(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . New Day Cafe ~ Saturday: Photos and Food. [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.', 'Backgroundurl Avatar_Large', 'Nickname', 'Joined', 'Created_At', 'Story Count', 'N_Stories', 'Comment Count', 'N_Comments', 'Popular Tags'] Date: 2023-02-11 Good morning, beloved Newdists. How the heck are you? How’s the weather in your area? The SOTU was fantabulous. Dark Brandon ran the show. Wow! Never before seen a president deliver a beatdown to the opposition, from the well of the chamber. I’m perplexed though — do you think that every time George Santos opens his mouth to say something, he’s lying. He claimed that Kyrsten Sinema said to him: "She said something to the effect of, 'Hang in there, buddy,' or something like that," Santos said. "I said, 'Thank you, thank you, Madam Senator.' She was very polite, very kindhearted as I've learned to see her." This was in an interview with that Kelly fella, on Newsmax, where he was being grilled for self awareness, and veracity! And then — x George Santos tells ANOTHER lie. After the State of the Union address, Santos said Kyrsten Sinema told him, “hang in there, buddy”, and that she was “very polite, very kind-hearted”. Senator Sinema’s rep: “This is a blatant lie. Kyrsten didn’t say a word to Rep. Santos.” pic.twitter.com/X467q87Nmr — Mike Sington (@MikeSington) February 10, 2023 . I’m starting to really feel sorry for him. Seemingly, every time he opens his mouth, out pops a lie. He does NOT like being called out for being a liar. He accused Mitt Romney of being “privileged,” and a “racist” because Mitt had the unmitigated gall to confront him about his fake biography. “Privileged’” I can accept. But calling Mitt “racist” for calling him out on his fake biography? And no, I am not going to overlook his dealings with dogs!!!!! I wish Newsmax, or Fox would ask him. I won’t hold my breath tho. Newdists, I hope you had a great week. Did you do anything special and satisfying this week? I began to put down some paint on a large sheet of rough brown paper, with hopes of making it a paper purse. When I finish, I’ll show you a photo. Your Cafe Kitteh: Feathers, Furr and Artifacts: . x Breaking Bird News: Audacity has laid her third egg on the Sauces nest after her first two losses! 🥚 pic.twitter.com/vCiXJ9xjlU — explore.org (@exploreorg) February 9, 2023 . x Here, ya go @RayMondeDeux ... specially for you. A fork in the road near Quorn. With heavy rain clouds for extra drama. pic.twitter.com/UGPUg2NQAg — Sandy Horne (@SandyHorne61) February 10, 2023 . . x The Anglo-Saxon Canterbury Pendant, early AD 600s. A gold disc inlaid with garnets and glass. The empty central spaces would have been filled with white paste to form a cross. The Beaney, Canterbury. 📷 my own#Archaeology pic.twitter.com/REd3J8jvRo — Alison Fisk (@AlisonFisk) February 8, 2023 . x The other day I finally saw something that I've wanted to see for a long time, and might never again. Phylliroe! This alien looking thing is in fact a nudibranch that's evolved to live in open water. Its fish-like morphology is often cited as an example of convergent evolution. pic.twitter.com/hbuSbmLgNG — Keishu Asada (@CephWarden) February 9, 2023 . x Just testing if this works? Is twitter crashing? I haven’t been able to tweet or dm. Here’s a Lucy Grossmith owl & hare for the test 😂💙❄️ pic.twitter.com/Cv8LXPt8NP — Emily Jane Rothwell 🖤🌸🖋 (@emjanerothwell) February 8, 2023 . x 🔊 Phainopeplas are incredible birds for a lot of reasons, but did you know they are amazing vocal mimics? How many imitated species can you identify in this clip? pic.twitter.com/To4SbBNlRW — Dan Baldassarre (@evornithology) February 9, 2023 . x A newly calved cow who has a bit of previous so I kept the dry stone wall between me and her. Although this could be construed as aggression, this protection of her calf is an important characteristic for cows calving out on the hill. pic.twitter.com/q06KEJ81jB — Hill Top Farm (@hilltopfarmgirl) February 8, 2023 . x Mongolia 2022: I think folks had a tough time seeing the snow leopard in the last photo I shared. Let's try this one... (Wild snow leopard, my photo, not a composite, not a camera trap image, and again, not a game farm animal. Did I cover everything?) pic.twitter.com/MyTT2tnYCD — Max Waugh (@MaxWaughPhoto) February 9, 2023 . x It looks like a blue button to be pressed 😀 Actually, it's a male white-winged fairywren on a post. It's a nice illustration of how tiny they are. Arid Lands, Port Augusta. pic.twitter.com/tVxpXZdbuC — Sandy Horne (@SandyHorne61) February 10, 2023 . . x End the week with a bit of peace, quiet, and beauty from a wildlife trail in the Northwoods! This trail camera was in a remote location on the Kabetogama Peninsula—an exquisite, wild place deep in the heart of Voyageurs National Park. pic.twitter.com/0lI9DMvrFm — Voyageurs Wolf Project (@VoyaWolfProject) February 10, 2023 . x Floooooofies!! Rockhopper floofs, Saunders, Falkland Islands. Saunders is one of my favourite places. These chaps were taking a breather after scaling a cliff. Rockhoppers are my favourite floofs. pic.twitter.com/hhpxMtanfg — Andrea Barlow 🇫🇰🇬🇧🇨🇱 (@AndzB) February 8, 2023 . x The inside of a cello looks like a place where something whimsically unspeakable happened in a Guillermo del Toro movie pic.twitter.com/8LUymGEdRT — Jeff Yang (@originalspin) February 8, 2023 . . x Flaco the Eurasian Eagle-Owl shortly before flyout this Friday evening east of Heckscher Playground, the start of another active night in Central Park. ❤️🦉 pic.twitter.com/6KYwc8odGB — Manhattan Bird Alert (@BirdCentralPark) February 11, 2023 . x These are soft crystalline seashells. These beautiful shells come from the mysterious open-ocean Corolla snails, which sail through the water using butterfly-like wings. Because Corolla snails live far from shore, crystal shells are extremely rare. 📷 @inaturalist pic.twitter.com/NCqY3MVNgY — Open Ocean Exploration (@RebeccaRHelm) February 10, 2023 . x Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland. pic.twitter.com/NUT3auezgl — Cormac's Coast (@cormac_mcginley) February 9, 2023 x Some objects you have to share immediately after seeing it: a #Roman glass flask in the shape of a #fish. We don't know what flasks in the shape fishes were used for.Maybe the shape relates to the content (garum/fish sauce),maybe they were used to hold oil.1/2#RomanArchaeology pic.twitter.com/2rrRpFbU3x — Nina Willburger (@DrNWillburger) February 7, 2023 . x Some new superb parrot research about to drop tomorrow! Looking forward to sharing pic.twitter.com/ahKughVSaq — Dr SWIFT PARROT (@teamswiftparrot) February 8, 2023 . x #Roman oil lamps come in many shapes, sizes, and materials. This one is a rare example in the shape of a peacock (bronze with enamel). Height 6 cm. Dating 3rd/4th century AD Photo: Museum August Kestner & Christian Tepper #RomanArchaeology pic.twitter.com/I4XSd2f66D — Nina Willburger (@DrNWillburger) February 9, 2023 . x A pretty special view of The Nut, at Stanley on Tasmania's north-west coast 🌊 pic: https://t.co/aInBveiz7v pic.twitter.com/c5JLe68p63 — Tasmania Today (@today_tasmania) February 11, 2023 . . Newdists, please grab a plate of food, a delicious cuppa, and join us in the thread . . . New Day Cafe is an Open Thread. What do you want to talk about today? . [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/11/2152361/-New-Day-Cafe-Saturday-Photos-and-Food Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/