(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . RANDOM THOUGHTS [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-07-07 This is an updated diary. I’m always interested in new visions of existence. What are some of yours? What the hell---it’s Friday. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is morality suitable for directing humanity? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Extremism is such a lazy thing. No thought is required. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Humanity is constantly at war with it's inner self, and may always be. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mussolini: Pluck the chicken one feather at a time (sneak up). Gotta watch these guys. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common wisdom or common agreement? --------------------------------------------------- There is no real "those" people. There is only that kind of person. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll never forgive the British for sending the Puritans over here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tornadoes are proof that nature STRENUOUSLY objects to mobile home parks. Must humanity be contentious? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What if we lived in a world run by people of what is referred to as color? Would it be alright to call white's, "whitey"? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------— Will humanity ever, ever give a damn about humanity? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Evil lurks where you never expect it. Watch others very, very carefully, and --- especially --- yourself. Based on Merlin in "Excalibur". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Culture is when you can listen to the William Tell Overture and NOT think about The Lone Ranger. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never seek reward. Do it because you feel like it. Period. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UFO's Picture, if you will, a planet on the far side of the galaxy. Late one evening several teens break into a garage, steal a vehicle, and go joyriding. They end up circling earth. It's the only scenario that fits the bill. Who the hell else would come a trillion miles just to play tag with our military, and scare the bejeesus out of people on lonely backroads except juvenile delinquents? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Life The journey matters. Don't neglect the journey in anticipation of the destination. Live in the now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The absence of proof isn't proof of absence.” Carl Sagan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have to explain snark, or that something is intended as snark, it doesn't seem to be working at one end or the other. Next thing you know, we'll have to explain the punchline of a joke. It should be obvious. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "It's hard to put a leash on a dog once you've put a crown on it's head." Tyrion Lannister GOT Season 2 Ep 7 47 min 42 sec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules—and still there are some misfits who insist there is no such thing as progress.” Ransom K Fern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullhorns rarely convince anyone of anything. They serve to stoke that which already exists to continue to be. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The exception that proves the rule. Talk about convoluted bullshit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to relax. You're not a star on stage. You're just a juke box in the corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a poll asks if America is truly divided, and America actually is divided, shouldn't it come out to be 50-50? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to be the best of what's left of me. ---------------------------------------------------------- "True courage is not knowing when to take a life, but knowing when to spare one" Gandalf The Hobbit part 1 I hr 14 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gettin' old ain't for wimps. ----------------------------------------- "This just isn't some stuffy jury trial, John. This is a television show for the American public." Mo Dean in Gaslit on the Watergate hearings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The News In Rap ------------------------- The first separation, distinction, was of the genders? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The Martha Mitchell Effect is a condition that was coined by Harvard psychologist Brendan Mayer in the late ’80s. And it was based on Martha Mitchell herself,” Alvergue says. The idea is that it’s a situation when a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist deems their patient delusional when in fact, they were telling the truth all along.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "When I was younger, the world seemed a more vibrant place. It was much easier to daydream or lose myself in my thoughts, or imagine things as though they were real. Music felt really alive, as though it connected with me somehow, and I could spend hours following every crevice in the pavement on the way home from school... where now I couldn't care less. That is how I viewed the world as a child... but having matured since then those abilities have been lost as a result. Tripping makes you more aware of all the details that pass us by- and whether it's through drugs or natural causes, tripping is a great way to realize all the finer things around us that we normally take for granted :)" Urban Dictionary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Racism The act of declaring war on an entire race, ethnicity, culture or religion, and yet seriously expecting to win. The naivety is mind boggling. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two types of leaders. One is natural-born. The other sits on the side to see which way the parade is moving, then races out front and yells, “Follow me!” This is Trump. He didn’t start all of this. He’s only the shill for what already was. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The longer I live, the more I'm convinced that people have come to the conclusion that any story is more believable than the truth. We live in a very cynical world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the hardest things in life is figuring out if someone else is on the same page as you are. New love always begins that way ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why would I care what people think about me after I'm dead? They got a blog on the other side, or what? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is the strain of peace simply too much, humanity? You've been evolving for ten million years. Can you not govern your lesser angels by now? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faith can be a compromise with oneself. It may not be true, but it makes us happy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no power, but what the people allow you to take.----House of the Dragon Season 1 Ep 8. The White Worm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When it comes up in conversations about music, as it almost invariably does, I am asked what my all-time favorite group is. The problem is, and believe me that it is true, I can't answer the question in a straightforward manner. There are two groups that I hold in equal esteem. The Beatles and Moody Blues. I cannot divorce the pair. The creativity of both is simply inestimable in my mind. Pretty well dates me, huh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Destiny I have always said that there is only one destiny: death. However, there was one Wilmer McClean. It was in his front yard that the first cannon balls landed at The First Battle Of Bull Run, the first major battle of the American Civil War. Wilmer sensibly skedaddled. Moving his family to as far away as he believed the colliding armies never could or would find him, he was astonished when one day soldiers from both sides came knocking on his door. Lee had come to surrender to Grant. "I can rightfully say that the war began in my front yard, and ended in my parlor," McClean later said (Paraphrase from the Ken Burns documentary, The Civil War). Apparently, the war over Destiny continues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get out of the way world, I'm comin' through. Just a little pep talk. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Opinions differ as to where the fault lies that much of humanity will be dead in a matter of decades due to environmental causes. Some say nature, itself, is to blame. Some say mankind. Others, say it's a combination of these with God thrown into the mix on occasion. Whatever it is---we're goners. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Hell, nobody in charge is. And to think, this was finally an opportunity to stave off death. Death! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "A truth is a lie undiscovered. Another lie to make me change my mind. But, I am right, I am right, I am right!" Fictional COVID denier victim’s tombstone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Panic and ignorance. It's a great combination. Robert J Oppenheimer. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Media. "Network" was so far ahead of its time, so revelatory, that the writer(s) simply could not have been anything else but time-travelers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paranoids of the world unite! Don't let society push you around. Someone out there is bound to dislike you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why does lost love (death) hurt so much? Because it is real. 3rd Hobbit movie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Believing in one single thing to the exclusion of everything else. Good or bad? Sheee! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Values are purely subjective. That and absolutely nothing else. With apologies to idealist's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/7/7/2179836/-RANDOM-THOUGHTS Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/