(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Angertainment and misleading polls causing sane Republicans to flee party [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-09-25 Everything has an expiration date: milk, bread, canned soup, the Kardashians, and it would also appear, faux outrage. During the good ole days of Rush Limbaugh-inspired angertertainment, conservatives easily fired up their base by creating a phony scandal/ event/ boogeyman to anger decent suburban White folks. Welfare Queens (yes I know Reagan started that—not the point)? Political correctness? Taxing the rich? Latinx anything? Toss out the red meat and it was off to the races! Then Trump happened, and I think the constant deluge of insanity was so overwhelming, that the rage-o-meter broke for numerous Americans, including many tried and true conservatives. Fed-up Republicans are leaving the party. I was watching the below Miedas Touch video cuz, you know, fan girl, and decided to scroll through the comments— a few of them: @bayoulafourche8770 1 day ago I was a republican since 1980. not anymore. I've watched DTs disgusting behavior all my adult life. I became a democrat in 2016. in hindsight, I should've stayed republican so I could vote in the primaries. this man has divided our family. he must be stopped. @jeanieabsher8972 1 day ago I'm a former Republican and I left in 2016 and I will not vote Republican again! I'm disgusted with the Republicans! @deegraziano3348 1 day ago I was a Republican but in 2016 I changed to a proud Democrat and I will never vote for ANY Republican again. It sickens me what the Maga Republicans are doing to our country. I pray people wake up and see what Maga is doing. @cissy7678 1 day ago FORMER REPUBLICAN …totally disgusted with what the party has become. @taraaliyeva1813 1 day ago Im an EX republican since 16...I WILL NEVER AGAIN vote for ANY of this republicans. @maggiemay8622 1 day ago It’s not just Democrats that are fed up with maga and Trump!! It’s Republicans too, they’ve had enough of this BS! And on and on and on it went… Color me all kinds of surprised! This signals that the Republican Angertainment Show that used to be so popular is about to be canceled—and we know how much Republicans hate liberals daring to cancel anything. Unless they are doing the canceling—but I digress. Republican Congressfolks are aware of this trend and are trying to pull out their old dirty tricks. Among them is the “Milk outlier polls to manipulate public sentiment” game. Yeah, that isn’t working anymore, either! Slanted polls are not accurate polls, WAPO! Have you ever created a poll on Twitter that asked questions like “What was your favorite Billy Joel Song?” or “Which Washington is a state?” Well, once proud and dignified news outlets like the Washington Post have taken these kinds of polls and used them to predict the outcome of 2024. Okay—I exaggerate, but not by much. As per Bill Palmer, another great source of liberal and progressive news: …a brand new shiny object poll showing Donald Trump beating Joe Biden by — 10 points? Outlier. Trump leading the youth vote? Outlier. It did not take long for many in the media to frantically reach out and grab hold of this outlier, holding it close, rocking it, cooing to it, and then holding it aloft for eyes to read and to see. But the trouble with outliers is that sometimes the results are SO absurd, so farcical that people know these results are indeed outliers from the start. And such was the case with this poll among many polls, the one poll many media lightweights had chosen to run with. Until — they got called out. They got called out by pundits, by readers — by pretty much everyone, and with good reason. It was not ABC’s finest moment. That is why The Washington Post — called out their own poll! And they said the words we already knew: Outlier! The Washington Post said this: “The difference between this and others(polls), as well as the unusual makeup of trump’s and Biden’s, suggest it is probably an outlier.” Great apology, Washington post! I disagree only with one word, and that word is “probably.” The word should have been “definitely.” So many polls, so few outliers. And yet, the media chose to highlight a fake poll.— Bill Palmer - Palmer Report My Substack oneangryblackchick.substack.com/... [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/25/2195466/-Angertainment-and-fake-polls-causing-sane-Republicans-to-flee-party Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/