(C) Colorado Newsline This story was originally published by Colorado Newsline and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . My best advice to voters in 2024: Focus on policy and the stakes, not the political circus [1] ['More From Author', 'January', 'David Dewitt'] Date: 2024-01-22 This commentary originally appeared in the Ohio Capital Journal. Politicians are public servants. That’s it. That is their job description. And every election cycle is a wonderful opportunity for voters to remind elected officials who really has power and who they really work for. It’s our opportunity to hold them accountable. Our government “of the people, by the people, for the people” — in Lincoln’s timeless construction — has always been an exercise in collective self-government under the rule of law. That concept, carrying the weight of its own logic, means perpetual struggle: Constituted and governed by imperfect humanity, our journey as a representative democracy must be to continually strive to better our imperfect republic, “in order to form a more perfect union.” It is a journey without end. It’s long, slow, hard, and crucial work, to pass down a country to future generations better than how we found it. We advance our own betterment and protect our rights and liberty through our system of checks and balances: distributed local, state, and national authority, and divided, co-equal branches of government in a separation of powers. Under that framework, as John Adams famously put it: “A government of laws, not men.” No American is king, and no patriotic American would ever want to be, or want anyone else to be king. Only one American ever had the chance to be king, George Washington. After a group of Army officers offered arguments why he should take the title of king, Washington responded, “I must view (your idea) with abhorrence, and reprehend with severity.” The mere suggestion troubled him deeply. He resigned the presidency after two terms to drive the point home, emulating the story of the Ancient Roman Republic’s Cincinnatus returning to his plow. This was a critical episode for the foundation of America, as it set the standard that our president is a chief executive and civilian commander-in-chief, nothing more. The rule of law is dependent on this ideal: that no person in our government wields so much power as to put themselves above the law. This is fundamental to our social contract, so that we may all benefit from social order and cohesion, instead of succumbing to the legally incoherent recklessness, fear, injustice, and ruination of authoritarianism. Don’t be duped by misdirection or intellectually plundered by political platitudes. Too often these days I see mere politicians held up in celebrity reverence, which has led our halls of power to be filled with pop culture charlatan politicians playing a popcorn entertainment blood sport with Americans’ lives, and the fabric of our society. This is unserious, disturbing, and debilitating to the basic functioning of our republic. As a reporter, I met two presidents, two more presidential candidates, a whole smattering of U.S. Senators, U.S. Congressional representatives, Statehouse lawmakers, governors, mayors, commissioners, prosecutors, and judges at every level and I can assure you, they are all just people. Some are interesting and impressive, others are notably unimpressive, some are downright awful, but they’re all just people: regular, fallible people with all of the gradations of the personality and intelligence palettes. They are of us, and by us, but it’s up to us to make sure they are for us. To judge that, we have to be aware of the primary political games. One is an insider power game. This is a game of money and influence, favors, intrigue, positioning, machine politics, and using the levers of power to create political advantages. These are the power games revolving around campaign finance, dark money, gerrymandering, litigation, voting laws, fancy dinners with lobbyists and executives, and arm-twisting, vote-trading, bill amendments and committee maneuvering. Voters would be wise to study these things, as when it comes to power and influence, it is often the people themselves getting shorted. Pay less attention to what the politicians say, and more attention to what everyone is doing, and why. Which brings us to the other game: performative political theater. This is the game that is meant to distract the voters from the first game, so that voters might be consumed by hysterical fear-mongering and propaganda divorced from reality, and the power and money games may be carried forward by the politicians and special interests unmolested by public attention, much less accountability. It’s the bump in the shoulder a pickpocket uses to lift your wallet. Create chaos, confusion, disorientation, disillusionment, and a lot of voter apathy in the center, while stoking the zealots to run amok. So here’s my challenge and best advice to voters going into what promises to be a historic and chaotic election year: Focus on policy, focus on real-world outcomes, and focus on the stakes of power across all of our levels and branches of government. Ignore the braindead political circus designed to excite passions while delivering nothing of substance. Demand better. Demand what we deserve. Demand our elected representatives make good on the promissory note of our American birthright. Don’t be duped by misdirection or intellectually plundered by political platitudes. Policy is king because policy is what government does, and what government does not do, that has tangible and often critical impacts on people’s lives, especially with regard to state government. It’s not “the issue of health care.” It’s the issue of your health care, of our health care, of our education, of our economy, of our infrastructure, of our justice system, of our civil and human and legal rights, because this is our government. So we all must pay close attention and ask ourselves, are our public servants creating policy that helps us, or hurts us? Are they responsive to us, or do they ignore our interests in favor of special interests? Are they serving us with policies that measurably improve our lives, or are they only serving themselves? Are they trying to make things better for all of us, or only just some? Vote accordingly. Ohio Capital Journal is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Ohio Capital Journal maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor David DeWitt for questions: [email protected]. Follow Ohio Capital Journal on Facebook and Twitter. [END] --- [1] Url: https://coloradonewsline.com/2024/01/22/voters-2024-policy-the-stakes-political-circus/ Published and (C) by Colorado Newsline Content appears here under this condition or license: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/coloradonewsline/