(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Update On Trump Lunatic Who Screamed At Me On The Phone. He Is Victorious Over The Gov't! [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-08-16 I want to thank everyone who read my latest personal diary concerning the Trump lunatic who screamed and hurled abuse at me over the phone. For those that haven’t read my diary entry, the long and short of it is that a business owner was furious that the U.S. Census Bureau had gotten the name of his business wrong on a mandatory government survey he had to fill out. We were off by one word, and because we had not fixed this error, the government was harassing him. It was during this tirade that I found out he must be a Tucker Carlson fan. Anyway, there is an update on this “gentleman.” Because I reported this issue to higher ups, the U.S. Census Bureau has corrected the error in his business name. We are sending out a NEW LETTER with the correct business name telling him that he is late in filling out a MANDATORY SURVEY from the U.S. Census Bureau and has 10 days to get it in. He can now claim victory for “hurting my feelings” in order to get this situation fixed. Please see diary link for “hurting my feelings” BS. I want to note again that not every survey the Census Bureau sends out is mandatory or has to be done online. It is only with some economic surveys in my section of the Census Bureau that respondents have to respond to mandatory surveys, and we are requiring that they do those surveys online. What happens if a respondent does not comply with a mandatory survey? In my section, we note the refusal and send it to the DOJ for any fine enforcement (up to the DOJ, and fines go up to $5000 with thia specific survey I am working on). Anyway, the asshole still has to fill out the survey. And by the way, I placed everything that happened over the phone in the case notes. I am required to do this with all incoming phone calls, but I’m good at listing all the details in a case file. And I already had to list him as a refusal because of the incident over the phone. My point is that all of this could have been avoided IF he had worked with me on the phone. I would have been glad to have sent a message to my supervisor that we had the wrong business name. And he could have fixed this himself in the remarks section of the online survey. Instead, I got to hear a man scream about political harassment and making racist comments over the phone, all while he insulted me personally. So why the latest update? It’s because I got ANOTHER ABUSIVE CALLER ON MONDAY! This time it was from a caller who was extremely sceptical that the economic survey we requested he fill out was a SCAM. In fact, he was ready to “take this to his lawyer and let him deal with it.” Once again from the start of the call, the respondent asked me a snide question “Do you know how many businesses do ________ in the U.S.?”(Title 13 data for the underlined). To be honest, I told him I didn’t know. I went into the steps of opening his case and trying to alleviate his suspicions that I was a scam artist. He reluctantly did this. By the way, he stated he lived out in an area where there was no WiFi access, and he stated that his cell phone barely worked because of the remoteness of the area. This was an issue because one of the ways I have been trained to use to prove I work for the U.S. Census Bureau is to tell the respondent to go to the Census Bureau website and go to staff directory. He could then enter my name and see my contact information. OK. Fair enough. He said he couldn’t do that. I go back to my training and state that there is a number (an ID) that should prove that I am with the government. And it was a number I used to open up his case. Supposedly, it’s a number that is assigned to businesses by the federal government. He starts yelling at me that the ID in the letter was THE WRONG NUMBER FOR HIS BUSINESS! I asked him then how is it that I could pull up other information then? He said that is public information. And because that was not the correct ID number, I must be a scammer! I was losing my cool by this time, and I asked him with raised voice, “Sir! Please use your phone and try to go to this website...” It’s at this point that the conversation went downhill rapidly. Caller: “I’m not going to do anything for any PISSY ASSHOLE like you!” Me: Sir, I am trying to convince you that I am legitimate! Caller: “YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF!” Caller is on a rampage now. “I’M NOT FILLING ANYTHING OUT ONLINE! IF YOU WANT THIS FILLED OUT, YOU SEND SOMEONE OUT TO ME! WHAT IS YOUR NAME?” I provided him my name again, and I told him I was hanging up. Frankly, I have no real idea if the caller lives in a remote area. My supervisors are much more cynical than I am, and they hear every trick in the book in order to avoid filling out any mandatory survey. Given the callers bad attitude, It wouldn’t surprise me that he has a perfectly fine WiFi. But here is another one of those situations were the caller fucked himself. If someone does state they have no computer or internet access, I can as a last resort TAKE INFORMATION OVER THE PHONE! I have done this for multiple people, but it’s a last resort. Sponsors for the survey I am working on hate when we do take information over the phone because it’s only 4 questions versus over 30 with the online survey. But if the respondent is going to REFUSE to fill out the survey because they have no computer, I can take the information over the phone. Better some information than a refusal and possible fine. Anyway, it seems I am too diabolical for some. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/16/2187523/-Update-On-Trump-Lunatic-Who-Screamed-At-Me-On-The-Phone-He-Is-Victorious-Over-The-Gov-t Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/