(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Groundbreaking UFO Claim by US Intelligence Officer, plus my personal experience. [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-06-06 UFO discussions almost always carry a stigma so l will provide the link in the Guardian immediately regarding a former US intelligence officer David Grusch and his groundbreaking whistleblower claim that the US is in possession of non-earth vehicles as well as the bodies of crashed aliens — www.theguardian.com/… Feel free to Google David Grusch and you will find other sources for the same story in reputable media (as well as alternative media). Regardless of your personal feelings about this topic, the root story is absolutely valid - meaning this: The man in the story is presenting his information as an ex employee of the United States with jobs that almost certainly require high levels of clearance and screening. That he is making his claims to reputable media outlets and being carried not as a sensationalist fodder. This is a very serious claim that carries a great weight on his shoulders and there really isn't upside to fabricating something like this in the same fashion that the navy pilots reporting sightings have no upside on doing so. The story regards David Grusch who is a 36 year old who had a 14 year career in the US intelligence service. He worked for the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). From the article: In an interview with the Debrief journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, who previously ... Grusch said the US government and defense contractors had been recovering fragments of non-human craft, and in some cases entire craft, for decades. “We are not talking about prosaic origins or identities,” Grusch said. “The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.” Grusch told the Debrief that analysis determined that this material is “of exotic origin” – meaning “non-human intelligence, whether extraterrestrial or unknown origin” I hope you take the time to read about him. I will tell you he is a special bearer of information given his work career and the striking depth of his message but I will also tell you that he actually is just one of legions of absolutely credible witnesses to some form of this phenomenon and that I’m always happy to see another highly credible voice enter this arena. You see, I’m highly credible (not in a professional miitary fashion but in a personal, scientific fashion) and I want to tell you my story as a member of the Dkos community since 2006 with 5 level mojo I hope that gives me some cred as well. So here’s what happened to me: I saw a group of UFO’s in 2011 a few miles from my home in Mission Beach, San Diego. I was Driving home over a bridge that I drove over every day and above the water of Mission bay I saw a cluster of flying objects each of which I approximated was the size of a small plane or helicopter but they were eliptical and had multicolored lights and the actual form was not discernable. What was critical about the location is that I deeply understood every aspect of the geography and there were unquestionable distance markers available to me that framed the situation visually. I happen to be an RC aircraft/Drone pilot and the area above Mission Bay where they were flying was intimately known to me. I understood the depth of vision because there is an island called Fiesta Island which absolutely defined my line of vision. The island was behind the UFO’s and so it framed them perfectly as well as providing the proper perspective on their size and dimensions. I knew the approximate distance to the island (about ½ a mile) and the height of the low dunes on the island (about 20 feet). The day was clear and I was looking east in the late afternoon with no possible distractions or false sources of light. It was perfectly clear out. They were hovering at a level of less than 100 feet for a couple of minutes as I was stopped in traffic on the bridge (there is a light at the bottom of the bridge). In my mind I was processing everything I could think of because at the time I was an absolute UFO skeptic. I am a computer programmer and a scientifically minded man. My thoughts regarding UFO’s up until that moment in time were that, given the infinity of space, galaxies and solar sytems, that some other form of life existed; but equally I was a firm believer that distances and times as we understand them make it impossible for outer world visitors. It was as simple for me as that. Until it wasn’t anymore. On that day my perspective 100% changed. My brain was doing backflips trying to absorb what I was seeing but I also immediately understood that there was no other explanation. That they were UFO’s — whatever the full extent of that was I didn’t and don’t have the data — but it was immediately clear that they weren’t human engineered vehicles. They weren’t drones, they weren’t airplanes, they weren’t blimps, they weren’t helicopters. As the traffic moved with the next cycle of the traffic light I was hoping so deeply that I could get closer to the shore of the bay and then I watched as they suddenly flashed up to a much higher altitude. The move wasn’t the “blink” that some UFO witness have described but in this case it was defnitely faster than a helicopter and it was straight up and in formation. I watched then as they flew away to the North basically up the I-5 corridor if you are familiar with San Diego. When I told my friends and tell my friends, people didn’t think I am crazy because they know I’m not crazy. Most of my friends also knew I fly RC and Drones, they know I don’t do drugs and that I don’t day drink or any other thing which would cause hallucinations…… But with that said, almost everyone had a stack reasons to politely push back against the basic fact. The recounting of the story has always been this sort “Oh, wow, super interesting” but also this sory of underlying “OK, it’s Mark …. but …. it had to be something — he didn’t really see an actual UFO” The most common reaction is “Well San Diego has several miltary bases including Miramar (Top Gun), they were probably testing something” and my simple answer was and is — “Do you really think the US military would test top secret, incredibly advanced systems that behave unlike anything known on earth above the largest recreational bay in California where thousands of residents and toursists play on every single day of the year?” Of course the answer is that this would never happen. “How about China or Russia” — once again, the idea of crossing thousands of miles of Oceans and visiting a massive tourist destination and residential area that actually is in somewhat proximity to our Naval bases …. um …… really? And so I quietly moved along not bothering to tell people about it anymore. I became one of the thousands of absolutely credible people who experienced an unmistakenable encounter with craft that are not terrestrial. I would never go as far to say that there were living aliens in the vehciles because for all I knew they might be drones like the ones that I myself love to fly, but I did know for sure that they were vehicles of some form, built by a more advanced intelligence than us and that They were real. I have always stated that I have no idea of where the acceptance of this at a large scale might lead but I am also happy that more and more credible information is bubbling up. I leave you with this documentary from Austalia’s 7 News — a mainstream news outlet from Australia. It’s the most compelling and non-sensational piece on UFO’s that I have ever watched. I know that the who “UFO documentary” field is a cesspool of smoke and mirrors. This one is anything but. Watch a news correspondent take a multi-month journey of interviews which transforms him in front of your eyes from what I would call a skeptic to a firm believer. I hope you watch. I’m not sure exactly what can be gained from knowing that this is real but I also always believe that knowledge is important. If anyone has had experiences please comment as well! Thanks for reading! [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/6/6/2173726/-Groundbreaking-UFO-Claim-by-US-Intelligence-Officer-plus-my-personal-experience Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/