(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . New Day Cafe ~ Saturday: Feathers, Fur, Food & Fotos. [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.', 'Backgroundurl Avatar_Large', 'Nickname', 'Joined', 'Created_At', 'Story Count', 'N_Stories', 'Comment Count', 'N_Comments', 'Popular Tags'] Date: 2023-02-18 My dearest Newdists, good morning! Hope you all are keeping COVID free, getting lots of rest and doing well. I’ve been number C today… I went to stay with a friend last Sunday into Tues. morning. She lives on the far side of Richmond, in a rural hamlet. Very peaceful there. Although, to be honest, very peaceful in my corner of rural Virginia as well. I enjoyed hanging out with her. We drank red wine and talked books and politics. She had a few bottles of my fav red wine! She and I both agreed that the Virginia Republican party is very creepy. To wit, the current governor — Glenn Youngkin — has been dubbed ‘Governor Tampon’ due to his fetishistic demands that he, and the state, have access to the menstrual tracking apps used by many girls and women. The last Republican governor we had was Bob McDonnell. Remember him? Well, perhaps you don’t so let me refresh your memory — he was known as ‘Governor Transvaginal Probe.’ Yes, this state is called — Virginia — and was named after Elizabeth I, and the image cultivated by her (and the court), of her as the “Virgin Queen,” whereby she was widely celebrated as Gloriana. Evidently the Republican politicians of this state are unable to free themselves from having controlling thoughts about a specific female reproductive organ, and its functions. These are some appalling men from a crazy sick political party. For Black History Month — Telling Alaska’s Story: Honoring the African American soldiers who helped build the Alaska Highway: ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - Monday, Oct. 25 is Alaska Highway Day, a state holiday signed into law in 2017 by then-Gov. Bill Walker. The day commemorates the completion of the Alaska Highway on Oct. 25, 1942. But it also recognizes the people who built it, including thousands of Black soldiers. It’s a part of Alaska’s history that, until recently, was not well known. During the heart of World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt authorized the construction of a road to link the Lower 48 with what was then a U.S. territory. In the winter of 1942, 11,000 soldiers headed north, including 4,000 African American soldiers who were members of three all-Black engineering regiments. The Black engineers worked from north to south to build the road. They were segregated from their white colleagues, who started in the south and headed north. Despite harsh conditions, inferior equipment and strict rules that kept the Black soldiers isolated, they managed to finish in record time. On Oct. 25, 1942, eight months after they started, the soldiers from the Black 97th Engineer Regiment met up with the white troops from the 18th Engineer Regiment and, with a historic handshake, the now roughly 1,300-mile highway was completed. A meme for the diary — Your Cafe kitteh — x Da tweeter not posty my posty. I has twied elebendy times. Can yoo see me now? pic.twitter.com/GSKFKDMuAk — Cheddar (@FartyCheddarCat) February 16, 2023 Photos, photos, photos! I dunno, but that is one very cute feathered behind. x This little bird stubbornly refused to turn around and show its face at @RSPBHamWall a couple of days ago! Who knows what it's called? 🤔🐦 pic.twitter.com/71Wf6iF9ia — Carl Bovis (@CarlBovisNature) February 17, 2023 . x It's that time again... Can you #NameThatBird? 💙 Who is the owner of this rich blue plumage? Let us know! 👇 pic.twitter.com/sawoNbDPxs — Bird Buddy (@mybirdbuddy) February 17, 2023 . . . x Perfectly executed dive!! pic.twitter.com/WrKqfl7vV9 — Mark Smith Photography (@marktakesphoto) February 15, 2023 . x I think about this map often. pic.twitter.com/ngMcMnVYl1 — Jeremy Roberts (@JeremyBRoberts) February 17, 2023 . x Spring is not far now my little friend. pic.twitter.com/RiaPn2oH7i — Pan (@Ok2Panic) February 18, 2023 . x Somebody needs this right now 🥬🐒 pic.twitter.com/Sz8JcvP9zP — TG (@TG22110) February 14, 2023 . x This may be the best accidental photo that’s ever going to appear on my phone. 📷 by mallard. pic.twitter.com/uzc1YM6NYF — Jason Ransom (@wildequids) February 17, 2023 . x Me at the chocolate fountain. pic.twitter.com/83cR4YZIQd — Sandy Horne (@SandyHorne61) February 18, 2023 . x #OnThisDay 1961: Have you ever felt giddy in a pub? If so, you were most likely visiting the Glynne Arms in Himley, the most crooked pub in Britain. Let this 1961 clip transport you back to its MC Escher-like glory. pic.twitter.com/tRzrvw3n4e — BBC Archive (@BBCArchive) February 15, 2023 . . . x O tamanduá-bandeira quando vai tirar um cochilo, utiliza a sua cauda como cobertor! Isso ajuda na sua camuflagem além de funcionar como isolante térmico. pic.twitter.com/Xst5GnrzOJ — Biodiversidade Brasileira (@BiodiversidadeB) February 15, 2023 . x Fence cam has its first bird visitor - a scrub jay with a peanut (no idea where that came from). 🐦🥜 pic.twitter.com/ukBUIeldOO — sue (@CameraTrapSue) February 14, 2023 . x Map of Los Angeles if all the ice melted https://t.co/YXDbDbsGsD #MapPorn pic.twitter.com/NmrR9aXLyH — MapPorn (@MapPornTweet) February 16, 2023 . x Cool way to feed 20 baby goats at the same time 🐐 🍼 pic.twitter.com/Qg8M6WkjJw — Gabriele Corno (@Gabriele_Corno) February 15, 2023 . x Made this GIF for a presentation I'm working on. This is a katydid I found in the Ecuadorian Amazon Under white light, it looks like a leaf. Under blacklight, you can really see the beautiful detailing on it. Tettigoniidae: Cycloptera arcuata Waita Lodge, Cuyabeno, Ecuador pic.twitter.com/1LohPD2sj2 — 🐞 Nancy Miorelli 🐞 (@SciBugs) February 15, 2023 . x Fifth bobcat of the season successfully released with some new bling (aka GPS collar) 😍 we named him Mango cuz he was a lil cutie. All handling done under safe and proper protocol as always. #ScienceTwitter #wildlife #research pic.twitter.com/T7bNxwN5r7 — Ellen Audia (@EllenAudia) February 16, 2023 . x 50 Shades of Blue! Here is a female Forest kingfisher in the afternoon light. The white collar extends right around the neck in males. Like most kingfishers they are very pretty little birds.#TwitterNaturePhotography#birdwatching #ThePhotoHour #BirdsOfTwitter #birdwatching pic.twitter.com/jt0lO10EJN — R.M.TONEGUZZO (@r_toneguzzo) February 15, 2023 . . x VICTORY 🎉 As of today using lead shot ammunition in wetlands is illegal in all 27 EU countries, as well as Iceland, Norway, and Lichtenstein! Thanks to this law, the lives of ~ 1 million waterbirds which currently die of lead poisoning in the EU will be saved.#Banlead pic.twitter.com/dJJtwkv4PM — BirdLife Europe & Central Asia (@BirdLifeEurope) February 15, 2023 . . x I made you a screensaver pic.twitter.com/oBApSSI30t — The Inept Birder (@TheIneptBirder) February 16, 2023 . Newdists, please grab a cuppa, a plate of food, and join us in the thread. . . x Here's how Le Bernardin’s executive pastry chef turns a coconut into an edible work of art pic.twitter.com/hY309pcKDP — Eater (@Eater) February 16, 2023 . . x Cooking with a Sicilian mom 🇮🇹 pic.twitter.com/bf2Xy5NyHB — BuzzFeed Video (@BuzzFeedVideo) February 16, 2023 . . New Day Cafe is an Open Thread. What do you want to talk about today? [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/18/2153627/-New-Day-Cafe-Saturday-Photos-Galore Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/