(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . The First Rule of Life Saving [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-06-29 By David Glenn Cox The churn goes poorly for the Republicans. All the efforts and machinations of individual Republican political ego set in the pot to boil for a spell turning rancid and distasteful. So much so, congressional Republicans are taking credit for bills they voted against. The Jimmy Jordan stunt cycle and thrill show has proven itself ineffective in their probing and fishing expedition hearings. The elections approach quickly; and when they got there, the cupboard was bare and so the poor dog had none. The Republicans will have nothing to show for their time in the majority except for stunt cycles. “And then we investigated the FBI and then we investigated big tech and then we investigated everywhere and basically found nothing. Mark Twain said, “Don’t bother with your family genealogy, just run for office and someone will do it for you for free.” The investigations lacking results almost becomes in effect a clean bill of health for the Biden Administration. Courtesy of the House Republican majority. Kevin McCarthy misspoke the other day and quickly walked it back. He accidentally told the truth about Donald Trump, wondering aloud if Donald Trump was the best candidate. He quickly corrected himself stating for the record that he felt certain that Trump was the best choice. But the cat was out of the bag. The dirty little secret the Republicans all know about, but none dare speak aloud. Mr. Trump’s electability problems in the face of prolonged legal entanglements. That’s a tough trip on a bad road. And the hits just keep on coming as more Trump indictments are hinted at in future. Refining the point to its sharpest tip possible. Do you stay loyal to the Fuhrer when clearly, the Fuhrer’s days are numbered? Or do you slip out of the bunker back door during the night in your civilian clothes? A party divided, those who have slept with a pod under their bed and become replicants and wild eyed Trumpers and those who quietly slip out the back door. The Republicans who see the Party’s immediate future as a doomed sojourn across the ill-fated universe. A fool’s errand. Defending the crazy and the criminal because the old guy used to be real popular. It is only a matter of time, as Donald Trump is the Republican past and not their future. Sooner or later, the Republicans will be forced to cut ties and move on from Trump and leave his little ship of flames to founder. Some say maybe that should be done before election season is upon us. The Futurist/Opportunist Republicans are working in a post Trump reality. They understand that Trump can’t win a national election. Slowly building the primitive structure of a (relatively) traditional Republican Party less Donald Trump. Most of the rhetoric with none of the legal troubles. The de-Trumpified Republicans. Reactionary, little big man, Ron DeSantis wants to delay Disney’s lawsuit until after the Presidential election. Because little Ronny knows he’s about to lose in a big way. The state has no right to retaliate, and no right to void legal binding contracts. The force strong in this one but not in a good way. He’s willing to say or do anything to anyone to get a vote. A media operation disguised as a Governor’s office. Every move calculated for publicity. The Florida state budget allocates Florida tax money to remove unwanted migrants from the state of Texas. That makes good sense, doesn’t it? On the theory that there is slightly better than a one in fifty chance, those migrants could end up in Florida. But put back behind the headlines and mouse bashing are the insurance companies pulling out of Florida due to increasing weather related payouts. Flood Insurance is now a state mandate, and the insurance rates are rising as fast as the law allows. And it all rolls downhill from there from penthouse to trailer park. In the wake of the collapse of the Champlain Towers. The state is mandating serious structural investigations on the tens of thousands of aging Florida condos built for the aging Floridians. The assessments can cost a fortune on a large building. Repairs can cost millions leaving seniors on a fixed income with a $50,000 or even a $100,000 assessment. So, it’s obvious why little big man doesn’t want to talk about economic issues. He lives in a glass house, and it looks like it might hail. Even little Tucker has struck a disappointment. His Fox News audience once measured in the millions and his Tucker by Twitter/ You-Tube project is only in the tens of thousands. Most importantly Tucker is doing them for free. Facing down possible litigation as Tucker struggles to remain relevant. Struggling to stay off the shelf with the Bill O’Reilly’s Glen Beck cast offs and the other Fox News broken toys and runaways. People are talking and making deals with prosecutors even America’s favorite, “Mr. Comic Relief Mr. Four Seasons himself” Rudy Giuliani is said to be talking under terms on non-incrimination. Oh, the fine stories Rudy could tell. I imagine if you gave Rudy a few drinks and really wound Rudy up tight; he could tell you stories for days. But it only goes to show that the circles are drawing tighter around Mr. Trump. Now even the principals in the cases are being questioned and being given limited immunity. Trump’s defenses sounding even more shrill, like those of a bully whose bluff has been called. A poker player playing his last hand. All the chips are on the table, and having his last hand called. “It’s not the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the end of the beginning” – Churchill. The Trump shell has been cracked and his cherry has been taken. People are beginning to talk and whisper about the future of the Republican Party. Trump is unable to quiet himself because of his growing panic. Trump’s tongue has always been his best weapon and now it fails him. As he begins to convict himself with his own words. The Jig is up, the likelihood that Trump will escape justice grows slim. After conviction, Trump will double down the garden path playing the victim card again. To diminishing returns when it’s just another circle around the drain. Another weigh station on the road to obscurity. Another step down and step away from power. Trump is crazy, and he plans to take the Republican Party down to fiery defeat for his own petty vengeance and purposes. Trump will never relinquish his hold on the Republican Party voluntarily. He’s a Kamikaze pilot out looking for an aircraft carrier. The Republicans must choose a time to call it and cut ties with Mr. Trump. It’s the first rule of life saving and the cardinal rule of politics, never let a drowning man take you down with him. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/6/29/2178353/-The-First-Rule-of-Life-Saving Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/