(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . ThisWeekInTheWarOnWomen:"Invisible Warriors"- 600,000 Women of Color Breaking Barriers During WW2 [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.', 'Backgroundurl Avatar_Large', 'Nickname', 'Joined', 'Created_At', 'Story Count', 'N_Stories', 'Comment Count', 'N_Comments', 'Popular Tags'] Date: 2023-02-11 h/t Walter Einenke, dk staff U.OfCincinnati students The Association of Women of Color in Engineering brings together a community of students The engineering workforce is made up of 15.9% women, and of that percentage, women of color comprise less than 6%. For years, it has been difficult to make way for Black women in male-dominated fields. Though there are so many young girls who dream about going into careers such as engineering, they are often steered away when told by males in the field that they would not be good enough or comprehend how to do it. To uplift those young women, three students at the University of Cincinnati (UC) started the Association of Women of Color in Engineering (AWOCE) for women of color to feel a sense of belonging and be included in the engineering community and continue following their goals and dreams…. ______________________________________________________ NBC Black women are gaining ground in the labor market but still face unique barriers Key points: Both the rate of unemployment for all Black people and for women specifically are at their lowest levels in more than a year. January’s drop in Black unemployment was propelled by gains made by Black women. A tight labor market may be playing a role. A decrease in the unemployment rate of Black women is heartening, but labor experts warn that the trend shouldn’t create any false notions about equity in the workforce. The unemployment rate for the entire Black population has avoided ticking up since August, coming in at 5.4% in January, according to seasonally adjusted data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday…. ______________________________________________________ (Image not tightly related to this news item, but too good not to include! h/t johnmav BlackGirlNerds.com Can AI Technology Improve The Lives Of Black Women? It’s not a secret that Black women in the labor force are paid less, hold fewer senior-level positions, and participate less in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). According to the National Science Foundation, women make up 47% of the current workforce but only 28% of the science and engineering workforce. Of this percentage, Black women comprise less than 5 percent. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, we have to ask: What will tomorrow’s labor market look like for Black women? More importantly, are we effectively harnessing the power of AI technology to narrow gender and racial equality gaps, or are we allowing these gaps to widen? We can look at the design of seat belts, headrests, and airbags. Since the 1950s, design specifications were made just for men’s bodies. At the time, men were the primary drivers. As a result, women suffered serious bodily injuries and even died at a higher rate in car accidents. It wasn’t until 2022 that auto manufacturers finally got the memo that they should conduct testing with women’s proportions to make driving safer for everyone. When we talk about the power of inclusion, this is an example that may not even cross our minds. However, it’s why every industry needs to prioritize it, especially technology. There’s a tremendous opportunity with AI to center diversity and equity…. ______________________________________________________ h/t Walter Einenkel, dk staff Among 5 top women making medicine happen at Pfizer, Magdia de Jesus - Director, Scientific Strategy and Portfolio Lead, Worldwide Medical and Safety offers this advice to parents: “Don’t let lack of knowledge about STEM deter your guidance. There are now many online resources that you can connect to … This is important. Even if the opportunity begins virtually, these girls get to peek into STEM professions. They get to connect with peers who are also interested. And they get to meet the role models of the profession.” It's a simple fact: representation matters. So, these women in STEM may help girls to recognize their own potential. And those girls may do the same for the next girls. It may take some time, but one day the odds will be in women’s favor. _____________________________________________ h/t Dan Bacher New Research Pandemic Pregnancy-associated deaths up 35% from 2019, including drug-related deaths and homicide. And that’s with a 7.1% decrease in pregnancy-related suicides 2020 over 2019. ... drug deaths increased 55.3% and deaths from homicide increased 41.2%. Deaths from obstetric and other causes (mainly vehicle crashes) increased 28.4% and 56.7%, respectively,.. :increases from 2019 to 2020 were substantially larger than increases from 2018 to 2019," the authors wrote... Another study – this one looking at all-cause and cause-specific mortality from 2019 to 2020 in recently pregnant women, also published in JAMA Network Open, found significant racial and ethnic disparities in rates and cause of death… According to the study, "Compared with non-Hispanic White women, mortality rates were three- to fivefold higher among American Indian or Alaska Native women for every cause, including suicide. Likewise, these findings suggest that non-Hispanic Black women experienced significantly higher mortality rates across causes, with the highest rates for homicide." [The researchers] did not try to answer what caused the increases but pointed to the fentanyl epidemic, the murder of George Floyd, and COVID-19–related economic strain as potential stressors. They also suggest fewer screenings during the pandemic may have played a role… _________________________________________________ (Not really related to the news item, but a little added history never hurts.h/t rebel ga Forbes New Survey Shows Nearly 1/4 Of Young Hispanic Women May Change Birth Control Due To Abortion Restrictions The impact of last year’s United States Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade continues to ripple across society. Advocates warn that the decision will disproportionately affect young people who may not have the means to travel the many miles they may need to for a legal abortion. Now, a new survey of 400 young adults quantifies the influence the Supreme Court’s decision may be having on Hispanic GenZers. The survey was conducted by Chispa, a dating app for U.S.-based Latinos, in partnership with the Center for Multicultural Science, a nonprofit, non-partisan think tank focused on multicultural marketing research. Respondents were drawn from a nationally representative sample of Hispanic college students aged 18 to 24…. _________________________________________________ h/t officebss MagellanJets Willa Brown, The First African American Woman To Earn A Pilot’s License In The U.S. Willa Brown led a life of firsts, breaking several color barriers in aviation and politics. She was the first African American woman to earn her pilot’s license in the United States, and later became the first African American woman to run for Congressional office. In honor of Black History Month, read on to learn about this remarkable pilot, flight instructor, aircraft mechanic, and civil rights pioneer and her impact on aviation history. ____________________________________________ Col. Nicole Aunapu Mann, first Native American woman in space. Senate.gov On Behalf of Indigenous Students, Cortez Masto Asks First Native American Woman in Space About Trailblazing Career During Live Video Call from Intl. Space Station U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) spoke with NASA Astronaut Nicole Aunapu Mann, the first Native American woman in space, during a live video call from the International Space Station. Cortez Masto asked Col. Nicole Mann a question about her trailblazing career, which was submitted by students at Pyramid Lake Junior High School in Nevada. ________________________________________________ PMC: When COVID-19 is Not All: Femicide, Italy ... by a Murderer with a Narcissistic Personality “Masked” by a Brief Psychotic Disorder... Nov. 2022 (free full text) ABSTRACT: Several cases of COVID-19-related mental disorders have emerged during the pandemic. In [an early] case of femicide … in Italy … coinciding with a national lockdown, a discrepancy arose among forensic psychiatry experts, particularly toward the diagnosis of Brief Psychotic Disorder (BPD) related to COVID-19 I.e., was that all it was? ..We aimed to discuss the evaluation of the case through an integration of information and a literature review on comparable reported cases [and then to analyze] the diagnosis of brief acute psychosis. h/t zman1527 [A mini-review of] COVID-19-related psychosis … showed that psychotic symptomatology was characterized by polythematic delusions [always involving] a SARS-CoV-2 infection [altho’] delusions [might be] accompanied by hallucinations, bizarre cognitive and associative alterations, insomnia, [appetite reduction], dysphoria, and suicidal behavior [but no] particularly violent acts with related injury or death of the victim were described. [So, our case seemed] better represented by a diagnosis of personality [disorder] with predominantly narcissistic and partly psychopathic traits. [It] highlighted the importance [of] forensic psychiatry ... integrating [perpetrator] assessments ... through accurate clinical interviews, neuropsychological tests, diachronic observations, and comparison with similar cases present in the literature. Such an ... approach allows precise evaluation and reduces the odds of errors … where a diagnostic decision can be decisive in the judgment of criminal responsibility. Moreover, discerning forensics from health cases represents an important issue in risk management…. ...just as soon as how to do risk management is figured out. Meanwhile, a less lethal but illustrative phenomenon common in most women’s lives, here gone to the DARVO extreme: a guy in Singapore is suing a former girlfriend for US-equivalent $2,257million for "friend-zoning"him: ...claiming she caused him [emotional] trauma and damaged his “stellar reputation” [with anticipated] ‘indefinite loss of potential investments’... After prolonged cost and effort for his sake, her stepping back and setting boundaries resulted in needing a protection order against him, he retaliating at every step. Gender equality advocacy and research group AWARE empathized with her: “Women do not owe men their time or attention, much less their friendship, love, sexual activity or emotional labour.” Details revealed during the magistrates court case “paint an alarming picture of male sexual and romantic entitlement...” [and an apparent DARVO response] — “Deny, Attack, Reverse-Victim-and-Offender” ... a common tactic employed by abusers who seek to portray themselves as the injured party and punish actual victims for [resisting]. “In a society that views women as ‘less than’, many men believe they have a right to women’s lives and bodies, and assert themselves accordingly. [Beliefs that] women should by default be sexually attracted to the men in their lives – are part of this spectrum of male entitlement. We need to dismantle toxic masculinity and the patriarchal mindsets that underpin this behaviour,” Notice that “stellar” reputation claim and the vindictive actions? Yeah, here’s a link to wik’s article on Narcissistic personality disorder I hadn’t revisited for ages, but now it’s blown my mind again to notice how pathological attitudes and even antisocial behaviors often are condoned by society & culture when directed toward adversaries (including women) in ways imagined benefitting society. And coincidentally self. So here’s a bit of an essay/rant on that, but readers can skip down past it to more news items, following the next antique floral text-divider like this one. To continue, narcissists don’t arise in a vacuum, they’ve got a societal context that justifies their conduct, including rationalizations of their true nature, their thinking, and their actions, as acceptable, sometimes even praiseworthy appearance; DSM-5 notes that "Many highly successful individuals display personality traits that might be considered narcissistic. There are eye-opening subtypes, e.g., “high functioning” ones able to adapt their grandiose, competitive, controlling, attention-seeking, and sexually provocative or predatory impulses in ways to utilize these traits for success; or the “communal narcissist” with the same arrogance, greeds, sense of entitlement, etc, acquiring power and admiration in the communal realm in the guise of self-presentation as altruistic, saintly, caring, helpful, warm … yet underneath or covertly aggressive, even sadistic. With every success they achieve, their pathology hardens. The article (and linked ones) say that while no specific cause is known, the biopsychosocial model ascribes it to a combination of risk factors including but not limited to genetics, neurobiology, trauma, abuse, parenting … and of course, success/reward strengthening tendencies to it. Those by definition can come from nowhere but outside themselves: societal collaboration with the pathology starting early in family and school: Excessive admiration never balanced with realistic criticism Excessive praise for good behaviors, or excessive criticism for bad behaviors in childhood Overindulgence and overvaluation by family or peers Being praised by adults for perceived exceptional physical appearance or abilities Trauma caused by psychological abuse, physical abuse or sexual abuse in childhood Unpredictable or unreliable parental caregiving Learned behaviors of psychological manipulation from parents or peers[53] Research reported in "Modernity and Narcissistic Personality Disorders" (2014) indicates that cultural elements also influence the prevalence of NPD — narcissistic personality traits more commonly occur in modern societies than in traditionalist conservative societies. Prevalence in the general population has been estimated to range from 0.8% to 6.2% —7.7% for men, 4.8% for women— and in clinical settings, from 1% to 15%. Additionally, we have psychopaths of the functional (i.e., noncriminal) kind, estimated at up to 4% of the general population. Stubbornly antisocial, if often charming on first acquaintance, they’re focused on “getting theirs” by any means necessary, with little empathy and no qualms about exploiting others for their own purposes, quick to deflect blame and throw others under the bus, ready with telling lies, not only for benefit but simply to lie for its own sake, apparently. They’re said to be harder to identify than narcissists but usually give themselves away sooner or later. To my reading, there’s major overlap? Related to both, more strategic than the others, Machiavellians are estimated at about 16% of population. They’re adept at playing the long game with stealth, patience, subtle manipulation, even an appearance of benevolence, while pursing their aims regardless of ethical considerations. THE POINT IS, we encounter misogynists like these almost everywhere in life, alongside milder types. The prevalence adds up to roughly 20% of males in society, and over 25% of all genders. This tells us a lot about how extensively anti-misogynists must dig to uproot toxic masculinity and the patriarchal mindsets that generate and reward misogyny just as they do so many other harms that consume individuals, communities, countries, the planet. Jean Muir reputedly said, “When we try to separate something out from everything else, we find that everything is connected.” The tough part is, sometimes what we need to rid ourselves of is entwined with what some or most of us regard as consider desirable, enjoyable, productive, beneficial —it’s entwined with how nearly all of us are rewarded, and with what operates in our societies as commercial, profitable, and powerful… Lagniappe: 104 hits from a PubMedCentral search for articles with the word “narcissistic” in their titles. (Here’s 4572 hits for articles with that term anywhere in them.) Peruse with caution. Your thoughts? MORE NEWS h/t NotNowNotEver Reuters via Medscape Women with employers religiously opting out of covering contraception in their health insurance plans would gain no-cost access to birth control under an Affordable Care Act/ACA/Obamacare-related rule proposed by the Biden administration this past Monday. ____________________________________________________ h/t Ruetheday Guttmacher Instit Ten US States Would Be Hit Especially Hard by a Nationwide Ban on Medication Abortion Using Mifepristone even though half of these states are considered to be protective of abortion rights and access precisely because medication abortion plays a particularly critical role in ensuring access to care. In November 2022, Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration filed a lawsuit seeking to revoke the agency’s approval of mifepristone, one of the two drugs used in the medication abortion regimen. ...Mifepristone was approved by the FDA in 2000 following a rigorous review process and has amassed a lengthy track record of safe and effective use. The use of medication abortion in the US has steadily increased in the last 20 years. Since its approval, [it] has been used over four million times and has become so widely accepted by patients and providers that it now accounts for more than half of all US abortions—492,210 of the 930,160 abortions (53%) provided in 2020 were done with abortion pills. Because medication abortion using mifepristone is such an important counterpart to in-clinic procedural abortion, it has long been targeted by the anti-abortion movement. A newer line of attack involves weaponizing the federal judiciary to end or limit use of the method by partially or fully revoking mifepristone’s approval. The same anti-abortion group behind the Mississippi abortion law that was ultimately used by the US Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade is also behind the legal attack against mifepristone. Fully aware of the weakness of their lawsuit and the scientific evidence stacked against them, the Alliance Defending Freedom went “court shopping” in hopes of finding a judge who might ignore the evidence and reach a decision based on ideology [and] filed its case in a specific federal district court in Texas—a state where abortion, including medication abortion, is already banned. The case was heard by Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, who was appointed by Donald Trump and has a history of close relationships with far-right religious groups. He is set to rule as early as February 10... ______________________________________________________ Utah How Utah Valley University center boosted women's enrollment and retention, leveraging “IQ and EQ” —data-informed and person-centric: Part women’s center, part student success center, the Women’s Success Center at UVU served approximately 900 students of all genders last fall, through a combination of services and offerings: e.g., "success coaching"; a women’s leadership academy; "Women of UVU” which offers a community of support; an accredited childcare facility; and a scholarship program. Students in the center’s Scholarship Success Coaching persist at rates 17 percent higher than their matched peers, according to data from the center…. … Center staff members also reach out to high schoolers and high school counselors in the local area to promote the value of a college degree for women—and those around them ______________________________________________________ h/t Aysha Qamar, DK staff from TOI Iranian women activists freed from prison chant pro-protest slogans PARIS — Iran has released a number of prominent women activists and journalists from Tehran’s Evin prison, campaigners say, with video showing them defiantly chanting pro-protest slogans outside the jail. Media based outside Iran says a total of seven women were released, while Iran continues to press a crackdown against protests that erupted in September. They include campaigner Saba Kordafshari, held since 2019 after she campaigned against the obligatory hijab for women, and prominent photographer Alieh Motalebzadeh whose latest stint in jail began in April last year, the reports say. After being released, they chanted the slogan of the protest movement “Woman, Life, Freedom” and also “down with oppressors worldwide,” according to a video posted by Motalebzadeh on her Twitter account ______________________________________________________ h/t officebss Hollywood: The onscreen renaissance of mature women is advancing a new reckoning of how women’s stories are told. Until recently, women entertainers could count on their 40th birthday as the death knell for their cultural relevance. But a generation of performers is reentering the pop-culture spotlight in midlife, forcing the public to reckon with the way their stories have been told…. ….This reckoning has been fueled by the revolution in prestige streaming over the past decade, which has led to an increase in opportunities for older female actors. As the Atlantic staff writer Helen Lewis wrote last year, “a new generation of actresses has discovered an answer to the dry decade”—Helen’s term for the female actor’s fallow 40s—“and is showing the rest of us what we’ve been missing—stories that capture the fullness of women’s lives….” ...[Jennifer] Coolidge’s greatest feat as a comedic performer is her ability to make the audience share her curiosity and appreciation for her characters, many of whom were written to be the butt of jokes about older women.... She uses her magic to turn objects of ridicule into objects of affection. ______________________________________________________ h/t Lauren Sue, dk staff J&J babypowder-talc-ovarian-cancer lawsuits: A federal appeals court [has] rejected Johnson&Johnson’s effort to move more than 38,000 lawsuits to bankruptcy court. [J&J has been attempting a legal maneuver] colloquially known as the Texas Two-Step [that] relied on the creation of a subsidiary called LTL Management [to] take on the liability for talc-related legal claims. Within days of its creation in 2021, LTL filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. By that time, [some plaintiffs had been waiting years as if J&J was] playing a waiting game to see how many people [would] die or just give up fighting.... J&J pulled its talc-based baby powder from the North American market in 2020 and switched to a formula that uses cornstarch. The company said it remained confident in the safety of its baby powder and that its decision was based on declining consumer demand due to “misinformation around the safety of the product.” J&J has said it will stop selling talc-based baby powder globally this year. ... [According to an environmental and occupational health expert at Drexel University], “There’s no process that these manufacturers use that can remove the asbestos from the talcum materials that they’re putting out there...” _______________________________________________________ h/t tevye spectator.co.uk Emma Pattison and the painful truth about ‘femicide’ (Reject all cookies and it lets you read) — yet another case of murder/suicide by a “perfect family man” —what feminist criminologists term “Family Annihilators”— rather than allow his wife and child, his possessions, to live their lives. ______________________________________________________ LOST: The serious side of ‘mansplaining’ — That’s where the harm begins. Opinion: The key context of the word inspired by my 2008 essay is that mansplaining is one part of a huge problem – of who gets listened to, and who gets believed… — Rebecca Solnit h/t officebss ______________________________________________________ from CNN Texas challenges HHS guidance that pharmacies can’t turn away people who have a prescription for a drug that may end a pregnancy Guidance issued by the Biden administration in July [asserts] that federal law does not allow pharmacies to turn away people who have a prescription for a drug that may end a pregnancy. The state filed a federal lawsuit in a division of Texas’ Western US District Court, which almost guarantees the Judge will be Trump-appointed David Counts... ______________________________________________________ h/t dmhlt 66 from The 19th Biden calls out on abortion and skewers extreme bans in State of the Union address ...The president promised to veto a national abortion ban if Congress passed one, in his first State of the Union address since the Supreme Court’s June ruling that left the legality of abortion up to the states…. ______________________________________________________ h/t skohayes from ProPublica More obstruction by anti-abortion states ______________________________________________________ from Mother Jones: For Female Scientists, Antarctica Can Be a Sexual Harassment Hellscape [the] 273-page elephant in the room—a document the NSF released in late August detailing a decades-long history of pervasive sexual harassment and assault at Antarctic research stations. Almost three-quarters of women surveyed agreed that harassment was a problem, describing it as a “fact of life” on the continent. And 95 percent of women interviewed in focus groups knew someone who had experienced assault or harassment within the Antarctic program. To outsiders, the graphic detail and matter-of-fact descriptions were shocking. But in the polar science community, the reaction was different. When the report came out, “No one was surprised, other than the grad students... [...] going into the field in like, two months...” ______________________________________________________ from Forward, Bill in Israeli parliament to criminalize non-orthodox conduct at the Western Wall is shelved after outcry [a] proposed Israeli law [from an ultra-orthodox political party] that would have criminalized mixed-gender prayer at the site,.. immodest dress ... playing of musical instruments ... Women ... forbidden to read from a Torah scroll or blow a shofar ... don prayer shawls or tefillin, The bill’s provisions would have also applied to the Wall’s non-Orthodox section, adjacent to the main plaza. Offenders would have faced a fine of approximately $3,000, or six months in prison…. ...The Israeli Supreme Court, which the current government wants to disempower, is due [soon] to discuss whether the [2016 Western Wall Compromise] must be implemented... Upon public reaction, PM Netanyahu pledged that the legislation ‘will not be brought up at present” and regulations at the holy site would “remain exactly the same” as they are now. Below is a Nov. 5, 2021 illustration of regulations the same as they are now: security guards and other men grab Women Of The Wall (who are carrying a torah for Rosh Chodesh prayers) by the hair, arms and shoulders, to get them off the site. BACKGROUND: The “Western Wall Compromise” ---legislation passed in 2016 on agreement between the government and diaspora Jewish leaders in the interests of diaspora Jews visiting Israel (including for Reconstructionist and Reform religious ceremonies, e.g., bar and bat mitzvahs often involving guitar etc music--- was to have authorized development of a permanent egalitarian worship space at the Kotel(i.e., Western Wall). It was suspended in 2017. In 2021, PM Bennett and his religious affairs minister reportedly halted plans to finally implement the Compromise, fearing violence by rwnjs (Mizrachim, Ashkenazim, and Sephardim included) who oppose egalitarian worship space there. The main Kotel plaza, controlled by an Orthodox foundation, has separate prayer areas for men and women but women are not allowed to read from Torah there, per current traditional Orthodox practice. The egalitarian plaza south of there is located on a temporary platform atop an archeological park. Under the compromise, that area was to be expanded with a permanent structure built to better serve Jewish travellers of non-orthodox denominations (such as for celebrations of bar and bat mitzvah), nonJewish pilgrims, Jewish women engaging in religious practices such as Women of the Wall do, tourists, etc…. The winter of 2022-23 ignited unified demonstrations by tens of thousands of Israelis, including Orthodox, against ultra-orthodox efforts to take over Israel’s Supreme Court. Hopefully, liberal religious and secular Israelis are finally making their collective strength felt. ______________________________________________________ h/t VeloVixen Marriage? Globally, women are opting out : an interview with Joanna Davidson — associate professor of anthropology at Boston University— coeditor with Dinah Hannaford —University of Houston— of Opting Out: Women Messing with Marriage Around the World (Rutgers University Press, 2022) a collection of 12 essays by anthropologists. This... isn’t a summary dismissal of marriage. Rather, the volume chronicles the subtle ways in which women are “protagonists in moving the needle on marriage around the world … It opens up the question, what are they opting out of, and what are they opting back into?” The answers are as varied as the locales featured in each essay. That’s entirely purposeful, according to the coeditors. “All of the contributors have done really sustained fieldwork in the places they’re writing about,” Davidson says. “[We] really wanted to make this an edited volume in which we were all challenging each other in order to enrich our ideas, experiences, and ways of analyzing what we were encountering in these very different places.” ______________________________________________________ h/t cabaretic PODCAST Lack of diversity in clinical trials is leaving women and patients of color behind and harming the future of medicine ...Despite the many biological differences between people of different genders, races, ages and life histories, chances are that if two [very different] people walk into a doctor’s office with the same symptoms, they are going to get roughly the same treatment. [Yet] a whole range of treatments – from drugs to testing – could be much more effective if they were designed to work with many different kinds of bodies, not just some abstract, generic human. In this episode of The Conversation Weekly podcast, we speak to three researchers who are looking at ways to make medicine better suited to [the individual]. It starts with simply making sure that clinical trial participants look like the actual population of patients a drug is meant to treat. ...precision medicine could help each person get medical care that is tailored to their own biology,... ______________________________________________________ Massachusetts Nameless Clergy Abuse Report. A Catholic diocese that covers central Massachusetts has published a report about clergy sexual abuse of minors between 1950 and 2022, but unlike similar reports released by many other dioceses, it did not include the names of the priests found to have committed abuse. ______________________________________________________ from Politico Florida athletic association will no longer ask high school students about menstruation cycles thanks to backlash from parents, educators and state lawmakers. The Florida High School Athletic Association, which is responsible for governing interscholastic sports, voted 14-2 on Thursday to amend its form sent to schools to ask students only about their health and will only verify if an athlete is fit to participate. Four questions regarding a female athletes menstrual cycle and history will be removed…. ______________________________________________________ beckershospitalreview.com Nurse viewpoint: Mandatory staffing ratios are the wrong fight Mandatory nurse staffing ratios are a temporary solution to a larger issue and will not bring about the respect the profession deserves, Kathleen Bartholomew, MN, RN, a national speaker and nurse advocate, wrote in an op-ed for Nurse.org. Instead, nurses should be advocating for charge nurses to have the authority to set ratios on an hourly basis and "get as many nurses as they request. Period," she said. [...The charge nurse is the only person in a healthcare organization who is qualified to decide staffing levels based on real-time patient acuity and staff members' experience and skills….] In healthcare's current business model, the core focus is profit. Billing codes don't exist for being the only nurse who can get a patient to take his or her medication, or for intervening just in time to prevent a medical error, Ms. Bartholomew said. "Because the work we cherish has no monetary 'value' in the current business system, our self-esteem decreases, in-group arguing prevails, and we start measuring ourselves using the language of the dominant group: turn-around time, length of stay, and hours of care per patient day," she wrote. "This is why staffing ratios are the wrong fight. It's still about control."... ______________________________________________________ Special h/t belinda ridgewood for contributing the below video and pointing me to the three amazing generations of Bear Don't Walk women and their family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYNjwMZB07c x x YouTube Video American Indian Graduate Center Alumni Impact Mitchell Rose Bear Don’t Walk — Native Forward Scholars Fund, Feb 10, 2021 — When Mitchell Rose Bear Don’t Walk (Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes) was named American Indian Graduate Center’s November 2018 Graduate Student of the Month, she was a budding young botanist, aspiring Indigenous chef and Jiu jitsu practitioner. Now as the recipient of the inaugural Fellowship of the Future from the organization 500 Women Scientists, she’s impacting change and empowering her Tribal community.When you invest in students like Rose, not only are you empowering the students of today — you are impacting Tribal communities and Indian Country as a whole for generations to come. Invest in Higher Education today: https://www. nativeforward.org / Rose is also one of 24 members of the newly formed Tribal Youth Health Advisory Board to the National Indian Health Board. — click that link to see their joyous, inspiring, beautiful faces. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/11/2151746/-ThisWeekInTheWarOnWomen-Invisible-Warriors-600-000-Women-of-Color-Breaking-Barriers-During-WW2 Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/