(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . P01135809 will be lucky if fraud is the worst charge that comes out of the NY case. There's more! [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-09-26 Remember when Eric was considered the “dumb Trump” for telling a Vanity Fair writer “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia” back in 2014? Looks like daddy just one-upped him with an Olympic-level rake stomp (h/t Lex Lurker in the comments). The best part? He did it in a court document, no less! I know a lot of folks are going to enjoy how badly P01135809 gets his ass kicked in the recent court decision (caution PDF) out of New York where Judge Engoron lambasts Putin’s Cock Holster and his legal team for “persistent fraud”, “obstreperous behavior,” and “pure sophistry” in addition to discounting arguments “wholly without basis in law or fact” like those that “invoke the time-loop in the film ‘Groundhog Day.’ “ (ed: If you don’t get the cinematic reference, trust me, it’s a great film — and a legal reference that would bring a smile to Bill Murray’s face, regardless of context.) Most folks will skip the bulk of the court’s 35 page ruling and focus on the last page to gloat over the complete cratering of Fuckface Von Clownstick’s house of cards. But there is a reason you plow through the stuff — the footnotes. Sure, it’s fun to see the judge quote the Marx Brothers “who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?” in Footnote 9. But there is a piece of unexploded ordinance tucked away in footnote 10 that has the potential to blow up like nothing we have ever seen before in American history. That’s not hyperbole. The screen capture from p. 20 is part of the court’s deriding P01135809 for his magical valuations. The key point? He [P01135809] also seems to imply that the numbers cannot be inflated because he could find a “buyer from Saudi Arabia” to pay any price he suggests.10 Unlike Eric’s hapless admission to Vanity Fair, this is not something one can later recant. It’s from a legal deposition (NYSCEF Doc. No. 1363). This is an oddly specific claim, and the implication of this claim did not escape the court. That is why there is a footnote attached. Footnote 10, on page 21, refers specifically and explicitly to this apparently incriminating comment as follows: “This statement may suggest influence buying more than savvy investing.” Not to put too fine a point on it, but that is what weapons-grade understatement looks like. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/26/2195675/-P01135809-say-the-darndest-things-when-he-gets-stressed-I-mean-REALLY-stupid-stuff Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/