(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Coke FRIDAY! [1] ['Backgroundurl Avatar_Large', 'Nickname', 'Joined', 'Created_At', 'Story Count', 'N_Stories', 'Comment Count', 'N_Comments', 'Popular Tags', 'Showtags Popular_Tags'] Date: 2023-02-03 You are now below the fold. Next stop: Albuquerque. "I want to wish everyone a happy Black History Month. For Americans it's a time to celebrate the Black experience and Black contributions to our society. Unfortunately fourteen states have a weird way of celebrating it, with new rules that limit how teachers can teach about Black History Month. Or as teachers will now be forced to call it: Month." —Stephen Colbert “How about police form an elite unit that’s specifically trained to not kill Black people?” —The Daily Show's Roy Wood, Jr. on the now-disbanded "Scorpion" unit whose members killed Tyre Nichols x .@joebiden it's time. Activate the Jewish Space Lasers https://t.co/tKhNRQzVXW — The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) February 3, 2023 - "In the wake of the classified documents scandal, representatives for Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama issued statements saying they all turned over all classified records before leaving office, while Jimmy Carter issued a statement saying: Come and get 'em, you bastards!" —Colin Jost, SNL "The Biden administration proposed new rules that would limit credit card company fees for missed payments. 'Oh, I never charge anything,' said Merrick Garland." —Seth Meyers "Letting Trump back on Facebook is crazy. You're just asking for trouble. It's like letting Hannibal Lecter babysit your most delicious child." —The Daily Show guest host Wanda Sykes And now, our feature presentation… - Cheers and Jeers for Friday, February 3, 2023 Note: We trust you’ll be in our pews this Sunday to witness the awesome destructive power of our fully charged and operational secret Episcopalian Death Star. But first, we’ll sing all 22 verses of Hymn 346 and then snarf down some pancakes for Jesus. Wait, did I say 22 verses? I meant all 138. Come to think of it, maybe we’ll do the pancakes first. Whatevs. Blah blah blah Amen. —Pastor Billeh - By the Numbers: 7 days!!! Days 'til National Periodic Table Day: 4 Days 'til the Death Valley Dark Sky Festival: 7 Latest rate hike by the Fed, an indication that Democrats have significantly tamed inflation on behalf of the American people: 0.25% Number of homes that will be powered by the King Pine wind farm in northern Maine, which just got approval from the Public Utilities Commission and will become the largest wind farm east of the Mississippi River: 450,000 Number of wind turbines that'll be built there: 179 Date the final Boeing 747 rolled off the line, 54 years after the first one was built in 1969: 1/31/23 Age of Schoolhouse Rock as of this year: 50 - Puppy Pic of the Day: Weekend plans… - CHEERS to the jobs report of the century. They said it couldn’t be done. They said Joe Biden was washed up as a jobs creator. The best forecasters in the land predicted that America would lose 2.6 BILLION JOBS in January, followed by 100% inflation and $80 per gallon gas prices. Kevin McCarthy had his articles of impeachment ready to go. The media licked its chops as it prepared to unleash its pre-written stories of ECONOMIC ARMAGEDDON. And then, at the stroke of 8:30 this morning, the Bureau of Labor Statistics delivered the news that 571,000 jobs had been created… …and the revisions show job growth was stronger over the last year than originally reported. With revisions: The 4.81 million jobs added, 2022 was the 2nd best year for job growth in US history behind only 2021 with 7.27 million. x More jobs created in two years, than in ANY President's four year term. — Ronald Klain (@WHCOS) February 3, 2023 Biden’s Chief of Staff is exiting on a high note. - The headline jobs number in the January employment report was well above expectations, and employment for the previous two months was revised up by71,000, combined. The participation rate increased, and the unemployment rate decreased to 3.4% - the lowest rate since May 1969 (over 50 years ago!) Overall, this was a strong employment report. Suddenly the forecasters were silent. And Speaker McCarthy quietly put the articles of impeachment away. And the networks were forced to devote 20 seconds to the jobs report on the nightly news. And to all of their great disappointment, President Biden will sleep very well tonight. CHEERS to blowing this popsicle stand. Every time you go outside on a clear night you’re doing yourself a grave disservice if you don’t look up and nearly choke on your bong hit as you realize that the universe up there is pretty darn spectacular. The elves at NASA are aware of this, so they always let us in on the big celestial events for the month. Here’s a look at February’s sky-watching highlights, including Jupiter and Venus antics, and a celestial charioteer in action: - By the way, I hate to burst his bubble, but I know how the constellation Orion the hunter manages to look so svelte up there year after year: Spanx. CHEERS to compassionate liberalism. Thirty years ago Sunday, Congress approved the Family and Medical Leave Act, giving employees unpaid leave in the event of a birth or a medical emergency in their family. Yesterday they marked the 30th anniversary at the White House: x Three decades ago, President Clinton made history by signing the Family and Medical Leave Act into law. He knew that in the United States of America no one should have to choose between the job they need and the family they love. The American people agreed. pic.twitter.com/lEHltsjC7S — President Biden (@POTUS) February 3, 2023 President Clinton signed the bill into law after doing something the D.C. establishment considers radical: he read it. - BRIEF SANITY BREAK - x Somewhere, very near you, is a tiny being, just going about their day. They don’t care about you, or me, nor any of our worries. And I find so much comfort in that 💚🐌 pic.twitter.com/vR40dMvl9g — Lucy Lapwing (@Lucy_Lapwing) January 31, 2023 - END BRIEF SANITY BREAK - CHEERS to #1. 234 years ago this week, in 1789, George Washington—who was always “the tallest man in the room”—clinched the presidency with 69 electoral votes. Upon hearing the news, he said his feelings were "not unlike those of a culprit who is going to the place of his execution." His first official act: providing all Americans equal access to quality mattresses at low, low discount prices, a fine February tradition that lives on to this day. CHEERS to home vegetation. If it's Friday, the boob tube must be singing its siren song. The viewing starts off the usual way with Chris Hayes and his fellow MSNBC hosts digesting the Friday news dumps. There’s a new edition of Penn & Teller: Fool Us at 8 on the CW. If you can still stomach Bill Maher’s Real Time (on HBO, but I’m waiting for him to announce he’s moving to Newsmax), his panel includes former Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), and New York Times column-inch waster Bret Stephens. Grammy Awards are Sunday. This is one of Jimmy Carter’s for Best Spoken Word, now on display at The Carter Center in Atlanta. The new movies and streaming goodies, new and old, are all reviewed here at Rotten Tomatoes. The NBA schedule is here and the NHL all-star game is tomorrow afternoon on ABC. Pebble Beach, aka Jack Nicklaus's favorite golf course in the world, hosts its annual Pro-Am airing on CBS tomorrow and Sunday afternoon. Or you can catch U.S. Championships figure skating Sunday afternoon at 4 on NBC. Tomorrow night Pedro Pascal (“The Mandalorian”) hosts SNL. On 60 Minutes: a one-hour explanation from Scott Pelley for why there was no edition of 60 Minutes last Sunday. Sunday night at the 65th Grammy Awards (CBS), for reasons no one will be able to explain, 90-year-old John Williams will sweep every heavy metal category, prompting a total audit of the ballots in search of bamboo fibers. (None will be found—he gets to keep the trophies.) And on HBO there’s a new episode of The Last of Us. Now here's your Sunday morning lineup: Meet the Press: TBA MSNBC has the best of the Sunday bunch. This Week: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg; Gov. Chris Sununu (The Cult-NH). Face the Nation: Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Ted Cruz (The Cult-TX); One of Trump’s economic knuckleheads Gary Cohn. CNN's State of the Union: reps. Jamila Payapal (D-WA), Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), and Brian Fitzpatrick (The Cult-PA). Fox GOP Talking Points Sunday: Sen. Tom Cotton (The Cult-AR); White House Council of Economic Advisers Jared Bernstein. Happy viewing! - Ten years ago in C&J: February 3, 2013 CHEERS to a well-drawn life. Sad news to report, I'm afraid. The inventor of the Etch-A-Sketch—a popular children's toy and Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign re-setter—has died at 86. Andre Cassagnes was known for his magnetic personality and knobby knees. I believe I speak for everyone when I say we're all pretty shaken up about it. Which kinda sucks, because I was this close to finishing my Etch-A-Sketch reproduction of the Mona Lisa. - And just one more… CHEERS and JEERS to one of the two things in life that are certain. On February 3, 1913, the 16th Amendment, establishing the income tax, was ratified and became part of the U.S. Constitution. Here is our annual posting of the full text—in italics so it looks old and wrinkled and historic: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration. Congress shall also have the power to conspire with giant corporations to use tax dollars to build a war machine that can destroy every planet in the solar system many times over. We want guns. BIG guns! Tanks, planes, nukes, drones, bunker busters, aircraft carriers. Anything that proves to the rest of the world that we've got the biggest penis on the planet must be arsenalized. We are woefully short on laser cannons—let's fix that with a glorious Space Force sometime in, say, the 21st century. Sadly, language stating that “tax monies devoted to the purchase of pizza and beer will not contribute to the deficit” was removed. But thanks for trying. At various times, taxpayer-funded corporate bailouts may be necessary. These bailouts will be prioritized in the following order: white collar idiots, white collar dolts, white collar crooks, white collar morons, white collar charlatans, and white collar bloodsuckers. Congress shall impose the strictest penalties on citizen scofflaws who fail to pay their income taxes on time and in full without exception. And by 'without exception' we mean except if you're rich and can afford savvy CPAs and lawyers who can get you out of paying them by, say, stashing them offshore...or except if you're rich and you "forget" to pay them, in which case: tut tut. It's worked perfectly ever since. Go us! Have a great weekend. Floor's open...What are you cheering and jeering about today? - [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/3/2150595/-Cheers-and-Jeers-Rum-and-Coke-FRIDAY Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/