(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Thursday 8/24 Post Debate Good News Roundup [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-08-24 While eight R candidates got ready for last night’s, um, debate? Slangfest? Whine and cheesy anti-wokeness? Nine of the 19 indicted conspirators in Georgia have turned themselves in, and Trump is scheduled to do so today. I hope none of you engaged in any drinking games during the 9 pm debate. You could really do yourself an injury that way. Or, if you did, you took the advice I have seen posted around here to limit yourself to one six-pack or one bottle of wine, and only drink to the FIRST instance of anything cringeworthy. Live coverage: First Republican debate One of the first things they did was run a clip on ooh, scary Bidenomics. Joe Biden Brings Out His Creepy Whisper: "Guess What? [Bidenomics] Is Working!" Well, then. If they are going to run ads for us rather than let the candidates speak bloviate, I have no worries about the rest. Ron DeSantis: America is in decline. Reverse Bidenomics. Chris Christie: We have to sell these ideas. Tim Scott: I voted against spending package after spending package. (But not the Trump tax cut, which he brags about supporting) He also lies about having low unemployment at the end of Trump’s term. Vivek Ramaswamy: Hand the keys of the car to a new generation. (Yes, the one that is two-thirds against Rs) Unlock American energy. Drill, frack, burn coal, and break nuclear. Go to war on the Federal administrative state. (and superPAC puppets) Nikki Haley: The $2 trillion covid bill is the problem. Republicans did this to us. Trump added $8 trillion to the debt. Our kids will never forgive us. Mike Pence: I am incredibly proud of the record of the Trump-Pence administration. (including 3 SCOTUS appointments for overturning Roe) Brags about attacking Social Security and Medicare. Doug Burgum: We’re spending too much on energy (gasoline) because of Biden policies (that actually lower energy costs) subsidizing Chinese battery makers. (four Pinocchios) Asa Hutchinson: I’m a pro-life governor. I cut taxes and “shrunk” the size of government. Nearly all of this is Friedmanite Market Fundamentalism, as I am going to explain in one of my economics book Diaries next week. Except for the parts that are just racism and bigotry and such. Questions to whole panel: By a show of hands, if Trump is convicted but still becomes the nominee, which of you will support him in the general election? Six said yes. Christie and Hutchinson said no, as expected. Ramaswamy demanded that they all pledge to pardon Trump. Pence pointed out that that requires acceptance of guilt and contrition. Polls consistently show that young people’s number one issue is Climate Change. How will you as both President of the United States and leader of the Republican Party calm their fears that the Republican Party doesn’t care about Climate Change? Alexander Diaz, from Young America’s Foundation Martha McCallum tried to ask for a show of hands on who believes that human behavior is causing Climate Change (aka Anthropogenic Global Warming). DeSantis barged in to bloviate about bias in corporate media, so there was no answer given to this challenge. I’ve heard enough. The GQP lost this debate hands down. Abortion. Criminality. Climate and renewable energy. Social Security and Medicare. To Hell with Gen Z. Conspirators Booked in Fulton County Ultra-crooked, disbarred lawyer Rudy Giuliani Legal fantasist Sidney Powell Coup plotter John Eastman Triple coup memo author Kenneth Chesebro Hapless lawyer but willing plotter Jenna Ellis GA Trump attorney Ray Smith jr. Former Coffee County party chair Cathleen Latham Fake elector and party official David Shafer Fake elector Scott Hall Mug shots have been published, to much pointing and laughing. That leaves nine more for today and Friday. Enjoy. I’m passing over our usual sources of Good News, which I posted Tuesday in our Emergency Potluck GNR. Feel free to mine them yourselves. This is too good to pass up. The Billboard Wars Who says Democrats can’t message? I know, I know, the usual suspects. Well, we are learning that [Grokking Trumpists:] We are Not Helpless before These Losers, since we are no longer in the minority, while they put out some of the best ads going for us. I have collected a schadenfreudilicious selection for your edification and amusement today, and I expect you can find more. Schadenfreude Götterfunken Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken Himmliche dein Heiligtum. Ours These went up outside the Republican debate venue. x Lot of Dark Brandon in Dem debate counter-programming, these are on billboard screens around Milwaukee pic.twitter.com/lNJSGry1Wl — Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) August 23, 2023 x Rep. Jeffries saw you on MSNBC here's my idea of how to show voters what President Biden & Dems are doing for Americans. Billboards big & visible! pic.twitter.com/bmdnREqd0C — Caryn Busse (@CarynB_Chicago) August 17, 2023 x ICYMI: We launched a billboard campaign to make sure West Virginians know about Jim Justice’s shady business dealings and refusal to release his official schedule. West Virginians deserve to know what he’s hiding. #WVSen Learn more at: https://t.co/bXl5lJsaVj pic.twitter.com/ytntV1nMBI — Senate Democrats (@dscc) August 21, 2023 x Fort Worth Atheists Launch Billboard Campaign. Lawsuit Continues.:https://t.co/tMoRPoYojI — Mwaqar (@WaqarM2024) August 21, 2023 Aw, atheists hurt Christianist fee-fees. It just says Keep God out of our public schools. which has been the law since Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962). Theirs These are wonderful ads for activating more of our voters. x Joe Biden & Kamala Harris feature in 'Dumb and Dumber' billboard; netizens divided #REPUBLIC @republic https://t.co/xk2ixx2o0t — Peter Palumbo (@PeterPalumbo1) August 22, 2023 Dumb is code for “Woke Soshulist” in current R-speak. x NEW AD CAMPAIGN: The @NRCC reminds voters who to blame for skyrocketing gas prices - House Democrats. Billboards will appear next to gas stations in 21 targeted swing districts as gas nears $4 a gallon. https://t.co/c1Epue1IRA — Will Reinert (@willreinert) August 22, 2023 Democrats don’t have to put up billboards on this. Every gas station in the country is doing the job for us. x NEW: The National Republican Congressional Committee (@NRCC) announced a targeted nationwide billboard and digital advertising campaign today - aimed at holding U.S. Rep. @DarrenSoto “accountable for skyrocketing gas prices.” MORE: https://t.co/dQIdZykmzK — Amber Jo Cooper (@AmberJoCooper) August 22, 2023 Also x President Biden mocks Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) for touting the bipartisan infrastructure law after voting against it: “To no one’s surprise, it’s bringing along some converts ... Tuberville, senator from Alabama ... Now he’s hailing its passage.” pic.twitter.com/aSNv9BWFnV — The Recount (@therecount) June 28, 2023 International News Notes Both the Russian and Chinese economies are reported to be imploding through militaristic mismanagement. Turmoil in China -- a Greater Threat to World Order Than Trump? Argues that the military installed Xi, who turfed out everybody involved in Deng’s earlier economic reforms, so that nobody has the slightest idea what they are doing, and it’s all falling down now. The BBC has reported that Wagner Group owner Prigozhin likely died in a plane crash in Russia. Or did he? Conspiracy theories abound. Ukraine will get dozens of F-16 fighter jets. Numbers and timetable are uncertain, but some information is emerging. Africa is preparing for a possible war on the coup plotters in Niger. Niger, the military junta: "Two countries are preparing to attack". Mali and Burkina Faso express solidarity with the coup plotters Science! Animals! Weirdness! x James Webb captures breathtaking view of Ring Nebula in new imageshttps://t.co/iDKHZ8yEIQ #jwst sent from #socialchamp — Thomas Skennerton (@TferThomas) August 23, 2023 x Eastern cleaner clingfish eat parasitic isopods which live on larger fish. (Photo Rowland Cain) pic.twitter.com/8bR1WFgGtE — Weird Animals (@Weird_AnimaIs) August 23, 2023 From the Very Large Telescope in Chile: x Featured Image: A New Einstein Cross https://t.co/YuudS5bFUl — José Ig. Rodríguez - EB1LO 🇪🇦 (@EB1LOnacho) August 22, 2023 Nudibranchs are molluscs that lose their shells when they mature. x An amazing nudibranch from Indonesia! Its horn-like structures (rhinophores) help locate food. (Photo Tim Laman) pic.twitter.com/aOwJgSsnVc — Weird Animals (@Weird_AnimaIs) August 22, 2023 x The spectacular Saturn Nebula emerges from the darkness like a series of odd shaped bubbles, lit up in pinks & blues. The colourful image was captured by the powerful MUSE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope, as part of a study to know their strange shapes & symmetries. pic.twitter.com/P1WQ479KvF — BN Adhikari (@AdhikariBN) August 14, 2023 x This was a long process but the work is finally completed and officially out! Thank you to many great collaborators! Novel insights into the role of long non-coding RNA in the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum | Nature Communications https://t.co/vnto5LSJNW — Karine Le Roch (@KarineLeRoch1) August 22, 2023 x Then explain Malaria, leprosy , dengue fever, meningitis in Florida 💁‍♂️ https://t.co/eqcY1E8BX7 — HausofpettyTiktok (@HausofpettyTT) August 23, 2023 x We all need a hug sometimes.. 😊 pic.twitter.com/xZgfJDmDO7 — Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) August 23, 2023 x Cancer Research study reveals that women who drank more than three cups of coffee daily slashed their skin cancer risk. Caffeine's enzyme aids UV-damaged skin repair, & coffee's antioxidants shield DNA from free-radical harm. ☕️🍃🩺 https://t.co/JpmRBErS4W pic.twitter.com/PlUGTMj0W1 — Kristie Leong M.D. (@DrKristieLeong) August 14, 2023 Funny or Fuggedaboudit Support your local cartoonists and the striking writers and actors. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/24/2188322/-Thursday-8-24-Post-Debate-Good-News-Roundup Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/