(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Matt Gaetz Has a Plan! [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-08-12 By David Glenn Cox Matt Gaetz has a plan everybody! Those frightening words alone should make you want to pack your car with all your valuables. Load up with a couple of gallons of drinking water and prepare to flee the area. But wait, let’s hear him out. Gaetz first suggested that Jack’s Smith’s investigation be defunded. Then Gaetz offered, if they were to subpoena Jack Smith to testify about an open investigation before Congress. Smith obviously wouldn’t come, and he could be held in contempt of Congress. Then Lefty cuts his tires! And we tell his landlady ugly stories about him. What makes this Fort Walton wanna be’s musing so interesting is that both scenarios presuppose Trump is GUILTY and this is how we can get him off. Gaetz and company are long passed legal strategies to clear Trump’s good name down to, “How can we buggar this thing up?” Admitting to themselves at least, Trump is GUILTY. Trump is GUILTY and headed for a fall if somebody doesn’t do something and do it quick. Is Gaetz ahead of the curve by left handedly admitting Trump’s guilt? Or has he stumbled into verboten land. Where you can admit these things to yourself, but don’t you dare admit them to others or repeat them publicly. Especially something everyone already knows privately. A crack in the cult? Does he honestly think the Republicans can defund Jack Smith at this point? Never mind everyone, the case has been called off due to budgetary restraints. Yes, called off in the name of good efficient government! It’s that spot all cults find themselves in eventually. When the upper leadership realizes or begins to realize the Bhagwan or the Prophet or the Grand Pooh ba probably wasn’t really called by god. To take so many young brides for spiritual weekend marriages. That the great divine one, has got two million dollars stashed in a secret Swiss account and twin-engine airplane to get him there. The enlightened one behind the locked door. The master is GUILTY! Now, how can we save him! Don’t be ridiculous, look at all those witnesses! The spot where it was no longer about arriving in New York anymore, but how long can you keep the Titanic afloat. Trump has struck a legal iceberg. He can’t move ahead in anything but his own defense. Campaigning on his own indictments. “Boy, look at what they’re doing to me this week! I suppose you think you’ve got problems, but I don’t give a shit about your little problems fella, look at poor me! Until it becomes almost a soap opera level, MTV presents another episode of “Everyone hates The Donald!” In this week’s episode, Donald Trump tells Iowa voters about how the government is mean and picking on him. Next week, Donald Trump tells New Hampshire voters about how the government is mean and picking on him. Trump’s visceral unhinged and unabridged rants begin to worry the leadership. He is dancing too close to the edge of the cliff on roller-skates. One false move in word or deed and Trump could give away the game. Some uppity Federal Judge could slap him in the iron oasis for threatening a witness or somehow trying to Jimmy up the case. You see the problem, don’t you? Trump is going to begin to lose these court cases. And Trump will appeal, rinse and repeat. But is this really the issue the Republican Party wants the 2024 campaign to be about? Do they want the defining issue of the campaign to be Trump’s guilt or innocence? Because the Republican Party is already well-aware of Donald Trump’s guilt and see no need to call attention to it. They see the political slide coming as more and more of the testimony is released to the public. The inevitable migration from undoubting to doubting comes. But not publicly of course, that’s verboten land. Trump is going to lose and what’s in it for us? Trump is taking up all the oxygen in the room and stifling the conversation. If Trump were to be suddenly called away on urgent government business of some kind and unable to run or serve, what’s left in it for us? The old guy is obviously finished, so how about we try out a new model? Slowly start to back ourselves away from Trump and distance ourselves. “What the President did was wrong!” But the dizzy dozen Republican campaigners have been starved for air for too long. And have grievously suffered for it. As none of them can get any traction in their campaigns because of it. It’s Trump or Nothing! And if it’s nothing, who will the Republicans vote for? How bad is the Republican Party going to let the consumptive eruption get, as more of the testimony becomes public. Which way do you think public opinion will slide toward, innocent, or GUILTY? Hey, wait a minute! This thing could spread! We’ve got to do something…anything! And do it quick! To stop this thing one way or another. And so, enter Matt Gaetz with his plan. From the files of, “It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.” Some recent polling indicates Ron DeSantis has spent more opportunity and treasure as a frontrunner, to place third in a national poll than any other candidate in history. DeSantis is being edged out by Vivek Ramaswamy. Losing out to a candidate when they can’t even pronounce his name, but still prefer over DeSantis. “Oh, those things that could have been my friends which are so far away now.” DeSantis is done and there is no saving him. He’s a flame that burned oh so bright and burned oh so quick and burned out oh so fast. Ron has electoral dysfunction. He had every advantage you could have with an early lead and rode it straight into third place. Have you ever heard of a frontrunner consistently dropping in the polls suddenly coming back for a surprise upset victory? Nope, me neither. It’s that personality issue thing again, isn’t it? The voters DeSantis is trying to woo are Trump voters. And he’s not wooing them, and the Fuhrer bunker flamethrower rhetoric is turning away non-Trump voters. He’s doubled down on doubling down on his culture war and it’s not working. Everything DeSantis has done has only reinforced the image of the bully and a petty tyrant. It isn’t Ramaswamy gaining ground, DeSantis starting to melt like Frosty the snowman on a hot summer day. Remember in a race among rocks the tortoise always appears swiftist. Circling back around to what are the Republicans going to do? If some unforeseen occurrence deprives Trump from office or exposes him to public rejection . It leaves a giant hole filled with tiny, little candidates. Most not even polling in double digits in a party of Hatfield’s and McCoy’s ready to start feuding again over Trump. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” ― Mark Twain [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/12/2186819/--Matt-Gaetz-Has-a-Plan Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/