(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . MAGA rips Greene - Marge snarls back [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-06-06 A headline in the Daily Beast proclaims, “Far Right Turns on Marjorie Taylor Greene—and MTG Hits Back in Text to Matt Gaetz.” The story explains how Greene — who to most people is the poster child of the lunatic fringe — has disappointed the uber-right’s wingnuts by voting yes on the McCarthy/Biden compromise to raise the debt ceiling for two years. Has Greene realized that governing is not a game? Is she looking to be a sober-minded legislator acting for the country's well-being? Good God, no. In her DNA, Greene is a bomb thrower whose lifeblood is anger, antagonism, and victimhood. She is a domestic terrorist with a taste for anarchy. In her assessment, she lives in the center of a dog-eat-dog world, where everyone is either her enemy, has the potential to be her enemy, or is a friend who will soon be an enemy. In this, she is the typical far-righter. However, Greene has a longer-range view of her political career than most people credit her. She is not one of the congressional dead-enders whose career plans are either to ram the iceberg — like the nihilistic Paul Gosar — or to secure a job in the right-wing media — like the dilettante Matt Gaetz. Greene’s steadfast support of McCarthy in his 15-round quest to be Speaker illuminates her lust for power. Kevin rewarded Majorie's fidelity by returning her from the exile of her first term, and granting her seats on the Homeland Security Committee and the Oversight and Accountability Committee, the GOP House’s version of the Spanish Inquisition. However, this tending to her prospects does not mean that Greene has walked away from her QAnon-style insanity. She remains a conspiracy theorist of the first order. She maintains the Capitol insurrection was a Pelosi family cash grab. Her evidence for that absurdity is that Nancy’s daughter, Alexandra, was filming in the Capitol during the riot. She explained her reasoning on Real America’s Voice — a streaming, cable, and satellite television platform favored by Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, Ted Nugent, and John Solomon. Marjorie lays the groundwork for her insanity by claiming that on Jan 6, Pelosi’s only “responsibility and concern was the safety and security of the Capitol.” A responsibility she abjured, according to Greene, by ignoring security briefings and refusing to call in the National Guard. "They used the situation. They totally threw out the ability to hide exits, for security reasons, in the Capitol. And they used it — they used that situation to film it, so their family could make millions of dollars later by selling the video footage in a documentary. I believe that is one of the most abusive things and the biggest sign of corruption from Nancy Pelosi, that the American people will see thus far. It shows who the real hypocrites are. And they had a lot more planned that they were going to do with January 6 than anyone even knew. And while all of us were confused of what was going on that day when the Capitol was breached, and had no idea what was going to happen, Nancy Pelosi clearly knew what was going on, and they had a plan the entire time." It is raving lunancy. Greene adds that despite being warned by many law enforcement agencies, Pelosi had her daughter there “camera in hand.” Why? Marjorie explains: “They have capitalized on the riot and made millions of dollars. It is complete nonsense. Alexandra is a professional documentarian. The Pelosi documentary covers Nancy’s entire career. And however much HBO paid for “ Pelosi in the House ” I doubt it was “millions of dollars” - and they would have paid whatever they paid even without the Jan 6 insurrection. It is not the first time Greene has offered this fairy tale. As for the insurrectionists themselves, Greene — despite the evidence of hundreds of hours of video, texts, social media messages, and other proof — claims they were no more than unsophisticated hicks lost in the big city. Is Greene claiming these mindless rubes thought the tear gas and bear spray were the urban smog they had seen on their TVs? Greene explained that these first-time-in-DC, out-of-towners had no way of knowing they were trespassing because someone had torn the Capitol barriers down. Unhelpfully, she does say who tore them down. Greene must have realized that suggesting Pelosi’s henchmen had done so was a non-starter. And she could hardly blame the MAGAs. Perhaps she imagines it was an act of God, a gust of wind, or Antifa mind-tricks. Despite this embrace of the absurd, Greene’s support of establishment GOP policies has left the MAGA fringe apoplectic at her apostasy. Steve Bannon threatened a 'will no one rid me of this turbulent priest' primary challenge by a “real MAGA.” Laura Loomer answered the call. Should that be MAGAs’ best shot at unseating Greene, she will have little to worry about. Loomer is nuts even by MAGA standards — even CPAC once banned her. She is such a rabid bigot, the Trump campaign would not hire her. In part because Greene warned them not to. In a tweet while the Trump people were considering Loomer, Greene giving a textbook example of projection, said “Laura Loomer is mentally unstable and a documented liar. She can not be trusted. Adding, “Never hire or do business with a liar. Liars are toxic and poisonous to everything they touch.” Loomer is also a political loser. In 2020, she lost the Florida 21st district congressional race as a GOP candidate. And in 2022, she lost in the GOP primaries in the 11th district. Nevertheless, Laura is loaded for bear. As she explains, "She [Greene] took a job from me when she publicly accused me of being crazy. I think it's only fair that I get a shot at taking her job, too." Greene is unimpressed . She told Gaetz her town hall got "standing ovations" and that "Steve, Loomer, and anyone else coming after me won't beat me." Greene added that cutting "toxic and bad people" out of her life "makes me feel good." You have to stare agog at the blind irony. If you want to see Greene offering her Pelosi conspiracy theory, here is the video by Meides Touch with commentary by MTN contributer Troy.) [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/6/6/2173511/-MAGA-rips-Greene-Marge-snarls-back Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/