(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Pressley Speaks - GNR for Bluesday, February 7th [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.', 'Backgroundurl Avatar_Large', 'Nickname', 'Joined', 'Created_At', 'Story Count', 'N_Stories', 'Comment Count', 'N_Comments', 'Popular Tags'] Date: 2023-02-07 Today’s guest host — Pressley. Here she is proving you can be all wet and still have a reasonable opinion. My friend and keeper of the kibble, NotNow, is suffering from Procrastinator’s Block. He’s asked me to fill in, in exchange for future considerations (extra jerky treats and longer walks). I have agreed1. Today, we’ll take a look at the world from my four-legged perspective. Did you know that given equal stride length, we get twice as much exercise from walks as you humans? — it’s because we take twice as many steps. Anyhow, in this Roundup intro, I’m going to step through some insights and questions I’ve have about the generally atrocious behavior of (R)s and their ownership group. Back when I was in puppy school we used to study the teachings of Shihtzu2, the famous canine philosopher and tactician. He once said, “Don’t pee in the water bowl. It’s unsanitary!” Yet, that’s just what these (R) maniacs want to do with their untenable position on environmental regulations. They seem to think it’s ok to pollute the waterways, water table, and water bowl. Sure, their defeated dog-killer candidate, Oz, is an admitted urine drinker3. But, I don’t take advice from quacks and urine isn’t the only thing they want to dump in the water. You know what else frosts my butt? I mean, besides scooting in the snow. It’s the way republicans keep shouting, “SQUIRREL,” is what. There’s never any actual squirrels, just a bunch of mangy (R)s chittering away about cartoon chocolates and plastic potatoes. Something else that confuses me is the way republicans insist on chasing their own tails. Sure, it’s fun for a couple of minutes. But, then you get dizzy and fall over. They’ve been chasing their stolen election tale for two years now and the the only evidence of fraud they’ve found is in their own court filings and several instances of their own party members attempting to cheat. Talk about falling down dizzy. I’m not sure why some republicans are complaining about the way George Santos treated my cousin Sapphire and the homeless vet she cared for. Isn’t withholding healthcare one of the things they all agree on? They’ve been pushing it for decades now. It looks like they are still gnawing on that petrified bone of trickle down economics. Hell, it’s not even a real bone. There’s never been any speck of marrow to suck out. It’s just a garishly painted rock, weighing down everyone except the wealthy asshats with the stranglehold on their collars. They only thing they get by continuously chewing on it is badly chipped teeth and repetitive lie injuries. A lot of them have already been diagnosed with carpal lingual syndrome. Their not-so-secret (R) plan for the country is to return us to the America of the 1950’s (without bothering to roll back the 60 years of tax cuts for the wealthy they’ve championed ever since). In an act of solidarity with Jim Crow, Squeaker Qevin recently unleashed a pair of rabid racists from the Treason Caucus, Greene & Gosar, onto the Oversight Committee. Giving those two any kind of forum is like giving a fox full henhouse privileges (apologies to foxes [but not Faux] and henhouses for the comparison). It would be sensible if we mandated that all (R)s who come into contact with those two be required to undergo the 1950’s era treatment for exposure to rabies — quarantine and a long series of stomach injections, plus hourly delousing and heartworm medication as a bonus prophylactic. Greene and Gosar should never be normalized. When we pair all the newly amplified barking and yapping (R)s with their primary negotiating tactic of “you scratch my back while I chew your arm off and beat you with it;” you end up with a pack of dummies unable to get out of their own way. They want to take both the “nego” and the “tiate” out of negotiate and replace them entirely with a mongrelized “my way or the highway takes the ball and goes home to sulk and whine.” They make vicious feral cats look like service dogs. At least they cropped his boots out of the photo. I guess you’ve all noticed the ersatz swine4, DeSantis, is also trying to ban Critterful Race Theory, because he knows not one creature on the planet would lift a leg to help him out of any of his stupidity. This is on top of his attempts to erase Black History, Women’s Rights, LGBTQ America, sanity, decency, honesty, and democracy. The Citizens Without Opposable Thumbs are proud to stand in solidarity with our fellow objects of discrimination. to have earned a place on his enemies list. HIs crap may play well in Floriduh, where they’ve just passed a law requiring an 80 point IQ drop when entering the state. For the rest of us, he’s a cowardly bigot with delusions of grandeur, all the charisma of a puddle of vomit, an exceedingly annoying voice, and a penchant for really sad footwear selection. I’ve encountered fermented roadkill that’s magnitudes more rational. I know many of you think most (R)s are miserable sons of bitches. That isn’t fair. None of my sisters would ever stoop to whelping any of that sorry lot. Us bitches have much higher standards than that. I swear they’ve been shedding their moral and ethical principles faster and more prolifically than me getting rid of my summer coat. They are spiritually hairless and I deeply resent any comparisons with my species. That said, canines do share one thing in common with (R)s. We’re both pretty good at digging holes. We dig ours in search of food or archaeological treasures like buried shoes. They dig theirs so they’ll have a nice deep place to bury themselves, which they do with great regularity. Today’s (R)s are all about performative politics. There’s no meat, or even meat byproducts backing what they do and say. It’s an endless “fake treat in the empty hand” deception. We don’t need to let them get away with it. Keep a rolled up copy of the Constitution handy. Then swat them sharply on the snout every time they stray into fascism and treason. It probably won’t have much of an effect on them as their mastery of cause and effect falls between non-existent and absent. But, it will make you feel better. 1 Managements use of treats as a negotiating tactic is highly questionable. However, ... TREATS! And that’s how I ended up clawing my way through several flimsy keyboards again. 2 He was also a renowned masseuse, credited with developing the Accuclaw style of deep tissue torment. 3 Oz told the world all about it on the Jimmy Fallon show. The blogosphere had some thoughts. 4 Possessing all the negative qualities traditionally associated with swine, but none of the smarts. We have the power. We have the ability. We can and we will do this. Slava Ukraini! Remember the Children Screw you, Samuel Alito Seth Meyers took a Closer Look at the Chinese Spy Balloon. I’m not sure what all the hubbub is about. Balloons are a lot of fun to play with. x YouTube Video Chelsea Handler on the Daily Show grabbed ahold of Empty Greene and shook her around like me on one end of a tug rope toy. She also had some words for Santos. x YouTube Video I’ve chased down some news for you, just like my ancestors used to chase paperboys. News from Major, or Major News Tonight is the annual State of the Union Address. My cousin Major, sent out a preview. It looks like Joe will have a lot of good stuff to talk about. x 🐾 #StateOfTheUnion: my dad @POTUS passed the most significant legislation on economy since FDR, while facing the largest land war in Europe since Truman, achieving the second most important healthcare bill since LBJ and the most imp infrastructure bill since Eisenhower. 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/hIOGcdudrW — The Oval Pawffice® 🇺🇸 DOTUS Fans (@TheOvalPawffice) February 5, 2023 Talk About Barking at the Moon Oh, my Dog! The Orange Suet Sack is having a sad. I’ve asked NNNE to set up a bird cam at the Sack’s house so we can watch the feeding frenzy when the indictments drop. Vanity Fair: Bess Levin: Trump Does Not React Well to Prosecutor Declaring He Should Be Indicted Immediately In February 2022, a pair of prosecutors investigating Donald Trump for the Manhattan district attorney’s office abruptly resigned over reported frustration that new DA Alvin Bragg had doubts about taking the case against the ex-president to court. At the time, one of those prosecutors, Mark Pomerantz, wrote a resignation letter expressing said frustration, which apparently stemmed primarily from the fact that, in his professional opinion, the former president was and is guilty as s--t. “The team that has been investigating Mr. Trump harbors no doubt about whether he committed crimes—he did,” Pomerantz wrote. And one year later, he believes that more than ever. ✂️ Anyway, Trump has apparently been keeping tabs on Pomerantz and has taken his remarks in characteristic stride, by which we mean has had a full-on social media meltdown, writing on Truth Social: “Wow, the book just put out by Crooked Hillary Clinton’s attorney, Mark Pomerantz, is turning out to be a hit on the District Attorney and the “weak” case “with many fatal flaws.” Prosecutors in the D.A.’s Office actually quit in protest in that they thought it was “irresponsible” and very “unfair” to “President Trump.”They also felt they didn’t want to rely on a SleazeBag disbarred Lawyer From Hell like Michael Cohen as a witness. IN OTHER WORDS, THEY THOUGHT THE CASE WAS TERRIBLE - A LOSER!”✂️ And then: Crooked Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, radically deranged Mark Pomerantz, led the fake investigation into me and my business at the Manhattan D.A.’s Office and quit because D.A. Bragg, rightfully, wanted to drop the “weak” and “fatally flawed” case. Now, Pomerantz got himself a book deal, and is obsessively spreading falsehoods about me. With all of this vicious disinformation being revealed by a “prosecutor,” how can I ever be treated fairly in New York, or anywhere else? End the Witch Hunts! Yes, these are definitely the ravings of a man who has committed no crimes and is confident in his innocence. Breaking: Jordan Bites Himself in the Ass (Again) Gymbo is one hackle raising incoherent shout. Previous to entering Congress his main claim to notoriety was enabling a pedophile. Now he hangs out with Gaetz. On top of that he’s making a mockery of being a mockery. With this witness list the republican credibility gap has grown into a credibility chasm. Raw Story: David Badash: Jim Jordan’s first hearing mocked over conspiracy theorist witnesses George Anthony Whatever He Calls Himself The Democratic Party’s favorite chew toy can’t seem to shut his damn mouth. The lies just keep oozing out. And now there’s a charge of sexual harassment. Wonkette: Robyn Pennacchia: George Santos Already Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment, If You Can Believe That It's been just a little over a month since Olympic figure skater and swimsuit model George Santos was sworn into Congress, and he's already been accused of sexual harassment, as well as slave labor. In a letter sent to the House Committee on Ethics and posted to Twitter on Friday, former journalist Derek Myers alleged that the congressman propositioned and groped him while he was working in his office in January. According to Myers, Santos hired him as a "legislative correspondence" and "staff assistant" after a 15-minute interview on January 23, after which he filled out his onboarding paperwork and was told to come into work the next day. When he came in, he was shown to his desk, told what his duties would be ... and was also told that he'd work in the office under the title of "volunteer" until his paperwork was processed through "the payroll department." He’s also been spotted with an appropriate snout. Huffington Post: Mary Papenfuss: Bobblehead Hall Of Fame Store Selling Pinocchio-Nose Version Of Rep. George Santos The National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum store in Milwaukee recently announced it’s selling two versions of Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) — a regular one and a second featuring the compulsive liar with the long nose that Pinocchio, the classic fairy-tale character, grew whenever he lied.✂️ The Santos bobbleheads will play clips of some of Santos’ biggest lies in his own words, promises Sklar.✂️ The operation has promised to donate $5 of every $30 Santos bobblehead sold to “dog-related GoFundMe campaigns.” That’s because Santos has been accused of taking off with funds he helped raise for surgery to save the life of the service dog of disabled Navy veteran Rich Osthoff. A Word from Andy Ok, so it’s not exactly timely. I’m trying to stay on topic here and still fulfill my contractual obligations so I don’t lose the treats. Give me a damn break, already! It’s not like Andy mentions my cousins all that often. The New Yorker: Satire from the Borowitz Report: In Latest Humiliation, Boris Johnson’s Dog Resigns As His Pet LONDON (The Borowitz Report)—In the latest in a string of humiliating blows to the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s dog has abruptly resigned as his pet. The dog, whom Johnson named Lord Slobberly, made the announcement in an official statement on Thursday morning. “After wrestling with my conscience for some time, I have concluded that any further association with Mr. Johnson would be damaging to my reputation,” the dog said. A Slippery Solution I like fish. I’m not as big on eel. Still this story about saving the eels, got my tail wagging. ReasonsToBeCheerful: Eric Krebs: The New Generation of Hydropower Dams Let Fish Swim Straight Through The American eel is a slippery, mysterious fish. Eels live out most of their lives in the freshwater rivers and estuaries of the United States, from New Mexico to South Dakota to Florida to Maine. But when it comes time to reproduce, the species ventures far out to the Sargasso Sea, the area of Atlantic Ocean located south of Bermuda some 900 miles off the eastern coast of the US — or so we think.✂️ The journey between the States and the Sargasso Sea is complicated not only by the trawling nets of fisherman, but the steep concrete walls and sharp steel turbines of hydroelectric power plants, over 900 of which are located within the native range of the American eel. Such dams provide huge amounts of emissions-free energy to the US, making them an essential tool in fighting climate change. Balancing this benefit with the needs of the eels –– and many other aquatic species –– is propelling a movement to align the dual goals of producing abundant clean energy while protecting biodiversity: turbine by turbine, eel by eel.✂️ Natel’s mission is to outfit dams with blades that give fish a fighting chance. The company’s Restoration Hydro Turbine system is designed to allow fish safe passage through the turbine itself. It does so through blades with leading edges meticulously blunted, curved, and slanted to minimize danger without compromising efficiency. Moreover, the turbines minimize the gaps between the blades and the turbine walls, vastly reducing the chance that a fish gets trapped between moving and stationary parts. More Nature Stuff Did I ever mention how much I enjoy dragging NNNE along on nature walks? Well, I enjoy it a lot. So many smells, so little time. Jane Goodall’s Good For All News: Kira Leinwand: Inspiring Youth Project: Native Wildlife Winter Wonderland Oh the weather outside is frightful—at least in parts of the US that have distinct seasons and cold winters! But every ecosystem experiences shifts throughout the year, presenting native wildlife with unique challenges to overcome. Just as we help out in our human communities when times are tough—donating time or supplies for disaster relief, or even holding celebrations during the darkest days of the year—we can show compassion to our non-human animal neighbors! This is the motivation behind one Roots & Shoots group’s project, Group leader and parent Katie used the Roots & Shoots 4-Step Formula to create a community project. She was first Step 1: Inspired to form a Roots & Shoots group with her family and a neighboring family in order to build a sense of community through impactful projects. With their appreciation for animals, local wildlife is very much a part of that community! Both families live on mature cedar swamps, and they Step 2: Observed that many animals were using this ecosystem during the winter. However, they realized that the swamp wasn’t as lush with vegetation as it could be, and especially in the winter, that left wildlife with few resources to feed on and shelter under. This is when they decided to Step 3: Take Action by planting native trees around the swamplands for deer and other animals to use when they move to their wintering grounds. While they originally thought to plant white cedar seedlings, after consulting with their local conservation district, they learned that red osier dogwoods would serve as a more available alternative. They obtained the dogwoods from this same conservation district during their yearly spring seedling sale, and picked out a small area to start with; as they reflected on later, trying to cover too much ground at once would have been overwhelming. Wildlife in Winter, out of East Jordan, Michigan! Musical Interlude Norah had to choose between two men and one of my cousins. Guess who won. x YouTube Video Music Video from Ukraine One of my cousins in Ukraine has released an instructional video for kids. Take it away, Patron. x YouTube Video On the Lighter Side (with a Bite) Admission from Pressley: NNNE and REDACTED helped me put this section together. They said something about all memes don’t include dogs and gave me a stern finger wagging. Still, I managed to get a few of my favorites included. x Tucker Carlson will never recover from this. pic.twitter.com/QvX9hPORaD — Alejandra Caraballo (@Esqueer_) January 29, 2023 Quote(s) of the Day. When in the Course of canine events, it becomes necessary for one species to dissolve the political leashes which have connected them with republicans, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's Dog entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of caninekind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all dogs are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Treats.— Thomas Woofferson I cannot tell a lie (and these treasonous republicans cannot tell a truth) — George Barkington I only regret that I have but nine lives to lose for my country. — Socks Hale We shall fight at the mailbox, we shall fight in the dog park, we shall fight in the kennels and at the vets, we shall fight at the fire hydrant; we shall never surrender. — Sir Winston Pitbull He’s a damn republican congressman. He can stay in the well. I’m keeping my yap shut. — Lassie If there is disturbance in the House, the Speaker's authority is weak. — Shihtzu Closing Notes NNNE would be miffed if I didn’t close out the Roundup with something from the Dead. This is them covering Rufus Thomas’ 1963 hit, Walking the Dog, probably performed circa 1985. Walkin' the dog I'm just a walkin' your dog Well, if you don't know how to do it I'll show you how to walk, yo x YouTube Video This is the original Rufus Thomas version. Among the many other bands who covered the song, here are the Rolling Stones version from a performance in Australia in 1964. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/7/2149244/-Pressley-Speaks-GNR-for-Bluesday-February-7th Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/