lower saxonia, germany. January 10, 2023 Thanks for making gopher an awesomeplace! Dj Damaru December 29, 2022 Colin Murphy 2022 December 17, 2022 xiled wuz har as well. December 07, 2022 Hello from Onionlandia! November 30, 2022 Checking the price of XMR in Gopherspace is pretty comfy. 10/10 Gopherhole. August 18, 2022 Nice hole. thanks June 05, 2022 Hello! What happened with chat? ==It was down temporarily. But now its back. May 22, 2022 Thanks for chat ==You are welcome! May 15, 2022 Check out Goldkarpfen - it is also a magical fish: gopher://6talruzz6oflvz4ujujjnekfnrz22thiockrxrirwwihjotdqv2bmwyd.onion (en) ==Cool! thanks for the tip. May 13, 2022 A small step for a gopher, but a leap into a bright future. ==Long live gopher May 03, 2022 Sir please return the chat! I really enjoy talking there. ==Gopher Live Chat is now back on 2022-05-19 April 26, 2022 Great site ! Hello from CT, USA ! == Welcome, CT! April 19, 2022 A hit, a palpable hit April 19, 2022 Hello from Israel! == Hello, and welcome! April 19, 2022 I am browsing Gophersphere for several months, and I spotted Magcical.Fish today. Great gopher hole! Thanks. -- szczezuja@sdf ==Glad you found us! March 18, 2022 hello from openbsd ==Hello, openbsd!! Welcome! March 17, 2022 First day on Gopher and I was luckty enought to find this neat place. Greetings from Ohio! ==Greetings Ohio, from Minnesota! February 17, 2022 Hello from Tor! :) ==Welcome, TOR user! February 04, 2022 Great site, keep up the good work! gopher://gopher.icu in the UK ==Thanks! January 23, 2022 Greetings from gopher://gopherspace.de - German Gopher Service ==Welcome, gopherspace.de! January 03, 2022 test ==It works! December 14, 2021 Thx for this, there are a lot of interesting things here :D ==Thanks, I try! November 08, 2021 null November 06, 2021 Greetings from Zeal Operating System ! Magical.fish is great. ==thanks for the greetings. Stop by often! November 02, 2021 sending this from your opennic server November 01, 2021 hi October 30, 2021 hi September 22, 2021 hi September 10, 2021 Hello!!! Cool project! This is realy surprise for me! gopher://gopher.erb.pw/1/roman I want exchange links with other Gopher Holes! July 23, 2021 awesome service. thank you. ==thanks, glad you stopped by July 17, 2021 Greetings from FL, USA! Go Bucs, Go Noles, and Skol! Nothing but love for the Viking faithful. I have a soft spot for the Golden Gophers, too. == greetings back at ya! Thanks for coming by June 08, 2021 Currency converter api provider is down. See change log for updates. May 30, 2021 Converter not in function. April 16, 2021 rocks == thanks! April 03, 2021 Great place to stay in the gopher space! Greetings from Germany and gopher://port70.de! == Stop by often! February 25, 2021 very helpfol gopher February 08, 2021 Thanks for making this onion. Onion gopher is very cool! February 03, 2021 This fish is MAGICAL! Thanks for putting it together. - @qi January 12, 2021 impo January 12, 2021 Thank you for your service! December 25, 2020 Merry Christmas, gopherspace. November 19, 2020 Awesome gopher! Works great on my 386 from Win3.1 -JF == I'm glad! Thanks for coming by! October 23, 2020 WOW this is very cool. from KD4WOV Tom in Florida. == thanks for stopping by, Tom October 22, 2020 WOW this is very cool. from KD4WOV Tom in Florida. October 19, 2020 Great gopher hole! Keep it going! == I'll certainly try! October 03, 2020 Sorry this guestbook was down for months. Thanks for letting me know, and for all the private comments that were left instead. I hope you'll try again to leave a public comment here. Feel free to promo your own gopher hole. I'm glad people use this gopher hole! I'll try to find time to add some new features and update it soon. Winter is coming and its a good time to do things like that. May 02, 2020 Super Gopher site! Regards. May 02, 2020 Thank you for the fish! This is a very cool site. Greetings from somewhere northly of Hamburg. April 29, 2020 Hi - This is Jaruzel - Are you on the Gopher Mailing List? You might want to promote this site there. March 28, 2020 sending greetings from germany. Serving Plan 9 from gopherspace since 2016 - gopher://kamalatta.ddnss.de March 08, 2020 yoyoyo February 04, 2020 Greetings from Cheyenne, Wy - Love your News section. January 17, 2020 Greetings from gopher://tildecow.com! Your Fish are Magical! January 11, 2020 Thanks for all the fish! Minnesota gopher lives on. Nice to see, and thank you. January 11, 2020 thanks for this cool hole. == You're welcome! December 12, 2019 Hi from gopher://thelambdalab.xyz! November 28, 2019 Greets from gopher://apgh.ddns.net. == Greets to you, too! October 02, 2019 Greetings from RPoD! gopher://1436.ninja == I love RPoD. Thanks for coming by! September 29, 2019 Greetings from gopher://srjskam.iki.fi ! September 26, 2019 Hi from Canada. tnx for bitcoin prices. September 23, 2019 Welcome to Magical Fish! I finally got around to making a guest book. I invite you to sign it. Feel free to promo your own gopher hole. Thanks again for stopping by!