(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday [1] [] Date: 2023-09-05 Good Morning Welcome back. Before we continue, The Lincoln Project posts a reminder... - You are now up to date. Please proceed... Cheers and Jeers for Tuesday, September 5, 2023 Note: Ninja Billy sees you wearing white after Labor Day. [ Hai!!! Judo chop!!! ] My work is done here. - By the Numbers: 4 days!!! Days 'til the start of Rosh Hashanah: 10 Days 'til the Doc Holliday BBQ Festival in Griffin, Georgia: 4 Expected 3rd quarter economic growth, according to the average estimates by Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and the Atlanta Fed: 3.1% Rank of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama among states with the top homicide rates: #1, #2, #3 Percent by which Florida's murder rate was higher than New York's in 2021, according to The New York Times: 50% Cases of Covid-19 reported daily in Maine in, respectively, July and August: 20-50, 50-150 Age of former Governor/diplomat Bill Richardson (D-NM) and singer/entrepreneur Jimmy Buffett (D-Margaritaville) when they died over the weekend: 75, 76 - Puppy Pic of the Day: A lesson in focus… - CHEERS to jobs, jobs, jobs. It wasn't the blockbuster employment report of the previous month, when 5.3 billion jobs were created across seven solar systems and the unemployment rate hit -49%. (Dammit, Dark Brandon, you've gotta learn to pace yourself.) But still, not bad. 178,000 new jobs, unemployment rate steady at 3.8 percent. Some added details from Sir Billy McBride at Calculated Risk: The headline monthly jobs number was at consensus expectations; however, June and July payrolls were revised down by 110,000 combined. The unemployment rate increased as more people joined the labor force. Job growth has slowed to a somewhat more normal pace, up at a 2.3 million annual rate over the last 6 months. Job creation since 1989. But brainwashed Americans still give the credit to Republicans. The 25 to 54 participation rate increased in August to 83.5% from 83.4% in July, and the 25 to 54 employment population ratio was unchanged at 80.9% from 80.9% the previous month. Both are above the pre-pandemic levels and suggest all of the prime age workers have returned to the labor force. Ugh. I'm so bored with all the winning. [Insert 5,000 smiley emojis and 1 American flag emoji here.] CHEERS to putting on your best frowny face and getting down to business. Two more signs that summer vacation season has ended and folks are heading back to work: Congress is back in session this week and day cares are open again. There will be lots of crying and stamping of feet and screams of "Mine Mine Mine!" as a room full of whiny brats hurls childish insults and feasts on paste and magic marker fumes. And I bet the toddlers at daycare will be just as bad. CHEERS to winning a war on terrorism. On September 5, 1996, Muslim extremist Ramzi Yousef and two other thugs who masterminded the 1993 World Trade Center bombing (and planned to blow up some U.S. airliners), were sent to tiny, windowless cells for the rest of eternity. But...but...how could that be? I mean, using law-enforcement to crack the case and arrest the evildoers instead of using bunker busters and declaring World War III and opening a gulag at Gitmo for enemy combatants? I gotta lie down...this is blowing my tiny chickenhawk mind. - BRIEF SANITY BREAK - - END BRIEF SANITY BREAK - CHEERS to far-from-conventional conventions. 249 years ago today, back yonder in 1774, the First Continental Congress assembled at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia to push back against the monarchy of a mad narcissist: It was held because the colonists were very upset about the Intolerable Acts and the taxes. The Intolerable Acts were punishments that King George III put on the colonies. He put them on so the colonists would feel sorry about dumping tea into Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party. Of course, the opposite happened. We got royally pissed, revolted, formed our own country, and then thrived and prospered until we started coming apart at the seams and heading down the path to becoming a monarchy led by a mad narcissist thanks to the efforts of...the Tea Party. Oh George, you sneaky bastard. JEERS to the dick in the dock. All eyes are on the apocalyptic hellscape (and producer of fine barbeque) known as Texas today as an impeachment trial gets underway that no one thought would actually happen. The now-suspended Attorney General with a Bond villain's lazy eye (and he'd like it back, please), Ken Paxton—under indictment since the 1940s, or so it seems—is facing members of his own party in the state legislature. Many of them want him gone because he's—get this—giving them a bad name: Paxton, the state’s chief law enforcement officer, is alleged to have taken bribes and abused his office to help a pal and campaign donor, a flashy Austin real estate mogul named Nate Paul. Since then, Paxton has been suspended from office. If two thirds of the voting members of the Texas Senate find him guilty of any of the charges—they will consider sixteen of the twenty the House brought—he will be permanently removed from office. Ken Paxton In Texas, the case reflects the splintering of the Republican Party, with the far right, funded by the likes of [billionaire mega-donor Tim] Dunn and fellow oilman Farris Wilks, increasingly at odds with more-centrist conservatives funded by figures such as Houston billionaire Dick Weekley [Editor’s Note: Ha Ha Ha Ha he said Dick Weekley!!!! ] and his influential political action committee Texans for Lawsuit Reform. Basically it's a battle of wacko billionaires versus slightly-less-wacko billionaires. The winner gets 50 percent off the purchase of candidate of their choice. - Ten years ago in C&J: September 5, 2013 JEERS to America the Wide-Eyed. Pretty shocking statistic: every night nine million Americans gobble sleeping pills to help them feel drowsy enough to fall asleep. And for hardcore insomniacs, doctors recommend watching old Romney campaign videos. (Side effects may include anxiety, confusion, nausea, vomiting, retroactive retirement, craving for cheesy grits, an unhealthy fixation on the height of trees, greed, cluelessness, polysyllabic tendencies, and pathological lying. But, man, will you sleep.) - And just one more… CHEERS to yankin' 'n bankin'. The NSA has been keeping a close eye (and ear) on the Tooth Fairy, given her socialist/communist tendency to buy off children's' loyalty with free money in exchange for little more than nuggets of calcium and enamel. They've tabulated what kids get when they lose a tooth, and these days the Tooth Fairy leaves just a tad over six bucks. Meanwhile, when an adult loses a tooth the dentist leaves a bill just a tad over six Mercedes payments. Have a tolerable Tuesday. Floor's open...What are you cheering and jeering about today? - Today's Shameless C&J Testimonial It's always important to stay hydrated. After all, more than half of the human body is made of Cheers and Jeers kiddie pool water. —USA Today - [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/5/2191207/-Cheers-and-Jeers-Tuesday Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/