(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . The Assault on Women's Rights — The Week in Editorial Cartoons, Part 2 — SCOTUS Corruption [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.', 'Backgroundurl Avatar_Large', 'Nickname', 'Joined', 'Created_At', 'Story Count', 'N_Stories', 'Comment Count', 'N_Comments', 'Popular Tags'] Date: 2023-04-17 Still a long ways to go before true equality is achieved. Link to Part 1 of this diary — The Crying Game: Tears of Joy and Relief — The Week in Editorial Cartoons, Part 1 (Update x 5) I will try to post at least another 15-20 editorial cartoons in Part 2. Thanks for your support. A Good Question Women’s rights are being restricted every day. More than six decades after Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique sparked feminism’s second wave and after the approval of the birth control pill, how much has life really changed for women in this country? Have women achieved true equality in the workplace, home, and society in general? That is the question editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes of the Washington Post is really asking above. Women’s reproductive rights are under daily assault by Trump-appointed judges. However, on the issue of choice, about 2/3rd of all Americans believe in a recent CBS poll that the abortion pill should not only remain legal but also be widely available to all women. For many, the main argument isn’t even about the issue of abortion; rather, the simple, straightforward concern is this: no one, but no one, should be legally controlling women’s lives and bodies. It isn’t much more complicated than that. Why is that so difficult to understand? According to the Washington Post, the Texas judge who recently issued an injunction suspending the distribution of mifepristone, a drug widely used for medical abortions and approved by the FDA, tried to deceive lawmakers during his Senate confirmation process. Recent reports indicate that many of the blue states have started “stockpiling the medication, in anticipation of a time when it could no longer be easily accessible.” And FiveThirtyEight reports that “Around 66,510 people were unable to receive a legal abortion in their home state between July and December of 2022…” x The latest editorial cartoon from @AnnTelnaes: No laughing matter for women https://t.co/BByBGn8Sbi — Washington Post Opinions (@PostOpinions) April 1, 2023 Attribution for the above cartoon: Ann Telnaes, Washington Post The Saviors Have Arrived x Women don't need to be "saved" from their own basic human rights… #AbortionIsHealthCarehttps://t.co/9eTzXgv7MS pic.twitter.com/j7b8MgooSL — The Daily Felltoon (@DailyFelltoon) March 15, 2023 Trump’s Appointed Judges Wreaking Havoc We Need a Different Model Controlling Women’s Bodies Failing to Recognize Their Shortcomings x It’s not a messaging issue, Republicans. It’s your abortion position. https://t.co/G2cErqYoM0 pic.twitter.com/2ZV4cjeasR — Ann Telnaes (@AnnTelnaes) April 12, 2023 Unethical, Sleazy, and Corrupt Behavior This is certainly conduct unbecoming of a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. With Republicans in control of the US House of Representatives, will any investigations be launched to look into this case of blatant corruption? Don’t bet on it. You can read more about it. ​​​​​​​ He Didn’t Know! x IDK Thomas pic.twitter.com/8o0muINSGe — Marty Two Bulls Sr. (@M2Bulls) April 12, 2023 For Sale to the Highest Bidder The Crazy Couple Yeah, it’s the Haters Restricting Women’s Rights It’s Time to Quit Doing That x John Darkow, The Columbia Missourian pic.twitter.com/500XlLCVfy — Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) April 14, 2023 Leave. Her. Alone. x When out-of-state women judges get to rule on men’s viagra, perhaps we can discuss judges ruling on mifepristone. #abortion https://t.co/JXEivMcd2s via @PhillyInquirer — Signe Wilkinson (@SigneWilk) April 12, 2023 Violating Women’s Rights Striking Back x If men can toss abortion rights, abortion pills, & even birth control into the fires of destruction, women can do the same thing for those little blue pills…https://t.co/r7mOj3hZhQ pic.twitter.com/KVvz6IS49T — The Daily Felltoon (@DailyFelltoon) April 13, 2023 No, He Won’t Be Impeached Anytime Soon x CLARENCE WON'T BE IMPEACHED AS LONG AS THE GOP IS IN THE HOUSE. pic.twitter.com/ZyBwP6Ev81 — Michael L. Martin (@mmandmm1967) April 6, 2023 Say Something Just Do it What Great Patriots! Link to Part 1 of this diary — The Crying Game: Tears of Joy and Relief — The Week in Editorial Cartoons, Part 1 (Update x 5) [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/4/17/2164446/-The-Assault-on-Women-s-Rights-The-Week-in-Editorial-Cartoons-Part-2-SCOTUS-Corruption Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/