(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Slava Ukraini: Let's go back and see what the pro-Russia side was saying a year ago [1] ['Daily Kos Staff', 'Backgroundurl Avatar_Large', 'Nickname', 'Joined', 'Created_At', 'Story Count', 'N_Stories', 'Comment Count', 'N_Comments', 'Popular Tags'] Date: 2023-02-24 Tucker Carlson isn't the only dumbass being wrong about Russia. We can call this story #ConfidentlyWrong. Let’s start with one of the most notorious tankies. Funny how it’s always a one-way street. It’s never, “If I’m right, then completely revise your worldview and drastically change your media consumption habits. But, if I’m wrong, then never take me seriously again!” She was patently wrong. She clearly hasn’t changed her worldview, and I’m sure she’s still reading the same Russian propaganda and tankie mis- and disinformation sources. Another tankie: Did I mention how #ConfidentlyWrong they were? Not that Galloway ever showed any humility for being so incredibly wrong. But I guess that’s fine, because Russia is literally paying him to act like an idiot. I don’t know, I can think of thousands of Russian war crimes over this past year more grotesque than the media reporting on actual Russian war preparations. You know what, would’ve been great if Putin hadn’t ordered his forces forward, and all the tankies and MAGA ultranationalists and Russian diplomats could chuckle at the stupid Western sycophants who believed President Joe Biden’s warnings. But Biden was right. He knew what was happening, and he wouldn’t have taken such an unprecedented step of making American intelligence public without having every assurance in the world that the information was accurate. Unfortunately, Putin didn’t take the chance to back off having lost his element of surprise. Presumably, he believed his intelligence services when they said they had bribed half the Ukrainian army and elected officials into defecting at the first sign of the invasion. Other than in Kherson, the Ukrainians pocketed the money and reported back to Ukrainian intelligence Russia’s plans. Yup, Putin himself lied. I know, shocking. Should I pass the smelling salts? Nice of Candace Owens to take a break from killing Americans by scaring them away from the COVID vaccine to make common cause with a murderous tyrant. Incidentally, that Putin address is as incoherent as every other. Owens doesn’t expect anyone to actually go read it. She knows her idiot fans will just take her word for it. So … given that Russia did invade, maybe it wasn’t a “miasma of false info coming out of the US government”? Actually turned out 100% accurate, down to the avenues of Russia’s attack. The West just couldn’t understand that a thing that never happened would magically happen! Does he eat dogs? No? Then by all means, he should be allowed to start a war that has killed hundreds of thousands, injured and maimed countless more, along with rape and torture and cultural subjugation. I mean, if he had eaten dogs, it would be totally different. The CIA was totally right, and the only frauds are those who still defend Russia’s rape and pillaging to this very day. Ironically, would’ve been great if he’d been right. Then again, even if you didn’t believe Biden’s warnings, it was hard to miss the signs—180,000 Russian soldiers and thousands of pieces of armor and artillery lined up all around Ukraine’s border. The question wasn’t whether Putin was being belligerent. The questions were whether last-minute diplomacy and concessions could’ve averted the actual invasion, whether Russia would simply creep into the Donbas, or whether he’d launch a larger-scale operation. Putin would’ve been better off going through the Donbas. Might’ve played out like the boiling frog analogy: Germany and France would’ve found every excuse to temper a response, and might’ve even pressured Ukraine to surrender more of the Donbas in exchange for “peace.” Putin screwed up going for Kyiv. The only smokescreen was (and is) the flood of Russian disinformation designed to justify Russia’s actions. Let’s go to invasion day: x #BREAKING: Russian Ministry of Defence: Military infrastructure, air defense facilities, military airfields and aircraft of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being put out of action by high-precision means of destruction — ELINT News (@ELINTNews) February 24, 2022 They were so confident those first hours. I still remember that night, refreshing Twitter every five seconds. I didn’t sleep, looking for any information about whether Ukraine would be able to hold off the attack. It was a good time for that kind of Russian disinformation. They wanted to break Ukraine’s fighting spirit before the defenders found their footing. I can’t imagine what those Ukrainian units north of Kyiv thought seeing wave after wave of Russian armor heading toward them. So I actually don’t begrudge the official propaganda. It served a military purpose. The sycophants, on the other hand ... OMG he thought Russia was inside Kyiv within hours of the attack ha ha ha ha. Even funnier, he thought Russia had logistics 🤣🤣🤣. It’s genuinely amazing how much someone can get wrong in so few sentences. Incidentally, Scott Ritter is a convicted pedophile who has been embraced by the tankie and MAGA right. You might remember him from when he was a UN inspector overseeing Saddam Hussein’s disarmament of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In reality, Ukraine had an Air Force, air defenses immediately snuffed out any serious role for the Russian Air Force, and its military operated not just fine, but far better than anyone expected or hoped. Also, this happened: Slava Ukraina. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/24/2154700/-Slava-Ukraini-Let-s-go-back-and-see-what-the-pro-Russia-side-was-saying-a-year-ago Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/