(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday [1] [] Date: 2023-08-15 Energize An Ally Tuesday That darn kid is at it again. March For Our Lives co-founder David Hogg, freshly graduated from Harvard (already?), is on to a good idea and needs us to help get it off the ground and soaring: Badass young people have a habit of being underestimated—and I have a habit of scaring the shit out of Republicans by proving that, while we might be young, we are powerful. That is why today, myself and Kevin Lata, Rep. Maxwell Frost’s Campaign Manager and 2022 Campaign Manager of the Year, are launching Leaders We Deserve—a grassroots organization dedicated to electing young leaders to Congress, and especially our State Legislatures, across the country to help defeat the far-right’s agenda and advance a progressive vision for the future. Leaders We Deserve will work in partnership with a stacked Advisory Board, including Maxwell Frost, Justin Jones, and other influential leaders. Our political system is stacked against us, but incredible young leaders have fought back and beat the odds to get elected to office. It’s time to take more young people from movements like March For Our Lives and elect them to office to be the leaders we deserve. But grassroots support is what moves the needle, and it’s what we need from you today. See more about Leaders We Deserve here. If you like what you see (C&J does!), you can help build the foundation for a new groundswell of young, smart, enthusiastic leaders on the American stage at their ActBlue donation page. Bonus: give $50 or more and they’ll clean their room. Cheers and Jeers for Tuesday, August 15, 2023 Note: Cheers and Jeers is now 100% recyclable. Just bag up your pixels when you’re done reading it and leave them by the curb along with your regular recycling. We’ll use them in the production of tires, roofing material, ferret earmuffs and semiconductors. Together we can make a difference. —Mgt. - By the Numbers: 3 days!!! Days 'til the next Blue Moon: 15 Days 'til RibFest Chicago: 3 Year-over-year drop in lumber prices: -29% Average value of pay and benefits UPS drivers will earn under their new contract: $170,000 Rank of Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and Boston among cities in the U.S. with the highest consumption of alcohol per capita: #1, #2, #3 Years since the first "Got milk?" TV ads debuted: 30 Current ocean temperature off the coast of Portland, Maine: 69 F - Puppy Pic of the Day: New sister… - CHEERS to getting the inside scoop. The reason you read C&J every morning is clear by now: you want to know the facts, just the facts, and you want 'em quickly and definitively. We are here to not disappoint you! Moments ago I got off the phone with an authentic Georgian to get the latest on the Fani Willis indictments. This is a rush transcript: "Any indictments yet?" "No." “Yes!” "How about now?" "No." “Yes!” "Maybe later today?" "Maybe." “No, I said they’re out NOW!” "Definitively maybe?" "Possibly definitively maybe." “I said YES!” "Just checking one more time: have indictments been handed down in the space of time between when I asked my previous question and right now?" "No." “Yes, dammit! Yes Yes Yes Yes Yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!” "You sure about that?" "Yes." [Stabs self in head with sword, dies] I’m already not thrilled with this Fani Willis lady. I was at the rewrite desk for six hours. JEERS to an unwelcome mix of carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen, and oxygen. We haven't said much yet about the wildfire that decimated Maui, mainly because the damage is so widespread and severe, and the unfolding events so rapidly evolving, that things become out of date quickly. Here's the latest from NBC News a week after the inferno tore through the island: ● Specialist teams are searching through Maui's charred ruins for those who are still missing, with only 3% of the affected area having been searched as of Sunday. ● The confirmed death toll rose to 96 early Monday and is expected to increase. Surreal. ● The number of deaths means the fire, which devastated the town of Lahaina, is the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history, surpassing the 2018 Camp Fire in California, which killed 85. ● Hawaii Gov. Josh Green said the damage was estimated at close to $6 billion. He said the fires were likely to be the largest natural disaster in the state’s history. ● FEMA has over 250 personnel on the ground. Donations for affected humans (recommended by Gov. Josh Green): The Hawai'i Community Foundation's Maui Strong Fund. Donations for affected pets: Maui Humane Society. Donations to stop Republicans from making things worse by spreading conspiracy theories and blaming Joe Biden: just send straightjackets directly to Bedminster Resort in New Jersey. CHEERS to VJ Day. Seventy-eight years ago this week, America was celebrating the end of the war in the Pacific. Our youngest W.W.II vets are now 95 or older, so today it's our pleasure to slip a nip 'o scotch in their Ensure with a wink and a "thank you"—that was a war that needed to be fought. Interesting side note: the Afghanistan war that, lest we forget, President Barack Obama started in 2001 and President Joe Biden ended in 2021, dragged on sixteen years longer than the Second World War. Not that we're counting. Mainly because back in 2015 we ran out of fingers to count. - BRIEF SANITY BREAK - - END BRIEF SANITY BREAK - CHEERS to an artery's worst best friend. 112 years ago today, in 1911, obedient and properly submissive American housewives across the country swooned to the sound of Crisco (short for "crystallized cottonseed oil") glopping into their frying pans and mixing bowls as Procter & Gamble brought it to market. Also an excellent lubricant for helping you slip through heating ducts while robbing casinos. Even over a hundred years later, Americans still love it because it lets them enjoy so many sinful foods. And cardiologists love it because it lets them enjoy so many brand-new Porsches. JEERS to Captain Cloggy Ears. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate RFK Jr. is in full idiot-control mode after his disastrous appearance at the Iowa State Fair last weekend during which he came out in favor of a nationwide abortion ban. After receiving blowback, he released a statement clarifying his position. In the interest of fairness, we're posting it here in its entirety: Today, Mr. Kennedy misunderstood a question posed to him by a NBC reporter in a crowded, noisy exhibit hall at the Iowa State Fair. He misunderstood it because elements of the deep state had secretly implanted microchips in his brain while he was sleeping, and used 5G towers to send signals that forced his mouth to say things he didn’t really mean. This outrageous abuse of cranial privacy is worse than the Holocaust and we intend to press charges once we figure out who to press them against, but you can bet Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and that Fauci guy will top the list. Mr. Kennedy’s position on abortion remains firm and clear: Muskrat cherry motorcar vacuum cleaner purple tool shed on the half shell in the DAMMIT THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN STOP IT DEEP STATE STOP IT!!! Well, I don’t know about you but he's got my vote now. - Ten years ago in C&J: August 15, 2013 CHEERS to votin' day. Okay, New Jerseyites. Time to go to the polls and pull the lever (or whatever you do in your voting booths) for your choice to be the Democratic candidate in the October special election to replace the late Frank Lautenberg. Your choices: Newark Mayor Cory Booker Congressman Frank Pallone Representative Rush Holt Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver. (The GOP will be voting for…oh does it matter?) If Booker goes all the way—as seems likely—he'll become the first person in history to reach the Senate by using a new campaign tactic called "rescuing anything that's not nailed down." Karl Rove is watching…and taking notes. [8/15/23 Update: Congratulations, Senator Booker, and welcome to the Decade-on-the-Job Club.] - And just one more… CHEERS to a big pain in Trump’s ass. Happy Birthday, Rep. Maxine Waters, Democrat from the Great State of One Fifth Of The World’s Economy! The most senior of our black members of Congress and chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee turns 85 today. Waters has never been shy about speaking her mind, and she saves her biggest barbs for Cadet Bone Spurs, and it’s a pleasure watching her fire her rhetorical arrows with a joyous Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! right where it hurts the most: his ego… "The most deplorable person I've ever met in my life." "Don't forget, this unpatriotic president was unwilling to fight for his own country, using deferments & bone spurs to dodge military service." "A bully, an egotistical maniac, a liar and someone who did not need to be President." "He doesn't care about anybody but himself. He's earning money on his golf clubs, hotels, and Trump Org deals while skimming Americans' money." “He claims that he's bringing people together but make no mistake, he is a dangerous, unprincipled, divisive, and shameful racist.” … “Trump has made it clear—it is now the White Supremacists' [White] House." "When I get through with Donald Trump, he's going to wish he had been impeached." For your daily Moments of Maxine, follow her on Twitter here. Happy birthday, Congresswoman. Remind me to never get on your bad side. Have a tolerable Tuesday. Floor's open...What are you cheering and jeering about today? - Today's Shameless C&J Testimonial “Despite the immense trust that hard-working American mothers and fathers have placed in Cheers and Jeers, Bill in Portland Maine has discarded his long-held family-friendly marketing approach to politicize and sexualize his kiddie pool.” —America First Legal - [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/15/2187028/-Cheers-and-Jeers-Tuesday Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/